What I Heard in My Recent 12-Day Fast

I wanted to thank those of you who took the time to write messages of encouragement and blessing during my recent Twelve-Day Fast earlier this month. It’s quite interesting that I received TWELVE specific notes and messages, each with a “clue” of what the Lord was speaking ( and here you thought you were just sending me a prayer:-). It was part of the theme throughout my Fast – that we are entering a time of INCREASED PARTNERSHIPS in the kingdom – a time when the Lord will orchestrate the coming together of like-minded believers in order to expand their efforts and multiply their fruit. We are entering a Kingdom Age where we are going to learn how to steward and occupy this land like never before.
I won’t share all the prophetic words the Lord gave me during the Fast since I’ve already begun to post several of them and will continue to unpack them in the days to come. However, I did want to share the breakthrough that I received, personally. I had indicated that I went into the Fast discouraged, disoriented, and war-weary. Praise God, I’ve come out with renewed vision, strengthened faith, and an excitement about the year ahead!
Called to the CHURCH mountain
Where I thought I might transition into a new sphere of influence (from CHURCH to GOVERNMENT), the Lord reaffirmed my call to the CHURCH mountain. Even though I have been very involved in the political process in this past election, I realized that my passion was not so much in seeing Trump as President, but in the CHURCH SEEING THINGS BY THE SPIRIT.  Most of what the Lord gave to me concerning the election was to exhort believers to LOOK, SEE, HEAR, and UNDERSTAND what the Holy Spirit was doing throughout the process. This actually is part of the Prophet’s role and function within the Church – to inspire, activate, and mobilize believers to see and hear what Holy Spirit is doing on the earth. Even during my fast, I noticed a significant increase of prophetic signs and communications from the Lord.
Prophetic Ministry needs a higher standard
As a result of this confirmation, my assignment from the Lord in this next year is to specifically focus on the health of the prophetic ministry in the Church as well as talk about the function and purpose of all the five-fold gifts. Scripture states that the Church is built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets (Ephesians 2:20). Though we’ve heard that for years, how many local congregations are really practicing this?  True “pastors” don’t think like apostles. Most prophets don’t appreciate or understand pastors. Evangelists tend to get frustrated with the local church and teachers often get caught in the cross-fire. In other words, until we learn to honor, embrace, and appreciate one another’s gifts, callings, and assignments, we will be ineffective in modeling healthy “government”.

In the last days the mountain of the LORD’s temple will be established as chief among the mountains; it will be raised above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. Many peoples will come and say, “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths.” The law will go out from Zion, the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. (Isaiah 2:2-3 NIV)

As the Church goes…
My husband and I have always had a strong conviction that a church is only as healthy as its leaders – starting with the pastor and his family (and I’m married to the pastor:-). The same thing goes for a nation. The health of any leader – or lack thereof – will eventually trickle down to those they lead.  And, as we all know – as goes the Church – so goes the nation. During one of my intercessory “rants” with the Lord (yes – I get frustrated at things and “pray” about it!), He shot back to me, without hesitation, “Then, raise up a standard!” It stuck. I settled the fact that given my personal history, passion, and gift set, this was the area that I probably have a God-given grace to tackle.
So, in saying “Yes” to the Lord, these are a few of the things I hope to address this next year through my blog and other media outlets:

  1. Teaching on the purpose and function of all the spiritual gifts, highlighting Five-fold gifts.
  2. Focusing specifically on the relationships between pastors, prophets, and intercessors, knowing the challenges from all three perspectives (and I’ve lived all three).
  3. Calling fellow Prophets to a higher standard of accuracy, accountability, and healthy function within the local community.
  4. Encouraging believers in ALL seven mountains of influence to utilize the spiritual gifts and tools of heaven to be effective and fruitful.
  5. Articulating these truths in a fresh way to reach the younger generation so that the generational blessings and mantles can not only continue, but increase.
  6. Preparing short YouTube video clips on these topics that can be easily shared through social media for personal or group study.
  7. Upgrading my current site to provide more resources, links, and video/audio clips.

I have been tremendously blessed in recent months to have doors opened to me in national outlets. Charisma Magazine is now publishing most everything I send them (sometimes with a different title, but same content). Spirit Fuel is a growing online prophetic blogger site from which I have gained numerous followers. Elijah List has posted a few of my words and my own blog seems to be gaining more followers by the day. Just this week, I was contacted by Trunews to do a joint interview with Bill Yount concerning the last word we just posted. This is truly God’s favor since I haven’t really done anything different than previous years (other than doing more on Facebook – which you can follow, by the way:-).
Lastly, if you connect with the issues I am passionate about, I ask for your ongoing prayers and connection. Though I am not able to respond to every email I get, I do read every one of them and so appreciate the feedback and comments. They really encourage me, and also provide a broader perspective concerning the things I share. I also want to thank those who have offered financial assistance. Though I have resisted this in the past, I have been recently encouraged to make it possible for followers to contribute financially. A link has been added to my newly upgraded site (as of today!) in case the Lord leads you to sow into this call of the Lord.
Thank you for following my blog. Please share with others and let me know the breakthroughs you get as a result of what is shared. You can either fill in the “Comment” box below or email me at wandaalger@ifapray.org.
I’m really not in this to build a ministry (that takes too much work to maintain!) I’m in this to see fruit and to see lasting change within the rising Ecclesia. This is my passion and call.  Thanks for joining me on the adventure. Exciting days are ahead!

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


3 Responses

  1. OH! Thankyou! Wanda… you are such a blessing… My missionary parents often met with lack in their days on the field and on the homeland… It was stressful for us 6 kids and them.. I am so glad you are setting up a link; your work is so welcome..and it is one way I can also thank you in a practical way,

  2. We should each LOVE being held to and growing into the “Higher standard.”
    May God Himself give you seed to sow, the field to sow it into and the power of multiplication. May your seed produce seed in ever expanding radius.
    God’s word for me for 2017 is “Guard Stillness” I felt to share that with you, for it will be very challenging to do so but it is the wellspring of all you have to give the body.

  3. Thank you for being a true woman after God’s own heart! Many of the words you share are confirmation or the next step of prayer for direction or intervention. I pray for you when God brings you to my heart. You are a true blessing to me. I pray that 2017 is a year that God and His Kingdom permeate our lives as never before!

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