The Lord is calling out to the prophets and intercessors to prepare for what is ahead in this next year and to work together in even more strategic ways. We are on high alert in the spirit because of the major shifts that are taking place both nationally and globally. A series of dreams I recently had on the 11th day of a 12-Day Fast concerning the Government mountain, details some of the things that ARE happening and that ARE GOING to happen. It also reveals the great need for intercessors to partner with and cover those with a prophetic mantle.
The first dream
In the very first dream of the series, I experienced what seems to be happening in the Spirit due to the voices of the prophets this past year.
I was outside working near a FOUNTAIN doing some work. I looked around the surrounding landscape and I saw many “bushes”, clumps of tangled up ROOTS, coming towards me from all directions. They were huge balls of dried up roots and branches that seemed alive and they were moving towards me as if a magnet was attracting them.
Next, I see birds. Not ordinary birds, but specific kinds with a distinct tail that I knew were from the enemy. They were trying to find a place to land on me. Lastly, I saw a group of teenagers coming towards me on the right. They were yelling at me, accusing and cursing me. It all happened very quickly but I instinctively knew it was witchcraft at work behind it all. Even though I felt hesitant to yell at the teenagers, I knew there was another force compelling them, so I yelled “STOP!” That one directive was all that was needed to halt the intrusion.
This opening dream gives the context for the rest of the dreams. It illustrates the results of our prayers and warfare in this nation. It is the prophet (and in some cases, the prophetic intercessor) who is standing by the fountain. The prophets have been uniquely gifted to lead the way in identifying and exposing the sins on this land. The fountain in the dream represents the LIFE FLOW of the SPIRIT that prophets draw from. As a result of drawing from this wellspring of revelation, many prophets who were previously hidden came “outside” – into the public arena – to “work”/prophesy during the election, declaring FREEDOM from the curse and HEALING to the land. However, in coming into the open, they have also exposed themselves to the enemy.
The clumps of bushes reveal the UNGODLY ROOTS of this nation that HAVE BEEN PULLED UP and are, even now, being displaced on the land. In God’s eyes, they are but tumbleweed, yet they are fighting back. The enemy will not give up ground easily and hell’s agents are coming to intimidate and provoke fear into those who are calling them out. In like manner, the birds also represent agents of the enemy. In Ecclesiastes 10:20, it speaks of a bird “of the heavens” that is used of the enemy to “carry your voice” to its master in order to build a case against you. I knew in the dream these were those kinds of birds. They were trying to find something to LAND ON. It is in this regard that the prophets and intercessors must be able to have the testimony of Jesus when He said, “…Satan has no hold on me.” (John 14:30). We must be sure to be “clear” of any charges against us in the courts of heaven in order to stand with proper authority.
The teenagers who were yelling represent this next generation that has been brainwashed by the spirit of the age. They are upset and angry, yet they are being driven by an agenda that is not of God. (I believe they were on my “right side” because their hearts are pure, but they are being deceived.) Before we can address their true God-given hunger and passion, we need to take a stand in the spirit and bind the enemy at work in order to open their eyes.
This too is an important point. In the dream, I only said “STOP”. I did not rebuke or engage the enemy. I believe this is a word of caution when dealing with principalities. We are told to STAND and RESIST the enemy. This was confirmed to me twice during this 12-Day Fast when the Lord woke me up on Day 1 and Day 4, both at exactly 3:22 a.m. He directed me to Deuteronomy 3:22 which says, “Do not be afraid of them; the LORD your God himself will fight for you (NIV).” As we begin to take and occupy the territory before us, we will be displacing many giants on the land. The Lord is telling us if we do our part, He will do His.
The next 2 dreams both said the SAME THING, in different ways. The Lord is showing us the power that when “even two” AGREE on something – so shall it be.
The second dream
A man helped rescue me from a bad situation. There wasn’t much detail, other than that when I thanked him for his life-saving assistance, he told me he received a word from heaven TWO TIMES in a row. That’s how he knew to help me.
The third dream
I was sitting with a group of others watching myself on a big screen being interviewed on a major TV network. The thing was – this was a “live feed”. Yet, I was also sitting in the room watching. I was in two places at the same time! In the interview, I was telling someone that I had received TWO CALLS from heaven concerning this interview.
In this SET of TWO DREAMS, the main message is to pay attention to our agreement in prayer. “Again, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything you ask for, it will be done for you by my Father in heaven. (Matthew 18:19 NIV). It is those who have been assigned to declare the truth and prophesy over this nation in this hour who will be the first targets of the enemy. It will be as if a magnet is on them, attracting the attention of the evil forces they are displacing. They must be covered in prayer, both for their clarity of purpose and potentially for their own personal safety.
In the second scenario, it is showing the reality of the TWO REALMS we live in (“at the same time”) – the natural and the spiritual. Even as I was “watching myself” it was my spirit (on the big screen) that was hearing from heaven and giving me the confidence and affirmation that I was in the right place at the right time.
