I am calling out to My prayer warriors and leaders who have been faithfully praying in the midst of battle. I have seen your perseverance and your resolve for breakthrough. I know your heart to please Me and stand for what is true and right.
But, I see the weariness. I see the fatigue and feel the weight you carry in your hearts and in your prayers. Though there may be seasons of warfare, you were not created to live there. I want to show you a better way. There is no glory in battle. The glory I long to display is best poured out in the reality of My goodness.  It is time to step out of your warfare mentality and into My Presence reality.
From the beginning of time, I have shown the power of My Presence to displace and overcome every foe and enemy that would come against you. I have given you the template for seeing the enemy not only defeated, but routed and utterly removed from your midst. For I do not call you to fight. I never have. I already fought for you and the battle has already been won. All I’ve ever asked of you – is to stand. Stand in My Presence and see the deliverance I have already won for you (Joshua 23:10; 2 Chronicles 20:17; 1 Peter 5:8-9; Ephesians 6:11).
Do not allow the voices in your head to have sway and get you to engage in a war that’s over. The seeming battle is a smokescreen – an illusion of power and control that uses deception to manipulate and coerce a reaction. What you see in the natural realm – the turmoil, chaos, and confusion – is the acting-out of a vanquished foe that will never relent in his attempts to bring you down. He wants you to engage him. He wants to get you sidetracked with warfare tactics and battle plans. He wants you to fight, knowing he’s already lost. Don’t fall for it. My plan was already accomplished at the cross and the same resurrection power that brought me back from the grave is alive and well in you. It is this power that I call you to stand in as you face the ongoing assaults and attacks.
My Presence has always been the secret weapon of My people. Throughout biblical history, the greatest victories came because of My Presence, not because of man’s skills at warfare. It was My Presence that freed My people from Egypt and led them through the wilderness. It was My Presence that parted the waters of the Jordan enabling them to claim their inheritance. It was My Presence that defeated the armies that came against Jehoshaphat as they faced the enemy with shouts of victory. It was My Presence that fell in the Upper Room and empowered the saints to do what was humanly impossible. It is My Presence that opens prison doors, breaks off chains, and delivers a nation.
Perhaps you underestimate the supernatural power of Victory and the miraculous wonders that are available in My Presence? I call you to remember the testimonies of times past where the power of My Presence did what no army, no government, and no strategic plan could ever do. My goodness is the essence of My Presence and it is this reality that I long for the world to see, to know, and to experience.
Come to the secret place and learn to know My manifest, tangible Presence for yourself. Pray in the Spirit and ask of Me to draw your spirit to mine. This cannot be accomplished through discipline, but rather out of desperate desire for relationship with Me. It is your heart I long for, not your routines or religious practices. I truly long to be WITH you – in power.
Know that as you seek this place of My Presence, everything else will come into alignment and submission to the Father’s will and purpose. My Presence in and through you will shift atmospheres and bring supernatural transformation to everything around you. When you war in My Presence you only need stand. It is there you will find victory; it is there My glory will be seen.

“In all their affliction He was afflicted, and the angel of His Presence saved them; in His love and in His pity he redeemed them; He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old” (Isaiah 63:9 ESV). 

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


5 Responses


  2. Such a great and powerful word! We (His children) really need to grasp this truth from the Father heart, and spend more time ‘resting’ in His presence. Thank you for sharing this Wanda!
    Denny Sommerfeld Evergreen Creative Ministries Greencastle, PA

  3. Beautiful and ‘spot on,” I’d say. Thought provoking and so beautiful to read and think through. Thank you, Wanda.

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