In a recent video blog, I shared some insights concerning Religious Spirits and how a new generation of them are resurfacing in the body of Christ. However, it’s not enough to recognize this spirit at work. The Lord wants us to understand how even righteous beliefs can morph into religious rules if we are not continually filled with, and walk in, the power of the Holy Spirit. In this video blog, I share some current controversial teachings and how they are causing confusion and division because of the influence of these Religious Spirits.
Most people operating in this don’t even know it. Just a few weeks ago the Lord convicted me of operating in a Religious mindset in regards to worship style and “the anointing.” I have taught for many years on the power of prophetic worship and have trained worship teams in how to flow in a spirit of excellence and sensitivity to the moods of the Spirit. It was for the purpose of creating an atmosphere where the Lord’s presence could flow. As good as the teaching was, the Lord showed me through a prophetic dream that I had gotten stuck on that revelation and had now made it an idol. I had, unknowingly, become rigid in my understanding of how the Holy Spirit wanted to move in corporate worship and had become blind to what He was actually doing apart from those leading on the stage.
I believe this is happening to other teachers in the body of Christ. Many have preached a particular revelation of the Lord for so long, they haven’t considered the new ways in which the Spirit might be working and moving. Though scriptural principles are foundational to our journey, we must also walk in daily surrender to the Spirit of God and allow Him to update our application of those same truths to a new generation. He desires to enlarge our understanding of His purpose and His character and we must walk in both the Word AND the Spirit if we are to keep ourselves free from any religious mindset.
Click on the video below to hear my own experience with this and how to stay clear of these demonic strongholds and pray effectively for others.
You can also download my free PDF of GETTING FREE OF THE RELIGIOUS, JEZEBEL, AND PYTHON SPIRITS.  This study guide includes additional teaching, scripture references, and prayer points for those wanting to be set free and help others through prayer. (Another shorter outline is also available on my site under PDF Downloads)

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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