There is an increased grace of the Lord this coming month to see cycles of generational wounds and conflict END, once and for all. It has already started as many are testifying to answered prayers for loved ones who have struggled for years.
Repeated CYCLES of dysfunction are being stopped as family members respond to the Lord’s promptings and initiatives. Where this has always been Gods will, there is now a tipping point of prayers where healing grace is being poured out for those who follow the Spirit’s lead and walk in love and reconciliation. God will not only break individual bondages of sin and defeat, but break bondages that have bound entire families for generations. The weight will be lifted, the curse will be broken, and the wounds will be healed.
There is also an open door for evangelism during this holiday season. Where some have prayed for years for family members and close friends to make a decision for Christ, THIS is the season to see the fruit of those prayers realized. As believers continue to pray and be responsive to the Lord’s promptings, a door of decision will be opened and it will be easy to win others for Christ. Where they have previously said, “No”, they will now say “YES!”
However, this will not happen without SOMEONE responding to the Lord’s promptings. He will use those who are being alert to His promptings and divine appointments to bring in this fruit of faithful prayers. As believers follow His lead He will bring heaven to bear upon that lost soul and sweep them into His presence in quick fashion. It is a Kairos moment and a timing of the Lord to prepare for this next season of unprecedented evangelism.
It starts in the home and will spread to the earth. Watch – listen – and respond to His promptings. His grace goes before you to bring reconciliation, healing, redemption and deliverance. It will be a foretaste of the outpouring to come…

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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