I believe that there will be prophets in this next year who will not only stand out in the Church mountain, but will be SEEN IN THE NATIONAL MEDIA. What is to come will be so astounding, prophets will be speaking on major TV networks speaking the word of the Lord. However, the intercessors MUST be praying and declaring heaven’s purposes and promises at the same time. The PARTNERSHIP of prophets and intercessors is key to being properly aligned and mantled with God’s Presence and anointing. Because of the enemy’s backlash, it is the prayers of the saints that will provide the cover and blessing for others to move into position and declare God’s purposes for this nation.
The fourth dream
I was listening to executives of major TV networks strategically planning when to air certain things specifically because a large number of people would be watching at the same time. They knew they would ATTRACT something from the spirit realm with a CRITICAL MASS IN AGREEMENT. I also knew that instead of showing things at nighttime, they would specifically air things at 12 NOON because of that critical mass.
This “collective mindset” is not just another way of describing unity. It speaks to the demonic mind control that is being used to deceive and blind people to the Truth. The spiritual principle is that when there are enough people believing the same thing, IT HAS POWER TO ATTRACT – EITHER HEAVEN OR HELL. The Lord is alerting us to this reality in order to challenge us in what we agree on! The enemy is already planning STRATEGIC events in the next 12 months in order to grow in influence and power. We must be ready, to not only resist, but DISPLACE that collective mindset with UNITY IN CHRIST.
“Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you. (Job 22:21, ESV)”.
It is our collective agreement in prayer that will displace these demonic strongholds and forces that have been illegal squatters in this nation. It is also because of this power of UNITY IN THE SPIRIT that there will be a divine separation in this next year of the FALSE PROPHETS from the TRUE PROPHETS. Throughout my fast I kept hearing, “True prophets know true prophets.”
Because of the residue from years of dysfunctional prophetic understanding in the Body of Christ, there are many self-appointed and counterfeit prophets in the land. Some are simply ignorant of what it means and are acting out of desire rather than call. Others are taking liberties not given to them and speaking into fields they have not been assigned. The Lord is going to “drain the swamp” in this regard. Even as the White House is going through a spiritual cleansing, the Church is going to undergo the same treatment.
The true prophetic is not marked simply by words of encouragement or promises of provision and advancement. The prophetic is marked, first and foremost, by REVELATION. It is the prophet’s role to see and hear the mysteries of heaven and stir up that same hunger and gifting within believers (Amos 3:7). It is the call of the prophet to multiply themselves and equip the body. Those who are prophesying simply to build a ministry or personal platform and following will lose influence this next year. The Lord will increase His favor and grace to those He has mantled with the purity of heart in seeing the next generation fully empowered in and by the Holy Spirit. It is the true prophets He has called in this hour that will SUPERNATURALLY BE DRAWN to one another because of the SAME SPIRIT in which they function. The true prophets will simply know who the other true prophets are and will begin to partner together.
It is the pleasure of the Lord to see the Kingdom Age emerge as the foundation of the Ecclesia is properly established and built in this nation through the apostles and prophets. He is telling His prophets to SPEAK UP! Though there are giants in the land, we have already overcome! But, we cannot go in alone. We need each other. Everyone plays a part; apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, evangelists, intercessors, and all the other parts of the body! May we enter this season with eyes open, hearts aligned, and prayers ready to agree with God in order for heaven to truly come to earth.
8 Responses
I am listening! May the LORD show me and help me be alert… and pray; You are in my heart, Wanda!
I’ve had dreams about the election, President-elect Trump, and those plotting to keep him out of the Whitehouse. Thanks for posting what the Lord is speaking to you concerning this.
Just re-read this…so powerful & instructive. Another of your posts to pray over/into and walk in…deeply grateful, Wanda.
Abundant Blessings w Prayer,
Excellent word and timely
Thank you for this! Wonderful word of the Lord providing me with great comfort!
Very interesting to me because November 6 this year the Lord spoke to me in waking me up with these words early in the morning “do your part and I will do my part!”
Now you say exactly the same. I’m new to the prophetic and intercessory prayers. The Lord has always talked to me during the years since I became a believer with 19 and even before. But this year my Lord consecrated and set me apart to come real close to him so I know His voice better.
My mom was a prophetess and I believe I got her portion but I never really used it. I wasn’t filled with the Holy Spirit until this year. God has used me since last November some but mainly since January 6th ( when we saw in Washington DC what they did) much for intercession for this country, for President Trump and his family, for our state, for the courts, for our city, our church (unfortunately we’re still in a Baptist church that is not spirit filled) and our neighbors, and my family.
At the end of August God woke me up early to pray for the Afghanistan Christians and I cried much. It came from deep out of my heart. Then He gave me prophetic words for these Christians from Isaiah. Since then I also pray for other Countries especially Germany of course, where most of my family lives.
We’re a German homeschool family who moved here to the United States 2008 because of persecution in Germany. I’m so thankful to God that He brought us to America. We feel very blessed.
Yes I feel called to pray for you Wanda. I still remember one of your dreams about the prophets being beaten down from everyone with boards. This dream was stuck in my memory and so touching for me. Many times I thought back to it this year when I listened to the prophets!
I’m willing to be your prayer partner if you don’t mind the language barrier. My English is not as good as my husbands but all the more I have to depend on my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.