Urgent Prayer from Now Until the Inauguration

– A joint word from Bill Yount and Wanda Alger
(Wanda) Bill Yount and I feel led to share this word together due to an unexpected drawing of the Holy Spirit.  I had just posted earlier in the day how the Lord was going to start drawing various prophets together in the coming days due to a heightened sensitivity to the Spirit. The Lord had shown me a coming collaboration that would be divinely orchestrated by the Spirit. The principle of being of the “same mind” and “same spirit” will draw prophets together in unusual ways where they will find themselves not only thinking the same thing at the same time, but find themselves honing in on the same spiritual beacon. This is to not only draw from one another’s strengths, but to demonstrate the power of unity and agreement in the Spirit.
I wasn’t thinking about this when Bill first contacted me, but as we began to process together, I suggested a possible collaboration. It was then that he wrote back, “I can’t believe what you just said!” He had been thinking the same thing before he even contacted me.
We believe this word is a prayer alert from the Lord to be on watch, especially from now until the Inauguration. Intercessors have been sensing this same burden, as well, and this word confirms the need for heightened prayer at this time. Bill will share his word and then I will share the part the Lord gave me.
(Bill) As I awoke this morning…
Something bothers me concerning this election. My Spirit is not rejoicing and I have not yet heard heaven’s victory bell ring. Are we celebrating too soon?  I saw in the Spirit this morning this election as it was taking place in a boxing ring. The enemy had fallen and appeared defeated but it wasn’t a knockout. There was no knockout punch delivered.
In a frenzy, as we turned away to raise our hands in celebration of victory, the referee had not yet counted to ten seconds, declaring the end of the fight, for the enemy had risen back on his feet, staggering, but he was up. I then heard the referee declaring, “One More Round!” The Lord then responded, “Stay in the fight till the final round,” as though the enemy was planning and saving his best comeback punch till last.
I have a gut feeling the enemy will never accept the final ringing of the bell as it declares the fight is over for this election. We are dreaming if we think the enemy plays by our rules. His fight will continue outside the ring.
The greatest deception the enemy still uses is to let us think we have won the battle so he can win the war.
I have seen football teams in a close game, with minutes left, allow the opposing team to score in order to buy time to get the football back so they can run their most strategic plays for a comeback win.
I am very hesitant to mention what else my Spirit is hearing just recently. It’s like a dire warning: ‘Pray against forty days of mourning’ for our nation.’ I am thinking, what would cause our nation to mourn for forty days? Could there be an attempted knockout punch left in our apparent weak, staggering enemy? I hope I am hearing wrong on this one.
Are we celebrating too soon?
As I felt led to share what I am hearing with Wanda, we were amazed how the Lord was speaking His heart on this matter to both of us. We believe the Lord would have our impressions to flow together to enhance and clarify what we are hearing. What follows is strong confirmation to hear the Father’s heart.
(Wanda) I shared in August that this election would be contested and that our spiritual Adversary would use every legal loophole available to disqualify, hinder, and stop the swearing in of this next president. I was shown that these attempts to disqualify the election would cause great frustration within the saints and dishearten many. Even so, the Lord’s assurance was that the case was settled already in the courts of heaven, regardless of the enemy’s temper tantrums.
However, both Bill and I are sensing the same URGENCY to cover this process by agreeing in the Spirit concerning heaven’s decision. The enemy will not give up easily in this fight for the White House. The Lord had already shown me that the enemy would use the interim period between now and the Inauguration to do as much damage as possible to this new House, administration, and those who are coming to occupy this new territory. Being a legalist, he will use this time before the legal transfer of power is sealed to do harm and rob us of our peace of mind and confidence in the Lord.
However, where the enemy wants us to think the fight is not over and that he still has some leverage, the Lord has said, “My Word is enough!”  Even as the enemy attempts “…one more round”, the Lord wants us to remember that it is His Word that ratifies and determines every court case in heaven. Regardless of the arguments presented or threats delivered, it is the Judge’s final word that settles the case, and He wants to strengthen our faith and trust in Him to do what He has promised.

