The Mystery Priest Said, “I Will” – a Prophetic Call to a Dying Generation

Last week a mystery priest came forward to pray for a young woman in critical condition from a car crash. Is this heaven summoning the Church to step forward in increased prayer for a generation in critical condition?  I believe so…
The news reported this incident last week when Katie Lentz, a young woman from Illinois, was involved in an automobile crash that left her vehicle crushed with her lying beneath it. Rescue workers were unable to remove it from on top of her and she was becoming critical. The only option was to set the car upright, risking further injury.
“Though Lentz appeared calm, talking about her church and her studies towards a dentistry degree,   her vital signs were beginning to fail. That’s when Lentz asked if someone would pray with her and a voice said, ‘I will’”. It was then that a silver-haired priest in his 50’s or 60’s in black pants, black shirt and black clergy collar stepped forward from nowhere. It struck (one emergency worker) as odd because the street was blocked off 2 miles from the scene and no one from the nearby communities recognized him. (
No one from the neighboring towns recognized this stranger who had stepped forward, not only at the right moment, but prepared with a bottle of anointing oil. He began to pray openly for Katie as he used the oil. Another firefighter nearby said he saw the priest also anoint several of the workers surrounding Katie. Everything happened quickly after that. The workers pulled the car upright and removed Katie. Her vital signs not only improved but another rescue team suddenly appeared with fresh equipment and tools to further assist the operation.
When workers tried to find the priest to thank him, no one could find him.  In the 69 photographs that were taken during the entire incident, not one picture shows the priest.  Up until this afternoon (Monday, August 12) he had not been found. News reports now confirm the identity of this priest as Rev. Patrick Dowling from Jefferson City Diocese who prayed for Katie.  The initial reports pointed us to the possibility of a heavenly encounter. Even though this “mystery” has been solved, I believe heaven is, indeed, speaking. As I read this story, my spirit was stirred and moved to compassion. I felt heaven’s tug and knew that God was saying something to the Church.
It was those words the priest spoke that captured my heart: “I WILL”. Those two words speak volumes about availability, willingness and courage. In a crowd of onlookers, when a cry arose for help, a lone voice in the back spoke up and simply said, “I will”. I hear in my spirit a cry from this dying generation that is calling out for help – someone is needed to simply step forward and say, “I will”.
There is a rising generation of young God-seekers who are dying beneath a weight of crushing lies that has them trapped.  Many have been hit by the enemy’s attacks and left oppressed with battle scars and deep wounds that cannot be helped by natural means. Suicide, depression and sexual perversion are but a few of the crushing weights that have this generation pinned down and near death’s door.  The only thing that can free them is supernatural aid – prayers and healing that flow from heaven’s throne; anointing that is heaven-sent and heaven-filled.
This real-life experience is a snapshot of what heaven sees. A generation that wants to know that someone – anyone – is willing to step forward and let their faith be heard.  Someone who is willing to speak, out loud, about their trust and confidence in The One who can save, heal, deliver and set free.  When everyone else is simply looking on, curious but not ready to act, is there anyone willing to speak up?
Not only was this priest willing to step forward and pray – he had the oil. He came ready. The oil represents the healing power of heaven (Psalm 23:5). It is only heaven’s oil that has the power to totally heal and set free. It is the mark of God’s protection and power and received by spending time in His presence (Matthew 25).  As we carry this oil we become agents of healing and servants of deliverance. This oil sets things in motion for heaven to open and pour out supernatural resources and power that, otherwise, would not come. It is the oil of heaven that makes room for God to act.
I also note that Katie means “pure”.  I believe that Purity is calling out for help! The purity of God’s love and blessing of righteousness has been twisted and mangled beyond recognition by compromise and half-truths.  The heart that seeks God’s way of holiness is asking – is there a way through this?! Is it possible!? Is there a way to survive in a world that has gone crazy calling good, evil and evil, good? Is there yet life for Purity to arise and fulfill her destiny for this generation?
We, as the Church, must step forward. We have an invitation – an opportunity – to speak up and act. One voice and one response can get the world’s attention. One act of obedience can start a tide of goodness and grace that will get everyone talking, wondering and looking for the Source of Grace.  It starts with hearing the cry – listening to the voice of this generation – hearing their hearts and responding to their requests. We must be willing to say “I will”. I will pray. I will get the oil. I will speak up. I will serve. I will be an agent of healing.  I will come out of the crowd of indifference and take a stand for what I believe.  I will let you hear my prayers of faith and declarations of praise.
Then, when we have done our duty, we must be willing to get out of the way. Do not touch the glory. Do not seek the lime-light or the press. The Church has done enough of that in past days.  It is time to simply love – serve – heal – and deliver – and then step aside. This is not about promotion or marketing the message.  It is about delivering that which we have been entrusted with and allowing God to do the work.
I pray that we hear the call and then simply say, “I will”.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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