God is currently preparing many spiritual warriors for battle. What is coming in the days ahead will require believers to be strong in faith and spiritually whole and healthy. It is time to clear the emotional and spiritual clutter in your life and deal with stored up distractions, unresolved issues, and even old wounds that are clogging up your heart.
Many of you are feeling increased spiritual warfare and demonic attacks as the enemy is going after vulnerable areas and weaknesses in your life. The focus of these battles is in your areas of temptation and struggle. The enemy’s purpose is to immobilize you and limit your spiritual authority and overcoming faith. However, the Lord wants to use these experiences to purify, refine, and strengthen you who have been on the front lines, contending for breakthrough.
The Lord brought me this word through some very practical and tangible demonstrations. I work between several computers in all my writing and administrative responsibilities. Two weeks ago my computers began to shut down. One said my current system was no longer effective and I needed an upgrade. Another one said that my Dropbox couldn’t sync anymore because my hard-drive was full. Then I was told my iCloud was almost full and I couldn’t store any more new information. Then I began to experience discomfort in my one eye because a tear-duct got clogged. Just this past weekend, we ended up having a chimney fire because the chimney hadn’t been cleaned out!
Through all these inconveniences and “attacks”, the Lord was speaking. Where the enemy was probably trying to disrupt and discourage me, the Lord was telling me to pay attention to all the “systems” that were clogged. He was alerting me to the power of unresolved issues, hurts and wounds from the past, and doubts or fears that have never been dealt with. The things that get stored up in our hearts and lives, even “good” stuff that doesn’t have any eternal purpose, can clog our hearts from receiving fresh revelation and breakthrough. Just like you “clear the cache” on your computer from previous browser activity, so the Lord is telling us to clear out the junk that’s piled up in our lives. Until we do, we will be weakened in our faith and open prey for the enemy’s attack.
For some of you, it may mean visiting old relationships that were never reconciled and choosing to work through them. For others it may mean addressing weaknesses in your life or bad habits that have robbed you of peace and confidence in the Lord. For still others it may mean digging into the Word to resolve unanswered questions or doubts of faith that have limited your authority in prayer. For many, even the daily distractions of media overload can clog up our spiritual receptors. Regardless of your personal struggles, the Lord knows how to deliver and set you free!
My husband was recently confronted with an ungodly belief from years gone by that he didn’t know was there. As he yielded to the purifying work of the Holy Spirit, God’s grace and deliverance was immediate. Though he never would have known about this weakness in his heart, the Lord confronted him with the opportunity to deal with it, thus strengthening his faith and growing his resolve.
If you are feeling under attack, be encouraged. It is precisely because God is listening to your prayers and His kingdom is advancing in your life, the enemy is digging deep and using whatever weakness or vulnerability you have to try to stop your momentum. If you can yield to the Holy Spirit and choose to be an overcomer, God will give you exactly what you need to clear up the clutter and position you for the next breakthrough.
There are going to be battles ahead for any serious believer in Christ. We must be ready. We should be able to say as Jesus did that “…the enemy has no hold on me” (John 14:30)! God wants to upgrade your battle gear and give you a fresh revelation of His purposes. Don’t let the enemy’s attacks rob you, but rather propel you to greater victory.
To the one who is victorious and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations. (Revelation 2:26)
4 Responses
awesome post I needed to hear that
It’s amazing that when you are Spirit filled and you hear or read the truth, then it just resonates so strongly with you. Practical and tangible demonstrations, as you mention, are also what I have experienced in the sense that He is showing me that not everything has to go the way I want it. It’s kind of like He is saying, so if you say you trust me then let me take charge. Maybe its an obedience thing. I have also learned that bringing something into the light is a powerful tool. Merely by speaking about something and bringing it into the light you can chase away evil that is hidden. Don’t keep quiet and conceal things and feel guilty or condemned. I have seen glimpses of evil things run in these situations.
Real wisdom and confirmation through your post Wanda! Have been taking fire from multiple directions lately. Much appreciate the wisdom here! God bless you and Bobby! Thanks!
Good word, Wanda.