The Lord is about to release the stored-up promises of a thousand generations. Are you prepared to share your portion and give it to others who call on His name? I had a dream several nights ago where the Lord revealed His heart concerning the coming Outpouring of His glory, goodness and provision and how He wants us to steward it.

In the dream, my husband and I were returning to our old neighborhood and drove into a lot that had been ours and was still vacant. I saw the color RED and what looked like a parking lot where all the neighbors HAD THEIR OWN SPACES OR LOTS.

After a brief introduction, my husband then announced that we were going to retrieve our things from the basement and give away some money!  We went to the basement and uncovered a clear plastic box that contained A THOUSAND DOLLARS – all in cash – all in DIFFERENT DENOMINATIONS. He planned to give everyone A HUNDRED DOLLARS. We started to divide it and give it away. The last hundred dollars was short about $30-$40 so we just pitched in on our own to make up the difference.

As we were giving the money away, I remembered that the money had come to us years ago through the mail. This bag of money was actually REFUND CHECKS from the IRS that had NEVER BEEN DELIVERED.  There was an understanding that we could have kept the money ourselves without any question. However, I knew that because the MONEY WASN’T OURS TO BEGIN WITH, we could gladly give it away to bless others. In fact, it NEEDED to be given away because it was ALREADY APPROPRIATED to these people!

As I was praying for the interpretation, I specifically asked the Lord what was different about this “Word” from many others I’ve heard in recent years about supernatural provision being poured out.  He showed me several things:

1] Each of us has an assigned “lot” and specific inheritance from the Lord:
“LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” (Ps 16:5-6)
This Scripture is what gave the dream its context. The parking lot symbolized the boundary lines that God has given every individual and household. It is the reality that He knows EXACTLY who we are and what we need. Rather than hemming us in, boundary lines secure our lot and our inheritance and provide peace of mind that HE is in control.  The RED color I saw simply reminded me of the BLOOD OF JESUS and the atoning work of the cross that made this inheritance possible!

2] God has been storing up promises for a thousand generations!
“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; he is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands.” (Deuteronomy 7:9)
He is reminding us of His faithfulness and determination to KEEP HIS COVENANT of love that He has promised to those who love Him and stay faithful to His Word. The thousand dollars represents those promises and the provision that have been secured for us from generations long past. He has not forgotten His promises and He has not left us to fend for ourselves. He is about to go to the foundations (basement) of our lives to bring out every promise and provision secured for us to bring about the fullness of His Covenant. All that has been stored up for us is about to be released!

3] This Outpouring is meant to be joyfully shared and distributed freely:
“Then Moses summoned Joshua and said to him in the presence of all Israel, “Be strong and courageous, for you must go with this people into the land that the LORD swore to their forefathers to give them, and you must divide it among them as their inheritance.” (Deuteronomy 31:7)
In the dream, the cash was specifically in different denominations. I believe the Lord is reminding us that what He is about to do will cross denominational lines because this is a KINGDOM PRINCIPLE, not a DENOMINATIONAL ONE! There are believers and churches around us who will share in this Outpouring even though they haven’t been a part of the journey. God is asking us to JOYFULLY give away what He is about to do and not keep it to ourselves, for they are for ALL who love Him and have been faithful to His Word.

4] This Outpouring of Promise and Provision will be FULL and COMPLETE
The money was divided by HUNDREDS. Biblically, this number has several meanings. In Luke 8:8 it talks of seed falling on ground producing a crop ONE HUNDRED-FOLD. It means FULLNESS and INCREASE in RETURN. Abraham was ONE HUNDRED years old when Isaac was born – the fruition of a long-awaited promise.  One Hundred is also a TENTH of one THOUSAND – the same portion of the TITHE which has always represented a GIVING BACK to the Lord what is rightfully His.

The storehouse of provision that will be opened up will not lack in anything. It will be the fruit of many generations who gave themselves to prayer, fasting, waiting, watching and trusting in the Lord for the fullness of time in the Last Days when His goodness is poured out.

5] As we embrace His heart and a Kingdom perspective, we will GLADLY give it all away.
Just as the believers did in Acts when they had “everything in common” and gave to anyone in need, so the Lord would have us be conduits of this Kingdom provision. In the dream we gave of our own money to make up the difference for the last hundred. This wasn’t indicating any shortfall on God’s part, but it was an invitation for us to PARTNER with heaven in demonstrating a generous heart. There is enough hoarding in the world and unbelievers need to see heart-felt generosity from the Church without any strings attached.

There’s no question that God is about to break in and demonstrate His glory and goodness in supernatural ways in the days ahead.  The question is, will we be ready to give it away and even cross denominational lines to share it? Can we be secure enough in our own “lot” that we can give away what isn’t ours to begin with?

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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