“My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.” (Isaiah 46:10)

 God’s plans are sealed in heaven regarding this shift in governmental authority and He is asking the saints to TAKE A STAND AND AGREE TOGETHER that His Word and His promises are secure. We can avert and lessen any enemy intrusion by the power of our agreement in prayer. There is already a collective mindset in this land built against the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and we must displace this by our collective unity in prayer. We have been given the authority and access to occupy this territory by HIS command and that’s enough to bring the divine protection needed.
Rise up in faith and agree together that the enemy is bound and that the Word of the Lord stands over this nation and will not be revoked.  Stand in the truth of God’s victory. Do not let the enemy rob us of our spiritual inheritance and promised land! He is an illegal squatter and God has given us the authority to speak peace to the land and to this process. Stand in the confidence of a good Father whose pleasure it is for us to enter this new season. It is His JOY for us to take down the giants in the land and take our place as His sons and daughters.
Keep watch. Stand on His Word. Agree on His promises and rejoice that the victory is ours.
Follow Bill Yount at www.billyount.com 

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


17 Responses

  1. As I was reading this word and came to the part mentioning that God’s plans are sealed, I saw in the spirit a large metallic tube drop down from heaven and surround President Trump….if we are faithful to pray, God will provide the shield of protection for him. His Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen

  2. I have the same sense of urgency to keep our president elect and the electoral college in prayer. To pray for peace and unity in our land. Thank you, Lord, for inspiring your people to pray. 🙏✝️

  3. Amen! And could we also remember to pray for the peace of Jerusalem as so many eyes are focused on this interim period here?

  4. This is the time to graduate UP into the radical manifestations of the Holy Spirit. For leadership to relinquish all reigns of control into the hands of the Spirit. To corporately WAIT on the Spirit as did the First Church in the days before Pentecost. By GRACE through FAITH, the Spirit IS the Councilor who leads us into all truth. The closer the Spirit is to us, the closer the Body is to unity. Here in China, we are in FULL BLOWN Revival. Healing, spontaneous deliverance and inner healing in mass. What is manifesting? Truth! Unity! And Satan hates it. THIS is what Satan is afraid of. And so we just force him out of the way, not listening to his arguments to stop, his persecutions and the like. AMERICA! Stop doing church and start waiting on the Holy Spirit and you will walk in a new clarity of vision, authority and effectiveness. What follows will be Revival and unity.

  5. Hi wanda I have some verses that the Lord has given me that I think have to do with what is coming. First I would like to say that I also felt very strongly about supporting trump and I voted for him thinking it was the right thing to do. but I have to share a dream with you that I had. We (donald trump supporters) were running from a huge white door and behind that door was a leader of a great fraternity. And we ran for help to a great set of ladders that was dark and I started climbing then I got halfway up and I heard a beautiful voice singing Joseph and I saw a man in a colorful plaid shirt come walking up to me but then I heard a loud noise that woke me up so I didn’t get to hear what he had to say. I think the ladder was Jacobs ladder and it was Joseph in his coat of many colors coming to interpret what it all meant but a loud noise woke me up before he could talk to me. I asked the Lord again what it meant and he gave me the verse of 1st Samuel 8:18. This has made me confused about trump and the things to come. I feel that maybe we should stop praying for a specific person but instead we should all start praying for his will to be done so we know that his will will be done. Also I prayed to him to ask what should I say to people in the time to come because when what is supposed to happen does I promised him I would tell people what he wants me to say and he gave me joel 2:17. Some feedback from others who have heard the Lord voice would be wonderful. I’m not worried because I know he will watch over me. But I don’t have anyone to really talk to about these things that won’t think I’m crazy. And also please pray to the Lord about what I said and ask him for guidance on the subject. I am very new to listening to his voice but I am getting better and I think it is almost my time to start telling others about what he has to say.

    1. I read your post and no I don’t think you are weird for that . You seem to be trying to hear the voice of the lord. I would love to get in touch with you personally and talk some. I am in south carolina I will send you my contact info

  6. I totally agree with things said in this post, and have been shown them by the Spirit in the last few months.Would like to add, for those who have received encouragement in their gifts and life purpose in the last couple of years, that this is a prime example of where to use individual talents for the walking out of God’s will in these matters. Several things God encouraged me in were used in intercession about these issues – things I had not used before and things I would not expect others to use. It all comes together at the right time.

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