10 Prophetic Insights for 2018

I have been receiving numerous words during my Fast this month and felt led to post them exclusively on my blog. In this short video, I share a brief description of each and will post future blogs  with more detail and applications. Be sure to share with others and have them follow my blog, as I will be using this platform even more than Facebook in the days to come. Also, please post your comments below to let me, and others, know how the Lord is speaking to YOUR heart in response…

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


11 Responses

  1. I am also currenting reading Oracles of Grace. The Lord is speaking to me about having a deeper more meaningful relationship with the Lord. I also have distanced myself from FB.

  2. Thank you for sharing this Wanda. I haven’t been on here for a little over a year, so I haven’t kept up on things, but what you’ve shared agrees with what The Almighty has been sharing with me during that time.
    2018 will be a very different year from 2017. 2017 saw us prophetically wind down and rest a little. 2018 we begin anew in earnest. We move into a new paradigm where much of what was once obscure, becomes plain and complete going forward.

  3. I am in total agreement with these “walking points” (as opposed to “talking points”)….:) When the Lord gave me my guiding Scripture for 2018, I knew it would be designed to draw the best out of me. It’s Colossians 3:16,17 “LET (as in, Make room; allow; give place…) the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And WHATSOEVER ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”

  4. Wanda,
    This was an excellent outline. It really speaks to much that God is showing us. Thank you for being faithful to do what He shows you. I look forward to what you are seeing.
    Bill Eubank
    Charlotte, NC

  5. Wanda, thank you for sharing these things. You put an order and surety to many of the things I felt the Lord speaking in the last several weeks.
    I am also reading your book. I began flying through it and was so excited about the knowledge and truth in it as I am also a teacher. I heard the Spirit say, “Stop! This book is for you at this time. Take it one chapter at a time even if it takes days or weeks to get inside you. Don’t move on until you get it and are willing to apply it. This is not about knowledge, it is about Kingdom purpose.” I plan on slowing down until I digest each scripture and pray each prayer allowing Him to do the work in me.

  6. Looking forward to hearing more on these ten areas for 2018.
    Soon after listening to your video “God is Re-Setting the Bar for Holiness” the Lord delivered me from a old “thorn” in my flesh through a dream, which I dreamed twice in the same night.
    I dreamed that I watched a warrior only armed with a sword fight a giant. The warrior struck the giant with a mortal blow bringing the giant to his hands and knees. The warrior then without hesitation, with one mighty blow cut the head off the giant. In each dream I felt sorrow and sympathy for the giant when his head was cut off, after all he was mortally wounded.
    After the second dream I was fully awake, and immediately asked the Lord what sin am I sympathetic to? The sin immediately came to mind, and right away I knew I needed to cut the head off the giant by confessing this sin to a another, just as you said in your video. Hallelujah!
    How many of us saints are living with a mortally wounded enemy in our life which still has the power to harass, only because we have not cut off it’s head by confessing our sin to another?

  7. Thank you Wanda for your faithfulness to let “things” out in the timing of God.
    I have felt during the month of December the need to get off of Facebook. The Holy Spirit was nudging me quite a lot.
    So right after Christmas I wrote about Father’s desire for me at this time. To not just get off of Facebook, but press in to find out my steps and apply the prophesies He has given me these past years in a fresh new way.
    He also spoke to me about health and, for me personally, not to “ go the way of man”.
    He has a fresh way, an individual way, to be in the health He desires for us!
    Again the area of the Holy Spirit bringing life to the Word is pivotal. As we walk in Kingdom, teaching even in a new language, as Jesus came and spoke from a fresh perspective.
    Thank you again and be encouraged!

  8. I enjoyed very much the video and similar to some things the Lord has been speaking to me. I think you yesterday spoke with our good friend, Phylis Gazaway. She was exploding with thankfulness. Anyway, I would like to know your webpage so that I can familiarize myself with your travel schedule. I am across the country, especially in the south and east regularly in my work for Asbury Theological Seminary. Also, we (Brenda and I) plus the Gazaway’s just might drive up to Winchester sometime in the spring. I have relationships in the Washington area to see from time to time.

  9. I am so thankful for you, Wanda, and how God speaks through you about the practical way we are to live out the Kingdom. So much of what you shared I feel God has been highlighting to me on a personal basis but I needed clarification. Your bullet points are exactly what I needed now – “walking points”, as coined by Barbara above! I thank you for your obedience, and I thank God for His grace! May He grant your desires and make all your plans succeed! (Psalm 20:4)

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