So many prayed, prophesied, and anticipated the “Red Wave” in the mid-term elections. Though we did pick up some seats in the Senate and conservative gains were made in several states, the complete “take-over” of both House and Senate didn’t happen. The anticipated wave of conservatism fell short and many believers are disheartened.
What happened? Several things come to mind…
1-Some of those prophetic words about the Red Wave may be absolutely right in the message, but wrong in the timing. Remember Mark Taylor’s prophesy about Trump? He thought it was for 2012, but it was for 2016. Let’s not throw those words out – some of them were truly inspired. Let’s not mistake faith for presumption. This is called perseverance.
2-A “remnant” doesn’t work in government. It takes a MAJORITY. Though there is a biblical principle in “the few” changing things in the heavens through prayer, it takes a majority in the natural to govern a nation. For those forerunners and prayer warriors who have been ready to take the land, He’s showing us the need for a greater majority in the body of Christ to steward and maintain what He truly wants to give us.
3-We are divided as a Church! Should we be surprised that the governing structure in the land is but a reflection of the Ecclesia (the governing body of Christ)? Just look at Facebook and you’ll get a fast reality check on where we stand – and it’s not together.
4-The election is not an event. It is one short stop on a long journey of establishing God’s Kingdom on the earth. God told the Israelites He would take out the giants “little by little” so that they wouldn’t be overwhelmed (Deut 7:22-23). I am reminded of Obama’s win in 2012 after the Church had prayed so hard. The day before the election, the Lord told me he would win – simply because the Church wasn’t ready. We weren’t desperate enough, unified enough, or mature enough. Ouch.
The challenge before us is not simply to win another election – it’s learning how to come together “as one.” Some mindsets need to change. Attitudes need to change. The Church needs to change. Don’t give up. God is on our side and His Word still stands. We may just have some work to do before seeing it come to pass.
The Lord your God will clear away these nations before you little by little. You may not make an end of them at once, lest the wild beasts grow too numerous for you. But the Lord your God will give them over to you and throw them into great confusion, until they are destroyed. (Deuteronomy 7:22-23 ESV)
8 Responses
Wanda, am hoping this administration is able to make solid changes to our politic system, its too archaic and adversarial- as you said a house divided will not stand? We need a solution to this for Christ kingdom to come?
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Nothing more then false prophecies now claiming to be true by making excuses .hello dear Jesus is not coming back for a world already made right .Hello He coming back to a world in rebellion . You seem to be in the false idea of kingdom now junk . Jesus is the solution .
Thank you for that message. A dose of reality and yet a breath of fresh air. You gave a precisely accurate reading of the situation and it should be very encouraging to those who may be experiencing despair. Hebrews 11 is filled with many giants of the faith who prayed with God’s mindset and never saw the answers in their lifetime. Let’s have that heart and mindset. Never fear. Never quit. Always trust.
Amen! Powerful truth. Many prayers answered and many lessons learned from yesterday’s experience. And either way, it’s a new day in America today. To God be the glory.
Thank you very kindly for such an insightful observation and a word of encouragement to us who prayed. The enemy may think he won, and gave us a low blow. However, I know God works in mysterious ways, because His thoughts and plans ever overcedes ours.
Nothing more then false prophecies now claiming to be true by making excuses
Nothing more then false prophecies now claiming to be true my excuses
Nothing more then false prophecies now claiming to be true by making excuses