• Includes a 3-Session VIDEO SERIES on Redemptive Gifts – Below!

From the day you were conceived, God the Father placed within YOU some of His own character qualities and traits. The true beauty of God’s design is revealed when we understand those distinctive characteristics and expressions of God and how they look and are meant to complement one another.  The Greek word for gift in Romans 12 is charisma, indicating a gift of grace that is a basic “inward bent”. These are referred to as the motivational gifts or redemptive gifts. These are gifts given to “redeem” us as sons and daughters of God, each one uniquely expressing an attribute of Christ.

Romans 12:6-8 – We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in proportion to your faith. If it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;  if it is to encourage (exhort), then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead (rule), do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.”

All of us have different measures of each of the seven gifts operative in our lives. Usually one of the gifts represents our basic inward drive and is the dominant gift.  The seven gifts of Romans 12 shape our views on life circumstances, others, God, and ourselves.  It is the filter that God gives us through which we interpret life, and respond, make decisions, choose ministry, enjoy friends, choose a mate, etc. Our dominant gift causes us to see life through a particular point of view with certain spiritual assumptions. When we understand the gifts we’ve been given and begin to recognize them in others, we grow in our ability to value one another and mature as a spiritual family.

This teaching is not meant to represent a “finished product.” Nor is it simply a “personality test.” Rather, it is a starting point to discover the unique way God created each of us from birth (Psalm 139:13, 24). Throughout our spiritual journey, we have the potential within us to realize the fullness of Christ and all of the gifts of the Father at varying degrees (James 1:25).

Below are 3 videos in a new “Redemptive Gifts Series” that I recorded recently. Many people ask us about how to discover their spiritual gift and this is a way to jump-start that process. The table below shows the 3 different “sets” of gifts listed in Scripture. Though there are many different ways to teach on spiritual gifts, we have found this particular approach to be very helpful and practical for those with questions. Feel free to watch, learn, and pass it on to others who may want to discover more of how God has “wired” them!
Before you start, we recommend going through this Redemptive Gifts Questionnaire to assess where you are at. This will take about 45 minutes and give you a start in understanding your redemptive gifts. Also, if you’d like to follow the videos with my outline, CLICK HERE and download a copy.

3 lists of Gifts in Scripture – Different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit

Session 1: Introduction and Overview of Spiritual Gifts (13 minutes)

Session 2: Prophet, Servant, Teacher (30 minutes)

Session 3: Exhorter, Giver, Ruler, Mercy (35 minutes)

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


2 Responses

  1. Thank you Sweet Wanda for empowering the Body of Christ as you do❣️
    Your heart for the maturity of the Saints is greatly appreciated.
    Multiple-fold blessings of grace to you.
    Much love, Jenny Swanwick 🌸🌺🌸
    Sent from Jenny’s iPhone

  2. There is an error code 404 when trying to access the Redemptive Gifts Questionnaire. Could you please email the questionnaire to me.

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