The Spirit of Mourning Releases Resurrection Authority

I feel the spirit of mourning and travail on the increase for a number of intercessors. We are at a tipping point as the Body of Christ and God is going to use intercessors to stand in the breach in an unprecedented way. You may ask, “Why can’t we simply declare God’s promises and purposes instead of wasting time crying over everything that’s wrong?”  Believe me, I’d much rather be the bearer of good news and prophetic promises than tell people you’re going to weep! Yet, as I have experienced this recently myself and asked God this question, He told me to look at Jesus. It’s all there. For those who are ready and willing to respond to this call, there is a level of authority and grace to see mountains move and resurrection life to come forth, even in the worst situations.
There are 3 times in Scripture when Jesus wept:

  1. He wept over Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44)
  2. He wept over Lazarus (John 11:34-40)
  3. He wept over believers (Hebrews 5:7)

Jesus wept over Jerusalem as He grieved their hardness of heart and unbelieving attitudes. He mourned their blindness and the spiritual bondage that kept them from embracing Him. He was not simply expressing sadness that they didn’t recognize their Messiah, He was allowing His Father’s unconditional love and mercy to come forth. It was from this place of His Father’s love that He also spoke His Father’s response. Because of their disobedience and unwillingness to hearken to His coming, heaven’s justice would be released through the prophesied fall of Jerusalem in 70 A.D.
Jesus wept over Lazarus. Though he was likely expressing some personal sadness for his dear friend, His weeping signified something much more profound. It was a demonstration of His Father’s grief and anguish that the spirit of death had caused such anguish and pain for His loved ones. Yet, it was from this place of extreme passion and righteous indignation that He called for resurrection power to overcome. The place of mourning had paved the way for the authority of heaven to call the dead back to life.
Jesus wept over us in the garden of Gethsemane. He was not weeping over the impending physical pain and torture he was to endure. He was grieving and feeling the deep pain in the ignorance and apathy of those He came to deliver and set free. He wept for their blindness. He wept for their coldness of heart and rebellion. He wept for the lost love.  Yet, it was from this place of deep love and mercy that He earned the right and authority to defeat death and sin. He rose in victory and pronounced final judgment on the Devil and all his hordes of evil.
In all these examples, Jesus demonstrated His Father’s heart before He issued His Father’s decrees. Our Father does not render judgments out of anger. He does not bring wrath to prove His power. The world will never understand this and until you have felt the pain of His broken heart, you cannot comprehend His justice. Jesus did not weep as a frail human being. He chose to stand in the gap, to feel the pain of His Father and be the one to close that breach of separation between a loving God and His lost creation. The power of the Father’s love released power and resurrection authority.
Though there is human grief, anguish, remorse and sadness, there is a spirit of mourning that is heaven-sent and heaven breathed. It is not of the flesh and not self-focused. It goes beyond personal experience or understanding. When the Lord releases the spirit of mourning and travail, it cannot be held back. It needs release. For those who are willing to truly stand in the gap in this way, God also releases a spiritual authority to overcome the sin and strongholds over that situation. When one truly prays from the Father’s heart nothing can hold back His divine purposes and plans!
We are about to enter a time of harvest like never before. All things are being sifted and purified. His patience and forbearance towards those who have refused His ways is coming to an end. The sheep are being separated from the goats. Justice is about to be served. Yet, it will come from a place of His love, not His anger. He longs for us to know this.  This type of intercession is not for everyone. Yet, for those who are called and respond to heaven’s initiative, mountains will be moved, kingdoms will be shaken and hearts will be turned to the only One who can bring the victory. Even for this nation, cries of “America, come forth” will be heard and resurrection power will be displayed. Be sensitive to the Spirit and allow the Father’s heart to be demonstrated in and through you. It could change the course of history.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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