Declare My Goodness!

I was awoken from the dream sensing the call of heaven to praiseā€¦
In the dream, I had been sitting in a large gathering of believers, getting ready to start worship. There were many gathered even though it didnā€™t seem very organized. Everyone was sitting and waiting. As the worship leader, I began to raise my voice to declare the goodness of God, even as I was seated in my chair. As I did I noticed the background noise that seemed to be drowning out my voice. Yet, as I lifted my voice above the distraction, I could feel the pleasure of God. I sensed there were other voices to be heard.
I invited others to speak a sentence or two of praise to usher in Godā€™s presence. Without hesitation, a young woman came to the front with her Bible in hand and lifted her voice to give praise. Even as she made her declaration, others quickly followed to line up and speak out Godā€™s Word in praise. This invitation to declare His goodness was now taking on a life of its own as hungry hearts quickly responded to the call of heaven. It would be His praises that would break through the din of noise and confusion to usher in His presence and bring order to the chaos.
I hear the cry of heaven in this hour to RISE UP from your seated positions of tarrying and waiting. RISE UP and GIVE HIM PRAISE. For the enemy has tried to drown out the praises of God through murmuring and complaining, but the praises of God can drown him out! The distractions that have come to stifle heavenā€™s praise cannot withstand the praises of a holy people who are desperate to praise!
There is a tsunami of PRAISE that has been building on the distant shores of heaven that is coming our way. Can you hear it? Just as the enemy has been crying foul and screaming in your ear, heaven has been birthing its own sound of praise and goodness. Can you hear its rumble? It can and will overcome the sound of the enemyā€™s lies and accusations. This present conflict will not be overturned through rebukes or binding. It will be overcomeĀ through those with the WORD OF GOD ON THEIR LIPS and the PRAISES OF GOD IN THEIR HEART. It will be those who have determined to riseĀ upĀ from the place of weariness and defeat to praise Me that will be given authority over the sound of the enemy.
This wave of praise has the power to open up portals and gates! The SOUND OF MIGHTY RUSHING WATERS is the worship and praise of the angelic host and the creatures around the throne of God who have been declaring the holiness of God for all eternity. As we join this heavenly WAVE of praise, the glory it carries will come crashing into our midst and bring heaven to earth.
Women in this hour carry this WORD OF PRAISE that can shatter the spirit of accusation and despair. It is a company of women who walk in honor and submission to one another and have carried MY WORD faithfully. These are they which carry the seed of praise and VICTORY as they declare my goodness even in the midst of pain.
RISE UP Church and let the praises of the Most High God be heard in the land this season. Declare MY GOODNESS in the land of the living to usher in resurrection life and glory. As you rise up and open your mouth, I will fill it.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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