There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Ephesians 4:4-6)

There is an increasingly divisive spirit taking over our nation. Lines have been drawn and conversations have been heated between Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, the “left” and the “right,” and all those in between. It is becoming more and more difficult to be “neutral” concerning our beliefs and convictions. However, this is not just a political issue. It is an issue of the heart that must be corrected and modeled by a Church that understands true oneness in Christ from a Kingdom perspective.

Several years ago I had a powerful dream with a powerful message. I was confronted with a truth that we as believers must take to heart if we are to become one in heart and mind as the Body of Christ.

I saw a group of people praying in the corner, huddled together in earnest intercession. Behind them in the far distance was a mountain. I knew it represented kingdom authority and heavens council. The intercessors were seeking to connect to this mountain, to align themselves in order to break through the veil and bring heaven’s authority to bear on the earth. Yet, the connection was not clear. Interaction with this mountain was blocked.

Knowing we were not fully aligned, I stepped out of the group and began to move to the center, holding an invisible kind of line connected to this mountain. I knew we had to come into perfect alignment in order to break through. Finally, after continuing to move little by little to the left, watching this line of communication eventually settle into place, I waited.

After a few moments I saw something begin to move in the distance. Slowly, but steadily I saw three distinct Beings emerge from the heart of the mountain. Closer and closer they came until I saw what they were. Three large eagles, stately, bearing immense authority and grace. As they drew closer, I knew they had been summoned. I also knew they were looking at me.

As they drew nearer a fear and dread began to come over me at the authority and might I sensed coming from them. They were deliberate, forceful, yet moving cautiously…looking…listening. At last, the three huge figures hovered immediately above me, looking down at me with a silent yet unmistakably loud message:

“We come together, or not at all!”

I woke from this dream shaking in the Fear of the Lord. I had never experienced the power and presence of the Trinity before. Their call was unmistakable, and I knew it was a charge to the Church. It was the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit speaking to us as we desperately pray for breakthroughs in both our nation and in the Church.

Until we acknowledge the fullness of each person of the Godhead, we will not see the fullness of heaven come to the earth. We cannot pick and choose which expression of the Trinity we prefer. We cannot focus on one at the expense of the other. Each represents and expresses God’s heart and character in a different dimension: God, our Creator and loving heavenly Father. Jesus Christ, the Word become flesh and the only way to salvation through the cross. Holy Spirit, the full expression and manifestation of the Father’s heart and His Kingdom authority. They are ONE. They cannot be divided. If we want heaven to come to earth, they must come together.

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. (2 Corinthians 13:14)

Scrolling through my Facebook newsfeed recently, I was struck by the varied messages and passions expressed by a broad range of believers. Some posts were focused primarily on the love of the Father and the need to extend mercy and unconditional love to the lost and the least. Others were focused on preaching the Word of God and representing Jesus above all else. Still others were heralding the gifts of the Spirit and the need for personal encounters along with signs, wonders, and miracles. There were those filled with continual warnings of Christ’s soon return and others blissfully caught up in God’s grace and freedom from religion.

What struck me wasn’t the truth of each message – it was the sense that everyone truly believed their message was the only way for things to change; the only means for revival to come, and the only reality needed for transformation to take place. Each message seemed to be written in an echo chamber to a familiar group of followers, many times criticizing other believers who held different priorities. They were not speaking of heresies or blatant sin. Most were simply promoting their message and their passion from their own experience and life journey.

I believe heaven is calling for us to look beyond our personal preferences and sacred cows in order to embrace a bigger picture of our Kingdom mandate in this season. In our ongoing intercession and interaction as the Body of Christ, we must honor and celebrate those expressions and messages that are different than ours. We do not have to compromise our convictions in order to value and honor other parts of the Body and the assignment they carry (see 1 Cor 12:12-14). God speaks through many voices and each voice that is connected to His heart carries a needed message. Yet, each is but a part of the whole. If we do not see the value of each part, we will miss the whole message. 

In the dream I had to get out of my comfortable corner in order to align my heart with heaven. I had to step outside my familiar group and surroundings in order to summon a response from heaven. The connection I was looking for was a heart connection. I needed to tune my heart to God’s in order to comprehend the fullness of His plans and purposes. To do that, I had to be willing to go into unfamiliar territory so I could receive new input and new perspectives from heaven.

I believe the Lord is inviting us to pay more attention to the frequencies of heaven than with our own familiar wave-lengths. In our prayers, our interactions, and our communications, we can honor one another and give value to the particular message each brings and the role each part plays. While embracing our own voice and sharing our own revelations, we need to hand the mic to others who have also been given a valid voice in this hour. It is only when we hear God’s purposes fully expressed through each part of the Body that we will truly connect to His heart. His Spirit within us will help to filter out the unnecessary parts and lesser things so we can hear the full counsel from heaven.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit each have a role to play and voice to heed. What a joy and privilege to belong to such a complex and beautiful Body that has been empowered to express the fullness of such an incredible and awesome God.

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body—whether Jews or Gentiles, slave or free —and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even so the body is not made up of one part but of many. (1 Corinthians 12:12-14)

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


6 Responses

  1. Thank you Wanda, for sharing this word. It’s a powerful perspective and just what I needed to hear! Blessings!

  2. Beautiful word. So true that we need all aspects — Trinity — of God to resolve our conflicts nationally and personally. It takes listening to one another and making compromises where needed rather than stubbornly holding on to the idea that “my way is the only way.” There are many ways to look at every situation and solve the puzzle of how to work together as a nation rather than be filled with hate for the other person’s point of view. Trying to hold on to our ways or ideas without regard to what another person has to offer reminds me of the monkey who got his hand stuck in a cage. He saw a bunch of peanuts inside the cage. He reached into get some. Grabbed a handful and closed his hand to hold them in. With hand in a fist, he tried to pull it out of the cage, to no avail. In order to get out of the cage, he would have to open his hand, which in turn caused him to lose the peanuts. Aren’t we like that? Sad but true. My prayer is that God would help the people of our nation do as you saw in your dream. Turn to God the Father for ideas, Jesus the Son for reconciliation, and the Holy Spirit for wisdom in all things.

  3. Ephesians 1:3-10 – “Spiritual Blessings in Chrst” – God’s PLEASURE, PURPOSE, and PLAN!!!

    1. “Dreams Mean Nothing” – Sirach 34:1-8 (verse 6 – “UNLESS the Most High has sent you the dream, pay no attention to it.” Reference: Good News Bible

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