How God is Transitioning us Into the New Year

I see three particular themes emerging at the end of this year that are key in bringing us into this next year when many of our unfulfilled promises will be fulfilled.
1) God is teaching us to listen and function TOGETHER in the gifts of the Spirit.
We are headed into a season where God is calling believers from their personal prayer closets into closer fellowship and prayer with other believers. The things He wants to show us and tell us will only be received when we are TOGETHER – not alone. His desire is to demonstrate the beauty and necessity of the Body engaging as a UNIT in the works of the spirit. For this reason, there have been some who have felt God has been “silent” or not speaking in the usual way in their personal quiet time.  This may not be due to any sin or failure, however. His seeming distance and silence is compelling us to come together and compare notes. This is His purpose – to show us just how much we NEED each other.
The gifts of the Spirit were always meant to work together – one with the other. The focus in recent years has been on individuals ministering from the platform. That is changing. It has not been wrong – simply incomplete and lacking the full maturity of the spiritual gifts. There is a FULLER REVELATION
of His heart and character that will be revealed as we learn to listen to Him THROUGH each other. Embrace it. Welcome it. Learn to draw out the best in one another’s gifts!
2) There is a Mantle of PEACE available
Last week I had a dream that I was 8 months pregnant. I had been asleep – resting – and now the attendants were alerting me that the birth was at hand – even a month early. I was being moved from a secret place to the place of birthing. They lifted me up on a horse and I wore a huge white cloak which shielded me from preying eyes that wanted to abort the promise that I carried.
This was symbolic of many who are carrying promises, awaiting their fulfillment and the angelic host at work behind the scenes. Many of these promises were conceived and carried in the “secret place” but are now being transitioned into the place of fulfillment. Even as we continue our journey we must be covered with His peace and rest. We don’t need to strive or work for the blessing but allow God’s presence to overshadow us in the process. There is a remnant of the Religious Spirit WORKING for something that’s already been finished in the spirit. God’s desire is for us to walk out of Psalm 91 which is DWELLING under the shadow of His wings. THIS is the place of safety, rest and CLEAR RECEPTION for the things to come. As we nurture a lifestyle of inner peace and His manifest presence, we will be carried to the finish line instead of trying to crawl there on our own.
The enemy would have us believe we haven’t “done enough” to obtain our blessing or inheritance. If we buy this lie, the promise will become a YOKE rather than a blessing; that which we have longed to see will become bittersweet and our hope deferred will make our heart sick (Proverbs 13:12). There have been those who have experienced this unfulfilled longing and have begun to doubt His promise. Yet, God would remind us that we will see the promises fulfilled, not because of what we do, but because of what HE has already done! It’s all about the covenant…
In the past 3 months, I have seen continued signs pointing to God’s covenant. In our own community we saw 2 rainbows appear on two separate mornings when there was no rain. One of them was a double rainbow. They appeared several days apart and it was notable to many. I have seen several women who gave birth at 8 months, unexpectedly. I see the number “8” in various forms which is the biblical number for COVENANT.
In the midst of carrying our promises – just like a pregnancy – God wants to remind us that HE is the one who will bring these things to pass. He is watching over His Word and is overshadowing the fulfillment because He ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES. Scriptures do verify that our part of the covenant is to OBEY Him with clean hands and a pure heart (Psalm 24:4). We must be alert to when we go beyond these simple commands and try to manipulate His promises or try to bring them to pass PREMATURELY.
There is a TIME and SEASON for the fulfillment of His Word.  Trust in His timing. He has not forgotten His promises and He is not slow. There are factors at work that we cannot even see or understand. He is testing our faith and resolve to let HIM have His way and keep our hands off.
As we enter this New Year, get with other believers and seek Him together for the fullness of wisdom and revelation. Go deeper in the Spirit together and anticipate new languages and perceptions of the Spirit to develop. Stay under His mantle of peace as you start each day and nurture His presence in your daily routines. Believe in His promises and know that His covenant is sure and eternal because that’s the nature of His love.
Our longing for Him has caught His attention and captured His heart. From His standpoint – there’s no going back. His desire for us is greater than our longing for Him. The water has broken and the promises we have carried are about to be birthed.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


One Response

  1. You nailed this one. You brought several things into one timely article. Thank you for putting God’s heart to words!

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