There’s a Place where Faith is No Longer Needed

While belief is the starting place for the journey to His heart, it must eventually be replaced by a oneness that only lovers can know. We will  have to die to every other thought and affection which seeks our attention.  The “rights” that we cling to – even as believers – must be laid at the cross, for there’s a difference between being a believer and a lover.
A believer thinks from his head, a lover feels from his heart
A believer clings to the written Word, a lover clings to the Living Word
A believer sees what could be, a lover sees what already is
A believer holds onto promises, a lover holds onto Jesus
A believer bravely stands in the trials while a lover silently waits in His presence
A believer works hard to keep the faith but a lover simply rests in His embrace
To be a lover is to be abandoned and free, captivated by One,
while a believer struggles to keep the pace with distractions all around.
While belief is what tells us we can stand before a Holy God,
it is Love that draws us beyond the throne and into the chambers of His heart.
Belief is no longer the measure of our value, for we have been consumed by the One in whom we believe. Instead of looking AT Him, we are now living FROM Him…He in us and we IN Him. We have become ONE, fused together, bound and interwoven so completely that we live and breathe as one.
Belief is the starting point in this journey but Perfect Love replaces faith with the reality of a union so powerful, so complete and so eternal that faith is no longer needed.
We have become ONE
…and now all things are possible.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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