Regardless of What Happens – God’s Goodness Never Changes

The forceful conviction of the Holy Spirit was unmistakable as I heard myself speak these words to the critic seated before me. “…because in the end, you can’t deny the unequivocal truth of God’s goodness. Ultimately, regardless of what happens, God’s goodness never changes.”
This is the exact phrase I heard audibly as I woke up from a short dream the other morning. An elderly gentleman, walking with a cane, had confronted a small group of us seated at a table processing the world events before us. He had come to challenge us on our perspective of God’s intervention in these dark days. Interestingly, there was a copy of the book LEFT BEHIND sitting on the table. Like many, he had come to believe that things were only going to get worse and was questioning the goodness of a God who would allow this present darkness to prevail.
As he began to question us on the reasons for our optimism, I felt the anointing of the Holy Spirit rise up within me and spoke with great conviction and passion about this unequivocal truth of God’s goodness. Though I did not expect him to change his mind, upon hearing these Spirit-empowered words, he was visibly moved and shaken. The power of God’s heart and nature crumbled his human reasoning and his own heart was being captured by Love.
The Lord often speaks in unusual phrases to point out something particular. The word “unequivocal” was very clear (and one that I’ve personally never used!). This word means “absolute”, “leaving no doubt”, “not subject to conditions or exceptions”! This is what the Lord wants us to understand. Regardless of what happens on the world stage; regardless of the increased darkness and evil; regardless of the negative reports – HIS GOODNESS NEVER CHANGES.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life” (Psalm 23:6, NLT)
There are many right now who are like the unhappy professor. They are handicapped in their thinking (notice he walked with a cane). Because they are judging by what they see and what they hear, they have bought the propaganda and perception that even God has lost hope! They have forgotten the eternal truths of His Word and character.
God is looking for someone to speak His heart! He says that His Goodness has never changed. Even in the midst of turmoil, evil and even terror – His goodness ALWAYS prevails.
In order to see this, however, we must look with our hearts, not with our heads.
We must be careful to guard our hearts and minds as we read the news and hear the reports of the enemy’s work. We shouldn’t be surprised because Scripture is clear that this will happen. (“But mark this: there will be terrible times in the last days. 2 Timothy 3:1) However, we mustn’t forget that Scripture is also clear that God’s Goodness will triumph! (“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Acts 2:17) We have the opportunities through our prayers and acts of kindness to declare and display God’s goodness and love. Now, more than ever, in a world of chaos and desperation, we can share of God’s goodness and be carriers of His Truth.
He is coming back for a glorious Bride without spot or wrinkle! This will not be a rescue mission, but a wedding celebration. Even as we persevere in prayer for the unfolding events and stand in the gap for those who are suffering, let us not forget that God is Love and will always be GOOD. Let us pray from a heart captured by His goodness and not give in to fear. Let us keep our eyes fixed on the spiritual advances in High Places as our Lord and King is preparing to come.
His goodness never changes – and that’s the unequivocal truth!

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


One Response

  1. Thanks so much for this precious reminder. Just what I needed to hear after listening to the morning news broadcast. God is good all the time. He hears our prayers and honors our standing in the gap for others. Do not grow weary in doing good. His mercy endures forever and gives us the strength to persevere this narrow path to see Him in all His glory! Miracles still happen. Be expectant.

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