Immunity Against the Spirit of Fear

Through a recent dream, the Lord gave instructions in how to face demonic levels of Fear. It is the “pestilence that stalks in darkness” (Psalm 91:6) and the Lord is showing believers how to both rest in His Truth and boldly declare His praise in these days of increased threats, warnings, and uncertainties.
In the dream I saw what looked like a living Christmas tree filled with young people tier upon tier who were held captive. I knew they represented nations (they were wearing yellow and black uniforms) and they were jumping to their deaths, one after the other. The spirits of Fear, Death, and Hopelessness had so engulfed them they decided that suicide was better than living. I saw one after the other jumping over the side, yielding to the Fear that was holding them in bondage.
Every once in a while I saw a young person stand out to recant this disbelief, only to be literally shot down by another who was not only convinced it was futile, but dangerous to others. In the midst of this darkness I was appealing to them to reconsider! Fight this thing and live!
I was then taken to a dark, cold, damp basement. I could still feel the immense Fear and Despair permeating the atmosphere. I was facing a wall with empty benches and one lone girl sitting there. I was appealing to her to reconsider her decision to give up. So many others were already gone, but she still had a chance to live. She was so close to turning, yet, she tells me she is only one – and what can one person do? I then see another female sitting to the side observing. She tells me that she will stand with me and is willing to fight.
I am suddenly surrounded by several people. I am to receive an inoculation against this “disease”. I know that I have to become immune to it, but even this inoculation could kill me. Even so, I give my right arm to it, praying for the blood of Jesus to overcome. They then place me on a blue blanket on the floor in a corner to wait. Alone now, I can only pray, hope, and believe. In time, I actually begin to feel giddy, sensing that the inoculation is having an effect.
When I wake up, I am still under the influence of this spirit of FEAR. The fear is tangible in the room as I pace and pray. As I begin to pray in the spirit, the Lord takes me to Psalm 91 and I see that my dream was an illustration of this chapter.

You will not fear the terror of night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in the darkness, nor the plague that destroys at midday.  A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at our right hand, but it will not come near you.  (Psalm 91:5-7 NIV)

I knew the Lord was giving me a chance to consider my own response if and when confronted with this level of demonic Fear. As I see myself standing in that dark place facing the wall of despair and death, I ask the Lord, “What do you want me to do? How do I overcome this thing!?”  I know I’ve been taught to rebuke the enemy, but somehow, that command seems incomplete in this setting.  It is not just that the enemy needs to leave, but that Jesus needs to come. It is not just that Fear must bow, but that LOVE must prevail.  It is not enough to raise my voice against the threat, but to change the atmosphere!
God calls me to declare His Name, lift up His praise, and declare His GOODNESS INSIDE THE DARKNESS. I realize that in God’s eyes, the size of the enemy does not matter. From God’s perspective, He does not need an army to overcome the darkness. He can start with ONE – one person willing to stand up, stand out, and lift up their voice in praise and worship; one person willing to declare His name FACING the fear instead of retreating from it.

He who dwells (sits in quiet) in the shelter of the Most High will rest (abide all night) in the shadow of the Almighty.  I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust” (Psalm 91:1-2 NIV). Because he holds fast to me,” says the LORD, “I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name (having intimate knowledge).  (Psalm 91:14, ESV)

Laying on that blue blanket in the dream represented resting on His Truth (blue is often the color of truth). I was alone because this is something that must be dealt with on an individual basis before it can have a corporate effect. As I lay there resting, His Presence changed ME and I began to not only experience peace, but the beginnings of a supernatural JOY.
The battle is not ours but His. We have an invitation to become IMMUNE TO FEAR by receiving God’s antidote – it’s the FEAR OF THE LORD. This, too, is powerful and terrifying (in the dream I knew that the inoculation had the power to kill me). Yet, it is God’s design to DISPLACE the enemy – not just get rid of him. He wants to fill us with the power of His Holy Presence – but it will cost us (I had to “give my right arm” to it). It will require us to lay down our agendas and rights and simply rest in Him.
In the days ahead, I pray that believers will find renewed strength and vision to know the power of God’s praises. WHEN – not IF – we are faced with Fear, Death, and Hopelessness, I pray we have the confidence to speak His name, knowing that He will deliver and set free. His Presence will change and transform the atmosphere and Fear will be defeated.
Wrap yourself in His Truth and learn to REST in Him. Allow the Fear of the Lord to inoculate you against this pestilence. Praise Him in the secret place and when the time comes, you’ll know what to do in the public place. Know that your praises to the Most High have the power to change the atmosphere and bring deliverance. Even nations will be delivered when just one courageous worshiper faces Fear and starts to praise.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


2 Responses

  1. The fact that God gave this dream to you and knowing your work of discipling and prophetic intercession, and you even said as a preparation for a future time. We know they will try this again. You did such a great job interpreting it, at the time! Oh but now, as people are still giving up their rights, it IS costing U.S. dearly.
    yellow & black uniforms- worker bees, hive mentality
    scripture: O death, where is your sting? + honey from the skull of the lion.

    Blue Blanket- a certain political cover-up the U.N. seated, depression or the blues of isolation from lock dwns.

    Living CHRISTmas Tree- Tree of Life versus Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, nation-wide and global impact for many fatal who suffered with the fear of death.

    So thankful that the Lord tells the deep things to you! Glad you typed out the actual dream! Such a gift to hear & know God’s perspective on the issues of our day, in this case almost 4.5 years in advance! Thank you Wanda!

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