We are in a season where God is not simply adjusting our COURSE, but He is pointing to the CROSS. We are not only going through a course-correction, but a cross-correction, for it is only through the cross that we will have true power to finish what HE has started.
“But we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” (1 Cor 1:23-24 ESV)
I saw in a dream, a messenger of God following me, playing the song, “The Old Rugged Cross.” He was looking at me with a smile on his face as he was playing this song, wanting me to remember. I was walking ahead of him and carrying my own “cross”, lifting it in the air as a sign of agreement with him. I knew he was reminding me of the power of the cross and what it meant for the journey, and I was acknowledging his cause by raising my own. The problem was, my cross looked more like a small wooden windmill without the mill on top. I was holding it up as if it was my own version of the cross, but somehow I knew something wasn’t quite right. As I considered further, I realized that what was missing was the power wheel on top!
I was carrying “my cross” but IT HAD NO POWER. Though I may have been carrying my cross and championing it’s message, my version had no power!
The Lord is challenging us to consider where our power comes from. We may experience the power of the Spirit through His manifestations and gifts, yet it is only through a CRUCIFIED LIFE that we have true power in our walk. We cannot live on gifts alone, nor can we simply “agree with heaven” based on our desire. We must walk through our journey with the demonstration of a life that is laid down for Christ. It is not about us, our dreams, our goals, or spiritual ambitions. He is calling for OBEDIENCE in this hour and reminding us to re-examine our choices. Even as we walk towards His promises, we must do it His way and in His time.
“Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.“ (Heb 12:1-2 ESV)
There is a season for unmerited favor. There is a season for grace unlimited and blessings undeserved. But, this season is about living a life of power out of our absolute surrender and obedience to His directives, not just following our dreams. He will test many in this. He will purposely place people in our lives to challenge us and correct us. Doors may seem to close and other directions be given that are not as appealing or favorable to our personal preferences. Yet, it is the Father lovingly drawing us closer to His side to strengthen, refine, and purify us even more for His glory. It is about His glory, after all, not our own. The tests and trials that some will face in this season are not enemy attacks, but a set-up for training and maturing.
In this process, He is continuing to align relationships and divinely draw people together. Acting like a huge spiritual magnet, heaven is bringing people together, along with opportunities and assignments. The key is to NOT JUMP AHEAD of His time table or His plans. Even as you see the possibilities and promises, WAIT FOR THE LORD to unfold His plans. It is not just you that He is getting ready. He is putting things in place. People, situations, needs, opportunities, etc. He is working behind the scenes and letting us know that everything is being prepared. But, we must go at His pace and not ours.
It is critical to be led by the Spirit and not by your hopes and desires. Even as He places dreams inside of you, there is an ordering of your steps that must take place so that all will be fully accomplished. This is why He doesn’t show us everything at once. He knows our propensity to make things happen before their time. He knows our impatience and will only give us what we need for the moment. It is a faith walk, even as you walk towards your dream.
Our faith is being tested. Do we really trust Him? Even as He shows us our future and confirms His Word over our lives, will we let HIM fulfill His promises, or will we try to fulfill them ourselves? Let’s check our walk and see what kind of cross we are preaching. If it’s only to see our own dreams fulfilled and promises answered, it is a cross without power and will not produce any Living Water for others. His cross is one of surrender and obedience. Yet, through that cross will come the greatest power and demonstration of His kingdom that we will ever know. Let Him lead the way and give you the cross-correction you need. It may be the difference between missing the mark or winning your race.
“For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.“ (1 Cor 2:2-5 ESV)
4 Responses
This is such an on point word for me during this season! Thank you!
Wanda, thank you for this word. It has made me pause and check my spiritual thermostat and speedometer! 😊It explains many things to me, thank you, you are always such a blessing to me.God continue to bless and make you rich in all He has for you and us all! Sharon
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Thanx for being a blessing
Thank you for this timely word, Wanda! I am prayerfully meditating on it & desire that the Lord shows me how to truly walk in the substance of this…your prayers are appreciated for all of us who are taking this in.
So appreciate you speaking the truth in love, yet unvarnished & straight…
– MC