You can now get a copy of my newly released book, “Prayer That Sparks National Revival,” directly from Intercessors for America for a donation of any amount to cover shipping.
This pocket-sized prayer manual will empower your prayers for the Church and for the upcoming 2020 election. We need a REVIVAL OF THOUGHT if we want a revival of the Spirit! We need to SHIFT THIS NATION through our prayers and our engagement if we want to see true transformation. This book includes a 12-Day Devotional for personal or corporate intercession, 5 Key Prayer Strategies for Lasting Change, 6 Targeted Areas of Repentance, a powerful prayer for our President, and a bonus sneak-peak at my next major project coming out in February of 2020, “Moving From the Sword to the Scepter: Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.”
PRAYER THAT SPARKS NATIONAL REVIVAL is a prophetic declaration of how we move from the miracle of the 2016 election to allowing God’s promises to continue. Wanda accurately portrays the spiritual reality we are living in while prescribing the intercessory solution for the future. Most prophetic voices and authors focus on the veracity of our decrees while Wanda’s focus is appropriately personal resulting in real results. The quick read is a must.
(David Kubal, President and CEO Intercessors for America)
This prayer tool includes a lot of fuel for intercession both personally as well as corporately. Filled with scriptural references, prayer points, and practical application, these prayer guides will give you some food for thought and strategies for breakthrough.
You can also order it directly from AMAZON HERE
3 Responses
Congratulations, Wanda! Yahoo!! 😁👍💙
Thank you!
I love reading what Holy Spirit has shown you! So Good. I sense Him on your words. Thank you for sharing with us.