Keys to a Healthy Self-Identity as a Woman

Women are being called to the frontlines right now and the road we are called to take is rough and rocky, but is filled with favor and grace. In this video teaching I shared at my home church last weekend, I talk about healthy boundaries, living in the fear of the Lord, and learning to embrace your strengths and weaknesses in a productive way. It’s not just our message that is valuable, but the posture of our hearts and godly character will attract the attention of those who are disillusioned and broken. We are called to be conduits and pipelines of God’s grace and power. I want to encourage the daughters of the King to embrace their unique call and purpose, but to walk in humility and absolute trust in their Heavenly Father’s delight in promoting them – in His time and in His way.
At the end, I also share the word I posted several days ago about this road and the Father’s pleasure in our journey. Please enjoy and share with others!

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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