Through a dream last night, the Lord showed me President Trump carrying a great burden as he was sitting in the Oval Office. He had just heard of a couple who couldn’t have children and he was deeply moved with compassion. I told him about 3 others I knew and he turned to the wall as if to pray. As a father who cares deeply for his own family, I could see his desire for others to pass on their legacy through their children. He understands inheritance and was looking for answers to this great need.Â
I also saw him pondering a WORD that he saw on a bottom shelf in his office. This word caught his attention and he was searching for greater understanding as this WORD pertained to the issue at hand.Â
I believe the Lord is drawing Donald Trump to the WORD OF GOD as the source of truth and wisdom in his presidency. Where, at one time, the Word of God was primary in the governing of this nation, it has been placed on a bottom shelf and forgotten. The Lord is now drawing THIS President to reconsider it’s influence and power. Trump’s longing to see long-term change and to impact the generations is real. I was shown that he is not only perceptive and discerning, but also creative in his approach to solving problems. God has given Donald Trump the ability to receive deep revelation and understanding through Scripture. We are to pray that he finds the WORD OF GOD as the foundation and source of the needed counsel in this hour.Â
Pray that he has the time to reflect and receive fresh insight from the Word of God. Pray that he inquires of the Lord and finds answers in Scripture. Ask that the Word of God becomes alive and active, giving him specific guidance and wisdom in the matters at hand. Pray that he follows through on Gods Word and that he sees the power of obedience to that Word.Â
Throughout the dream, his back was to me but I was struck by his large shoulders and the weight he carried on them. Though Trump may appear to be loud and bombastic on the outside, there is another side to him. We must pray that the Spirit of God within him will grow and enlarge to impact every aspect of Trumps life and leadership. He is good ground and the Lord is reaching him, even in the secret place. As the Word of God becomes a primary source of wisdom and guidance for the President, our generational inheritance can be secured.Â
6 Responses
Exactly what I am hearing. I live in delray beach Florida, in Palm Beach County Florida where President Trump visits. We have been praying alone these very lines, so this post lets me know I / We, hubby and I are hearing Father’s heart.
Remain filled with His presence.
Shalom aleikhem
I will pray for him as this dream suggests & share it. Thank you for sharing.
I am just concerned with the fact that Paula White is Trump’s mentor in spiritual matters (unless that has changed somehow), as she has proven herself to be someone who twists scripture in a new-age sort of way. Also, I found it alarming to learn that Trump recently hosted a Hindu lighting ceremony in the Oval Office. I understand the need for respect, but why that was necessary I don’t know. I am hoping that he is not a Freemason who can appear to be Christian but still taking oaths to Lucifer. Regardless, I will pray for President Trump for the Lord to continue to work with him and give him the discernment he needs.
We pray for him & Mike Pence everyday!
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Good post.
We are God’s stealth fighters in the heavenlies. Praying with you.