I received a series of dreams indicating how we need to be praying right now and seeing things in the Spirit. The Lord was showing me the posture we must take in our prayers and in our attitudes, especially towards the Church.
There is a remnant of prophetic intercessors and front-line pioneers who see where God wants to take us, both as a Church and as a nation. We see His manifest presence coming and awakening people to the realities of the Kingdom and bringing signs, wonders, miracles and mass evangelism. Yet, as we are praying for this time to come, there are things happening in the Spirit realm that we must come into agreement with.
In the series of four dreams, I saw a progression of thought and intent. The first dream included a baby – a large one. Though it wasn’t mine, I was taking care of it and had nurtured it to a good size, but now it had been taken away for a while. I knew this to represent those intercessors who have been praying for Transformation. It was a reminder that we who are interceding and crying out to the Lord do not “own” this “baby”. God is the author of Revival and He is the One who we must follow. We cannot stake any claims to this next Awakening because of our prayers or passion. We must continue to follow HIS lead and join Him in what He is doing – not what we want Him to do.
In the second dream I found myself attracted and drawn to a man who I knew in my heart to be my “soul mate” – the one to whom I was created for. I knew from the look in his eyes that we were meant for each other. I felt the love and passion we shared. The problem was that he was already married! When I realized that he would have to leave his bride to be with me, I was horrified that my longing for him would cloud my thinking to such an extent. I knew this to be a picture of the Holy Spirit’s relationship with the Church – His Bride whom He has made covenant with. Though there is a remnant who are falling in love with Him all over again, the Church at large has yet to receive this revelation of His heart. We can’t allow any resentment or prejudice creep in that would harden our hearts toward those we deem unfit or lacking revelation. We must allow Him to woo His Bride back to Himself and we must pray with compassion for our brothers and sisters who have yet to walk in the revelation of His love and the power of the Holy Spirit.
The third dream took place in a cathedral – another reminder of the context of these dreams. I saw a young woman enter from the back door eagerly looking for Someone. She was looking down the long aisle of this huge, dark, empty cathedral. Looking down the aisle to the left, I saw through the shadows another woman appear. I knew her to be an intruder – someone that didn’t really belong, even though she was dressed in a business suit. She came to the young woman at the back and hit her on the head dropping this young woman to the floor. The intruder then started to drag the unconscious woman down the aisle, though she struggled due to walking in high heels! The young woman started coming around, but instead of trying to free herself, she started to converse with the other woman who was dragging her away. It seemed they were familiar with each other.
This is a picture of the struggle we see in the Church at large. We have become so FAMILIAR with certain traditions, beliefs and mindsets from years of practice, that we can’t see the Religious Spirit for what it is. These two women looked very similar in their outward appearance, yet they had completely different agendas. This Intruder wants to render us unaware and ignorant of the Father’s heart for His Bride and seeks to “hit us over the head” with traditions, rules and beliefs that only bring bondage. The Religious Spirit even wears heels (knows how to look the part!) Instead of trying to REASON with this Spirit, we need to GET FREE. It starts with recognizing the attitudes within our own hearts and getting rid of anything that even LOOKS religious. We are being encouraged to dig deeper in our own hearts to make sure we are not still attached to this Familiar Spirit.
The last dream revealed the angelic assistance that has ALREADY been engaged in this pursuit of spiritual Awakening. I saw a team of guys preparing a rescue raft. They had just finished one assignment and were getting ready to head out on another. They had set certain riggings on the raft and when I indicated my desire to check them all out, they cautioned me since my tampering could disengage everything that’s already been set. Then, I saw that the leader’s face was covered in mud. Knowing that these rafts were designed to flow easily on lots of water, I realized that he had been to places where there wasn’t much water – and headed to another place that was the same. From the resolve on his face, however, it was evident that he and his team were designed and equipped for this and they just needed to do their job.
This last dream was a reassurance of heaven’s help that is at work, even now. Sometimes, in our desire to “press in” through our prayers, we forget that sometimes we just need to step back and wait. We don’t need to try and manipulate our prayers or over-analyze them. The Lord has already been speaking about things coming into ALIGNMENT and sometimes this means that the breakthrough we are looking for may not be delayed because our prayers aren’t working, but because there are OTHER factors we can’t see. We need to trust heaven’s strategies and learn when to step back and let them do their job! Spiritual warfare is not our job – it’s theirs. Our role is to watch, listen and agree with heaven. We STAND on His Word and promises and speak them back to Him. Then, we let the Holy Spirit lead the armies of heaven to accomplish and finish the work.
I also believe that the Church has been pretty “muddy” regarding TRUTH! Until we stand up for righteousness and holiness, the Bride will not be spotless and pure. We need to pray, especially for leaders to be washed by the water of the WORD to teach the uncompromising principles of God’s heart. Things need to be cleared up! As the Church goes – so goes the nation.
He is listening to our prayers and intercession and is responding. Just because we can’t see the full manifestation doesn’t mean anything. Just as Daniel had to wait 21 days before he realized the effects of his prayers, so we need to continue steadfast and trust in the Lord. There are things we still need to get free of ourselves in order for Him to come dwell in His fullness. He is giving us time to take care of these issues of the heart while assuring us that He is doing His part. He has already committed Himself to this and He won’t stop until the rescue mission is complete.
4 Responses
Just read this today and noted it was posted in 2013, but it is spot on for this short season before the Bridegroom comes to “harpazo” His Bride to His Father’s house…
Hi Wanda I don’t know if you look at comments or answer them, but I was drawn to your posts from the charisma news site. I was wondering if you believe that the bride of Christ is lost in the way that they have strayed from the Lords commandments and he’s trying to get them to go back. I feel He has been telling me that their harts are hardened to his calls and a big message is about to be sent so they will see and finally understand.
Yes I do look at the comments and try to respond:-). I agree that the Bride (Church) has lost its way. I believe this election process has been a part of calling Her back. Even so, we’ve got a long ways to go! We are very divided right now, both nationally and as believers. The days ahead will cause believers to have to make a choice. The difference between LIGHT and DARK will become more and more clear and everyone will have to decide who they will serve. I also believe the enemy will do all the damage he can in this process. There may be some really hard times ahead, but because of a supernatural work of the Holy Spirit, we will overcome any kind of setback IF we persevere and take a stand for Him. I have not heard from the Lord regarding any “disasters” coming. All I know is that the enemy will continue to fight and attack – any way he can – but the LORD WILL DELIVER and we will overcome! Blessings:-)
Thank you so much for answering. I am new to really listening to the Lord and hearing his spirit speak to me. But the things you put on your posts are what I feel he has been saying to me. It’s nice to read post’s from others who feel the same way I do about how wonderful the Lord is and how he’s working in people all over our country. Thank you again for your answer and I’ll keep reading.