Don’t Let the Voice of Doubt Take You Out

The paths that lie before you are unfamiliar. God is taking you into unknown territory and the enemy is now threatened by the destiny that lies before you.
Two weeks ago I had a dream where I was visited by an “angel of light”. He seemed so familiar and was like many other angelic figures I have met in dreams. However, where the others have always been known by their humility and servant attitude, this one stood out by his attractive appearance and flattering comments towards me.
In the course of this dream, he approached me three different times. The first time he commented on my youthful appearance. The next two times he made comments that caused me to wonder – one about my vision for transforming revival and the other about “the one I’m with” (meaning my husband and the Lord).  He was questioning the validity of my dreams as well as the commitment from those who say they love me. It didn’t sound threatening, but it was unsettling.
It wasn’t until I woke up and started to pray that I saw the eerie similarity between his encounters with me and the devil confronting Jesus in the wilderness. I recognized the same lure and temptation. After flattering me and playing with my ego, his “innocent” questions struck at the very core of my beliefs. Just as he did in the wilderness with Jesus – and as he does with all of us – he caused me to consider if my beliefs were truly accurate and worthwhile.
I see many believers being stirred to go deeper with the Lord – beyond current experience and comfort levels into uncharted waters. He is telling many of us to step out of the boat and do things we’ve never done before – things we never thought we could do – in order for Him to truly get the credit. There is a measure of His Presence and glory that can only come when we get past our abilities and start depending on His. Just as He called Abraham to leave familiar surroundings to unknown territory, so He is calling many to places, relationships, jobs, and experiences, that are new and unfamiliar:

You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery; In oceans deep my faith will stand… 

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders;

Let me walk upon the waters wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my Savior 

(“Oceans” by Joel Houston, Matt Crocker, Salomon Lighthelm)

The faith that God imparts to us is a huge threat to the enemy. Thus, he is visiting many to cause doubts and questions about those very things we’ve held dear. He will not tempt us with the “big” things. He will come to us in ways that actually look appealing in order to distract us. He will play on our egos and insecurities in order to gain our attention and then throw the darts of unbelief into our hearts, hoping to immobilize us from going any further.
Believer – rise up and recognize his tactics! Settle your doubts and fears and determine to quickly rebuke those voices that cause you to question God’s will for you. Recognize the power of Christ at work in you to accomplish what you never could. Regardless of your past experiences – both positive and negative – He is ready and willing to take your hand to steady you on those rising waves and shifting waters. Rather than considering what you’re good at – look at what He’s good at and step out of the boat. He has already provided everything needed – He just needs your trust.
Recognize God’s favor, grace, and blessing upon your life to fulfill those dreams He has placed in your heart. Know that any level of discomfort that creeps in can actually position you to walk in the supernatural realm where anything is possible. Don’t let the enemy of Doubt take you out. Miracles are about to happen through you. Settle any lingering questions you have and get ready to walk on water.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. (Isaiah 42:16 NIV) 


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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


One Response

  1. Recently the Lord demonstrated His power and manifested that power by allowing me to witness Him fulfilling a prophetic word given to a friend. Then, the very next day I heard voices of doubt questioning and rationalizing
    what I had witnessed and experienced just the day before! I can verify what your dream revealed is very real! The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy, so why would he just let a supernatural move of God in my life just fall deep into my heart without being challanged? The Word says to “STAND”! I know what happened and I praised God that He never changes and that He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and I thanked Him for showing Himself to me in an unusual way, and let the manifestation of His glorious power and might drop deeper into my heart that proclaims Jesus is Lord and the devil is a liar! Thanks for sharing your dream Wanda as it confirmed the enemy’s strategy to attempt to keep us in the boat by doubting the truth of God’s word or the truth of what God is doing in our lives!

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