I saw in my dream a family that had been fractured for years. Broken trust and wounded relationships caused them to stumble through the years and walk cautiously around each other. Hardened hearts prevented any healing to occur even though there was a corporate conscience about what should be done. Lack of godly leadership prevented them from pressing through to reconciliation and time simply passed while the family unit continued to disintegrate.
I saw a large vat – a bowl – stationed by the side of the family and all of the sudden I realized it was FULL and it finally tipped over. The contents poured forth and I knew – a season was over – things were going to change.
The bowls of intercession for reconciliation in the Body of Christ have tipped and a new season is now upon us. The years of fractured relationships and deepening wounds are now “at their fullness” (Romans 11:25). God’s grace to reconcile is here and now. It is time; time to choose and time to decide your course. It is time to forgive; time to reconcile. It is time to face your past and bring it all to the corporate altar in order to move forward. It’s time to bring offenses to the altar and lay them down.
Prayers for the Church throughout the years have now filled the bowls of intercession and they have tipped. The scales of justice are now upon us. Not our justice – but God’s. “Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” (Isaiah 30:18) Where mercy has held consequences at bay, now there will be evidence of choices made. No longer will decisions be made without any seeming outcome. What one chooses and how one walks with another will have great ramifications and bear fruit for one kingdom or the other.
Do not let past sins keep you in bondage. Now is the time to deal with unforgiveness and bitterness. Now is the time to reconcile with your brother and sister. Time is short before the fullness of the Fear of the Lord covers the land. For those who have chosen rightly, it will be a time of glory and uninterrupted fellowship with the Father. For those who refuse to repent and continue in their hardness of heart, it will be a time of great fear and uncertainty.
Before I see the bowl tip over, I see the family members turn towards one another. They are standing in a circle, hearts and thoughts postured towards one another, not away from one another. Their unified desire to find healing coincided with the shift.
Be alert and draw close to the Father’s heart for His instructions. Grace is to be found at the foot of the cross and freedom is there for those who die to self and live for Love. Draw close to the fellowship of the saints for strength is found in the bond of the Spirit. Love covers a multitude of sins and the time of healing and reconciliation is come.
For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility… His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this one body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. (Ephesians 2:14-17, NIV)
2 Responses
Timely revelation and we really need to act on it in this time and season.
Wanda this is so powerful and timely. Something I’ve heard recently from others as well, and it really bears witness. Thank you for being obedient to share.