I was sitting in a rocking chair holding a baby. It was very healthy, but very hungry. I then saw the Christ figure walking toward me and kneel down in front of me. I knew He represented the BODY of Christ as He came to me as a PROPHETIC VOICE. I felt His love and compassion, not only for me, but for the baby.

I knew that I needed to feed this baby, but I couldn’t do it alone. The sustenance I could provide would not be enough. I needed Him – the Body of Christ – to feed this baby with me. I then felt an overwhelming love and reached out to Him. I cradled his HEAD in my hands and KISSED it. Then, I looked into His eyes and began to prophesy over Him about the FAVOR of GOD upon Him. I said that He had much favor and abundance coming to Him because of the spirit of GIVING and GENEROSITY upon Him.

As I awoke from this dream I asked the Lord for revelation concerning these symbols. I knew that in this simple picture, the Lord was revealing both an exhortation and a strategy to the body of Christ in this critical season.

I felt the Lord say that I was representing the PROPHETS and those in prophetic intercession. The baby I was holding was the REVIVAL and OUTPOURING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT through the SONS AND DAUGHTERS coming forth in this hour. Through the words of the prophets and the prayers of the saints, this reality has already been birthed in the spirit. It is continuing to grow because of ongoing intercession and heart preparation.  Even so, this move of God that is in its infancy NEEDS TO BE FED.

God is revealing the absolute necessity of the prophets and the Body of Christ coming together in greater oneness of heart and spirit in order to FEED this coming revival. Without the Body working together in coordination with the Prophetic word of the Lord, this move of God will not be fully ignited or grow.

“In Him you have been made complete, and He is the head over all rule and authority” (Colossians 2:10 NAS).

I felt this love for Christ’s Body in the dream and my heart was drawn out of compassion and affection. My desire was to express this love in order to bring forth this promise of revival that had come out of our oneness of heart. It is this “Bridal love” that believers are being called to right now, especially as prophetic voices. Where some have been wounded in past seasons by leadership in the Church, God is calling us to get past those wounds and be reconciled and restored to His Body. In the dream I was the one who reached out and I believe it indicates the charge for the prophetic voices to make the first move in this collaborative effort. We are greatly needed in this season. However, there is something that needs to happen in order for the prophetic word of the Lord to have its full impact in this hour.

In the dream, I “kissed the head” of this Christ figure. Though Scriptures indicate that Christ is the head of the Church, I knew the Lord was pointing to something much deeper. He is speaking specifically to the prophets and those in prophetic intercession to recognize, honor, and “kiss” the God-given authority that He has given to His leaders in the Church. Without this needed honor and respect towards those in authority, our prophetic words will not have the spiritual backing to bring results (Romans 13:1-5).

Where the enemy is literally CURSING LEADERSHIP in this hour, the Church needs to rise up to BLESS LEADERSHIP in order for our prayers and intercession to nullify the enemy’s decrees. This means not only the leaders we agree with, but the ones who have disappointed, hurt, or even rejected us. If we harbor any resentment towards leaders in the church – and speak out against them – the enemy uses that as legal grounds for witchcraft (Matthew 18:23-25, 1 John 2:9-11)! Our prayers and intercession against this rising rebellion and witchcraft in the land will not be overcome through our prophetic decree, alone. It must be in collaboration with the Body of Christ joined together in faith. Our prophetic prayers must come from the word of God, but also from our mutual honor and submission to those in leadership.

The Lord is also revealing a deeper and more sinister stronghold that has prevented this release of leadership blessing. That is the Spirit of Envy. This spirit has taken hold of many believers, most without any awareness, and it is crippling the spiritual authority of the Church. Samuel, the Old Testament prophet, kissed the head of Saul when he was anointed king of Israel (I Samuel 10:1). In Hebrew tradition, this was an indication of honor and respect towards one who was anointed and appointed by God. The Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary indicates that not only did this kiss demonstrate honor and respect from the one in subjection, but was a sign “…of how far he was from envying his successor in the supreme dignity”. To “kiss the head”, therefore, meant to both acknowledge the office of the one appointed and a choice to guard against any envy or jealousy towards the one God had chosen.

We cannot allow envy or jealousy of other’s gifts or appointments to hinder us in our agreement or blessing. God is testing us in this. What He has done in the White House, He is also doing in the Church House. He is calling leaders forward in this transitional season that will bring out Jealousy or Envy which has been harboring in the flesh of the people. God is draining His own swamp in the Body of Christ, and we must get rid of any attitudes of jealousy towards those He anoints and places in leadership. He is asking us to willingly bless and honor those He is anointing and appointing so that our prophetic decrees have power.

Lastly, when we bless those in leadership, we are to PROPHESY THE FAVOR OF GOD upon them! This is the time for godly leadership to arise. But, not simply due to talents or abilities. God has raised up anointed leaders for this very time in history and it is our assignment to prophesy them into the time of the Lord’s favor (Isaiah 11:2-3). This is what will quiet the enemy’s lies and half-truths. This is what will nullify his curses and displace the spirit of anti-Christ and rebellion. It is the prophetic promises of FAVOR, INCREASE, and GENEROSITY from yielded vessels that will open the floodgates of heaven. It is the prophets speaking blessing and life to all those whom the Lord has called, chosen, and anointed in this hour.

Prophets need the Body of Christ and the Body of Christ needs the prophets. But, each must submit to the other out of mutual love, concern, and affection for their role in this end-time revival. The time of being “hurt by the church” must come to an end! The time of holding old wounds of rejection from previous leaders must stop. Unless it is outright heresy or biblically unsound, we must resist spewing our negative opinions and speak well of our leaders in hopes that they will fulfill their God-given assignment (Ephesians 4:29).

Our trust is in the Lord and He promises to finish what He has started. Revival has been birthed through our prayers, but we must feed it through ongoing collaboration. As we turn the tide of rebellion against authority and start to bless the spiritual authorities in our lives, the revival that is now in its infancy will be fed and grow. It is the love for the Body and Bride of Christ that must motivate us. Our sons and daughters are depending on it.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


2 Responses

  1. Reblogged this on healing writer and commented:
    Important revelation given via a dream to Wanda Alger. God is revealing the absolute necessity of the prophets and the Body of Christ coming together in greater oneness of heart and spirit in order to FEED this coming revival.

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