In order for breakthrough to come, it’s time to start praying in the Spirit and worship. This prophesied Breakthrough that many have been talking about will not simply happen on its own. There is an Adversary seeking to cloud our thinking, our judgment, and the life of the Spirit within us. It is especially seeking to limit and hinder leaders from moving forward in the plans and purposes of God – including President Trump. We must rise up to counter these attacks by engaging with the Holy Spirit in worship and prayer. This is when breakthrough can happen…
I had a dream last night where I was to speak to a large gathering. I was to share a message that was very familiar to me. Even so, as I tried to remember the points and outline, my mind was clouded. I thought I could at least start with the key Scripture that I always used, but when I opened the Bible, I couldn’t even read the words. My vision was blurred and there seemed to be confusion surrounding my thoughts. I finally had to get someone else read it for me. Even then, I didn’t know what to do. (Are you experiencing this? Cloudy vision? Unable to access previous words and promises? I believe this is some of what the enemy is trying to do to President Trump. The message that was so clear to him during his campaign is being clouded…)
I finally realized that instead of the people watching and waiting on me, we needed to engage together in worship. Because I was unsure of myself, I had my husband lead. Though he tried his best, he didn’t know the words – or the tune. I tried to step in and help. Even then, there was no worship and the people just watched – wondering what to do. (Are WE second-guessing ourselves when God has clearly spoken something? Is President Trump beginning to doubt himself and delegating things to others that he has been anointed to do? )
I finally told them to stand up and start worshiping and engaging with the Spirit of God. Don’t just watch me – let’s do this together! I may not know what to do, but HE DOES! It was not the usual protocol, but I knew we needed to BREAK THROUGH. They quickly responded and began to enter in. I could tell things began to change. The atmosphere started to lift. Then I saw another group and I sensed these were the intercessors. They too, were seeking breakthrough. I told them of the power of praying in the Spirit. It is a mighty weapon and tool and enables us to push through our flesh, our confusion, and the enemy’s schemes. Just as we can experience personal breakthrough when praying this way, it will exponentially increase when we do it together!
“WHERE THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD IS, THERE IS FREEDOM (2 Cor. 3:17).” As people began to engage in their prayer language and worship in the Spirit, things started to shift and freedom came! Everyone, especially the young people, were impacted and hungry for more. Individuals who had never before experienced freedom began to speak out in praise to God. Though it appeared that things were getting “out of order”, it was only because freedom had come and people were expressing their joy. It didn’t matter that the outline or planned message didn’t happen the way the leader thought – the Spirit of the Lord was bringing freedom! And, it came when everyone did it together. (This will be key for corporate worship gatherings as well as intercessory prayer groups!)
Lastly, as I continued to lead this group, I realized that they were now seated in a balcony – in high places! In order to see them and continue leading, I actually had to get on a ladder. I had to get higher in order to lead them…(This indicates the need to pray for our leaders and for President Trump to GO HIGHER in the Lord! The Lord wants to take leaders higher in their own personal walk in order to properly and effectively lead the people. This includes their own prayer “language.”)
I believe the Lord is urging believers to PRAY IN THE SPIRIT! There are battles that can only be won when we lay down our right to understand with our natural minds and simply give praise to God. When we pray in our spiritual language we are praising God. “For they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God (Acts 10:45-46, NIV).” Though our natural inclination is to understand everything and “fix” things through our intellect, experience, and knowledge, there are other issues that can only be settled in and by the Spirit of God. “And He who searches hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God (Romans 7:27, ESV).”
This is the time for believers to rise up and engage in worship and intercession in the Spirit. The Adversary is seeking to confuse many and cloud our judgment in order to sabotage our destiny. This is happening in the White House and is a stronghold that many more will experience at various levels. Especially intercessors may be experiencing these symptoms and it’s a result of this national battle. Our natural inclination to “do things as planned” must be laid aside and yielded to the Spirit’s purposes in this hour.
Breakthrough is on the way but it’s only going to come when the people of God rise up together and pray in the Spirit and worship. The Mind-Binding spirits will have no power when believers operate out of their spirits. As we press in together to declare his Lordship and thank Him for His incredible plans for us, individual and corporate breakthrough can happen.
“For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:3, ESV)”
9 Responses
Thank U Fr God’s Words And Bless His Woqds
Thank you so much! Right on!
This message was so confirming what the Lord is speaking to me. I am now praying in the spirit 30 minutes while I do my daily walking on the treadmill . And of course praying in the spirit at many other times. Just reading the book “70 reasons to use your prayer language ” by Bill Hamon . It is really good.
Great word the hour to pray in the spirit is for sure
OH, BLESS GOD! Thank you, I agree 100%!
Blessings and PEACE ,
Thank you Wanda. This is such an affirmation & an encouraging word. Thank You Holy Spirit for ministering to Your precious saints & bringing such truth.
Iam Sick Voice Has Gone Fr Many Months
Thank you dear sister Wanda for this timely word I needed so much. Yes we need to pray in the Spirit breaking the strongholds of the enemy and cancelling all his evil plans in the Name of Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God
Has there been an interpreter present in the Church when someone speaks in tongues?