My Daughters Will Break Through Where None Have Gone Before

It is the women of God, the daughters of the King, that are being given a supernatural favor and grace in this hour to pioneer and break through enemy territory that has never been taken before. The call to women is to be courageous and take those rough roads that few others have taken. This is the King’s pleasure, for He has uniquely created and qualified us for this breakthrough anointing.
The Lord spoke this to me through a dream, right before the new year started:

I was on a road traveling with others when we came to a large open field to my left. Though many people started to cross the open field to reach the presumed destination, I knew that there was a road further up ahead that I needed to take, instead. Though others were taking the short-cut, I knew it wasn’t the right way. Not following the crowd, I went further down.

When I got there, this road was heavily guarded with soldiers in full army gear carrying weapons. They told me it would be dangerous but I sensed I would be safe. The road was full of pitfalls, rocky ledges, and uneven patches. Few others had made it across. Even so, I went through it and found it to be amazingly easy as I jumped from one ledge to the next. I was amazed at my ability to go through the obstacle course with such strength and ability. I knew I had been prepared for this. For some reason, my vehicle was beside me and I also noted that this extremely hazardous road was being taken by a woman.

As I asked the Lord to interpret this, I heard Him speak to the many daughters who have been struggling in their journey, trying to find their way, wondering if they will ever see breakthrough:
There is a road less traveled. It is the high road, the low road, the rough road. Yet, it is the road where my grace abounds and my power is great. I have called you to walk the path that few others travel. You cannot follow others who look for the short-cut, the easy way through the open field. There is another path further down. It is treacherous and not for the faint in heart. It is a road set apart and it beckons you.
It may appear that the final destination is the same, just in sight. Yet, it is not the destination that truly counts. It is the journey and what it accomplishes in you. It is not the finish line that determines your success. It is your walk and how you choose to come to Me that determines the final breakthrough and the fruit to come. The path I have for you is heavily guarded, heavily fortified, for it is on My Way that heaven watches in full force. It is on my path that the angelic assistance is great and their covering is complete. The open road may seem easier, but it is also open to enemy attack and is not covered by heaven.
My path is rocky, torn apart from heavy use in ages past by others who have tried to walk this road. This path is hard and the ruts are deep. Even so, when I have called you to this path, there is a grace and ease by which you can traverse the pitfalls and not falter or fail. You may sense the danger, yet your heart and spirit will be strong because it is the path of My grace and My choosing.
You will notice that the strength of your walk on this path is not determined by your “vehicle” – your gifts or anointing. It is your strength of heart and determination to please Me that will bring you to breakthrough. Your identity does not come from your call or the vehicle which carries your voice and gift. Your greatest weapon and power is walking in the authority I’ve given you as My daughter. This is what determines the outcome of this journey and the final release of this breakthrough.
Though I have called many to this path in years gone by, this is the season for my daughters to take this road and break through. You who appear to be weak by the worlds standards; you who seem insignificant or unseen…YOU are the ones who light this path with a quickness of step, graceful agility and a strength of spirit that carries you across with much joy.
Do not be critical of those who do not get across as you do. Not all may follow. Be satisfied with My delight in you in this hour. My daughters have endured much in years past. The enemy has sought to silence your voice and hinder your journey. But I have given you a grace and power of spirit that will humble those who have stood against you and questioned your qualifications. This is nothing you have earned. It is by My hand and has come because of your simple obedience.
It is the hour for my daughters to come forth and walk the path I call them to. Your walk and journey to Me will become a testimony of miracles and heaven’s approval of your destiny. Do not look to the right or left and compare yourself with others. Keep your eyes fixed on Me as your Standard Bearer, the One who is uniquely qualified to assure your success and your fulfillment and joy.
Enjoy this journey prepared for you. Breakthrough is ahead.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


6 Responses

  1. This is interesting.. just this morning after having viewed the Inaugural prayer service, I made a decision I was going to walk and use my phone to count my steps. I wanted to figure out how many steps around I would have to walk to make a mile. I had not experienced the move of the Holy Spirit like this in a long time and all of a sudden after I got my jacket and scarf on I walked in our bedroom to let my husband know I was leaving and out of my mouth came, go and take back what the enemy has stolen. You are to go and possess the land. I spoke it in boldness. In the three years we have lived in this location I had shied away from walking here and would go elsewhere to walk. Today was different and I went out the door with courage…Praise the Lord! I receive this word in Jesus name…

  2. The timing of this word is perfect. Two days ago I hit a low point of discouragement in an 18 months book writing journey. I wanted to quit because it’s hard getting traditionally published. This word answered my questions, calmed my heart and buoyed me up. I will take that Robert Frost road with confidence and joy because heaven is smiling on me. That is all that matters. Thanks for posting it, Wanda.

  3. “Though I have called many to this path in years gone by, this is the season for my daughters to take this road and break through. You who appear to be weak by the worlds standards; you who seem insignificant or unseen…YOU are the ones who light this path with a quickness of step, graceful agility and a strength of spirit that carries you across with much joy.”
    Thank you, Wanda. I have often felt in the shadow of others; unseen, left behind. This word is an encouragement from my Lord.

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