Many changes are coming upon this nation in the next few months and it will get darker before My glory comes in fullness. But, do not be alarmed for we have been preparing for this time for many ages. I have been preparing the hosts of heaven and we are ready to do what must be done, what HAS to be done in order for my kingdom to be fully manifested. All preparations have been made. Get ready.
The enemy has also been waiting. This is a season of revealing, not only of My intentions for you, but his. He is now, and has always been, jealous for my glory. Since the beginning of time he has coveted my glory and will not stand down until he manifests his fullest display of power and control. He wants to be seen and seeks to draw attention to himself. He has yet to unleash his fullest fury upon the earth, but do not be distracted by his temper tantrums.  His fits may be intense but My hand is stronger and he will soon be subdued. You must not fear nor back down. Now is the time to stand. Now is the time to DECLARE MY KINGDOM COME AND MY WILL TO BE DONE.
You MUST discern by the Spirit and not by your natural mind, intellect, or past experience. The things that will take place must be seen in the Spirit in order to know how to respond. Many will miss my working. Many are already blinded by deception and a lack of truth. To those without the Spirit, things are foolish and make no sense. If you search deeply and look to the roots, you will see what I am doing and why. Greater tests will come and there will be those who will not choose wisely. Seek My Truth together from heaven’s perspective and see what I am planning.
Do not fight that which heaven alone can battle. The principalities over this nation will only be displaced when the body of Christ stands together as one. The demonic hedge of protection around Hillary can only be removed through your unified prayers and agreement in the spirit. It is not numbers alone, but the state of your hearts that will make the difference. The witchcraft at work over the land is deep and has been established through covenant agreements. In like manner, it is the covenant relationships and agreements in prayer from My sons and daughters that can overturn these wicked agreements. It starts in the home and works outwards. Do not yield to retaliation or disputes which only divide. Yours is to stand together and praise Me. It is the absolute confidence you have in Me that will pave the way for Me to do what must be done. Things are being shaken and will be shaken even more. Regardless of what you hear the world say, know that I WILL have my way and though man makes many plans, I Alone play the final hand.
I am turning over every rock and opening every closet door to reveal hidden sin and corruption. NO ONE is exempt from my purging fire! Even those who appear righteous will have to answer for their secret sins and corrupt hearts. However, do not look at the sin, rather look for their response to it. I look for those whose hearts are pliable and willing to change. Pursue repentance and a softened heart to adjust to My ways and methods. Those whom I will use in this next season are those who are willing to change and follow Me. Your strength comes from your security in ME and the Truth I represent. As you rest in My truth, so shall your heart rest secure.
Not everything is as it seems. Appearances are deceptive and Leviathan is twisting words and actions to seize control and work dissension. Communications are being distorted. Keep your channel to Me open and clear. Don’t be surprised as my working will not be what you have learned to expect. The demonstration of my kingdom that is about to come has NEVER BEFORE been seen. Do not miss it by trying to explain it or defend it. Just draw close to me and walk in the Spirit.
Much will happen this spring and summer. Get ready. Though everything around you may be shaken, I am Unshakable! Though the enemy will do all he can to overturn my plans, he will not succeed. Continue to watch. Encourage one another and learn to honor one another. Love overcomes a multitude of sins.
“Multitudes, multitudes, in the valley of decision! For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision. The sun and the moon are darkened, and the stars withdraw their shining. The Lord roars from Zion, and utters His voice from Jerusalem, and the heavens and the earth quake. But the Lord is a refuge to His people, a stronghold to the people of Israel.” (Joel 3:14-16 ESV)Â
2 Responses
Thank you so much for your faithfulness to send these words out. They are very impactful and a blessing! Paula
Date: Fri, 1 Apr 2016 13:29:38 +0000 To:
Thank you for this word. I am hearing “brace yourself” in my spirit. This is a confirmation.