I hear the cry and feel the movement of DESTINY within the womb of individuals, ministries and communities. DESTINY desires to break out and manifest her identity and purpose!  Promises forgotten, purposes buried and plans unfulfilled are crying out for restoration and rebirth. Assignments left undone or destinies on hold are being called up to active duty. It’s time! Even the land itself is crying out. The very ground of our communities and nation is longing to be “born again” in order to fulfill the purpose for which God created it.
There is a “coming home” among believers.
Those who have been distracted or disillusioned are being rekindled with a new passion and vision. Those who have been wandering and wondering are looking for “home” – that place where they first encountered God or where their spiritual journeys were greatly impacted. It is as if a divine homing device is drawing people to be firmly anchored with those they call “family”. Relationships are being reconnected and realigned to fulfill Gods purposes. God is strengthening the Body and drawing us together for greater unity and oneness of purpose…to prepare for the coming of DESTINY.
Intercession is being directed more towards the lost than the found.
A spirit of travail will manifest to some in order to feel the Father’s heart towards those who are lost. This cannot be manufactured or manipulated – it will be by the spirit of God in those whose hearts are willing to carry this burden. God is positioning those with the gifts of evangelism into strategic places with heaven’s favor on them. Roles are being redefined, leaders are being repositioned and where man has failed to see where he fits, God will do it sovereignly.
Get in sync or get out of the way.
In the last season, God was giving room for people to make a choice – the world’s system and way of doing church or the kingdom way. It’s time to choose. God’s holiness cannot be compromised. A renewed sense of the Fear of the Lord is needed to divide and distinguish between that which is of the world and that which is of the Lord. God is merciful and gracious, yet His plans and purposes will stand. For those who have not made the choice and settled their assignments and His ways, He will remove and put someone else in place. This is not judgment, simply the consequences of limited obedience.
This next season will require leadership that is decisive and determined to obey, regardless of the cost.
A humble and obedient heart takes priority over gifting and even anointing.
There is a clear separation happening between those who are fully committed and those who are half-hearted. There can be no question as to your allegiance or loyalty to the Word of God or the Holiness of God. All that is taking place around us is being used to bring us to a choice. We must settle who we are and what we believe and embrace the truths of the kingdom in order to move forward.
Yield to the Holy Spirit and set your heart to obedience. There is no need to make something happen or even “press in”. Simply listen, follow and obey. Heaven is putting things in place and preparing the way.
DESTINY is coming.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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