Are you Struggling to Love Others?

Are you being challenged by unlovable people and frustrated by strained relationships? During communion this past Sunday I asked the Lord to search my heart in this regard, listening for anything that would indicate something amiss. I have usually focused primarily on my relationship with Him, so was a bit surprised when He reminded me of a simple but timely truth:
To the degree that you love others, is the measure that you love Me.
I realized how I had fallen short of His heart, especially in relation to dealing with others who don’t share my values or perspective. Though I felt affirmed in my relationship with Him, I saw that the quality of my relationships with others was sorely lacking.  I wasn’t putting His love into practice. His admonition continues to grow in my spirit and I believe His Word is a call to many of us in this holiday season.
It’s time to come out of our prayer closets and into the open where His love can be put to the test. We may be “putting Him first” in our lives, but if that Love does not get translated into our relationships with others, especially the seeming unlovable, we are falling short and missing a huge part of our calling and purpose. We must switch from defensive mode into offensive mode in demonstrating the power of unfailing Love.
In this season, there is a tipping point of grace being released to bring healing and wholeness to long-term brokenness. He is healing hearts and touching long-hidden wounds from childhood. However, this will require everyone to be conduits of His love, acceptance and forgiveness. It must be more than a belief. It must be practiced.
Don’t allow past rejections and disappointments to keep you hidden in the corner. Put away those things that have served as substitutes for meaningful relationships (entertainment, hobbies, work, social media, shopping, busyness, etc.). Accept the fact that YOU NEED OTHERS JUST AS MUCH AS THEY NEED YOU.
Now is the time to make room in your heart, mind and routine, for His grace to fill you and flow through you. There will be those who have rejected you in the past who will now receive you.  You will also find a divine draw to deeper relationships with those whom the Lord has placed in your life right now. But, you must make room for them.
There is a fullness of His love that can ONLY be experienced as we demonstrate that love to others – wholly, completely and unselfishly. Regardless of their responses, as we follow the Spirit and live from His Presence and heart, we will see the fruit of this unfailing love that breaks yokes and brings the lost back home.

“If we say we have fellowship with him while we walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But, if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.” (I John 1:6, 7)

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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