Of the increase of His government and of peace there will be no end…the zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. (Isaiah 9:7 ESV)

There is a boldness that is greatly needed among the people of God as our culture continues to self-destruct. We know that truth must be shared, and the Kingdom of God proclaimed. And yet, the critics and trolls are ever present, ready to pounce when we begin to challenge the status quo. Though we want to see change and long for victory, we are hesitant to step in the ring and add our voice to the fight. Not only do we fear the enemy’s counterpunches, we wonder if our own friends will cry foul and condemn our speech.
Personally, I am an introvert by nature and one that usually waits to speak in a crowd. It does not come “naturally” for me to speak up or go against the grain. I’m like most people who would prefer to be liked and appreciated for my perspective. Even in my writing, I usually try to take a more conciliatory tone in hopes of making a gracious appeal, rather than to outright confront a wrong.
Even so, there are times I cannot hold back and am compelled to speak up – regardless of the consequence. Something happens deep in my spirit and begins to burn in my soul as a fire that has been kindled. It is not just raising a complaint or confronting a lie. It is the anointing of the Holy Spirit that fuels my passion and ignites a righteous indignation on behalf of those who are lost and without hope. It is a zeal that goes beyond my personal preference and need for validation and breaks through the fear of man. When this anointed zeal begins to burn in my heart, it consumes every other doubt and silences every other voice.

For the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God. (Deuteronomy 4:24)

When one gets touched by the fire of God, nothing can put it out. It is entirely different from the anger of man or impatience of the flesh. It is a supernatural ignition of the heart. It not only awakens us to the eternal realities at stake; it reveals a voice deep within our spirit that is not our own. It is the Lion of Judah hidden within the recesses of our spirit waiting for the time to roar. Its power is love and its purpose is redemption and restoration.

The wicked flee when no one pursues, but the righteous are bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)

We all have that roar within us. It is a sound that is greater than the cacophony of voices vying for our attention and it cuts through the static of enemy interference. It is a boldness that breaks the yoke of the oppressor and calls attention to the Lion Himself who alone is worthy to rule and reign. Though we are the conduit of this sound, it is HIS voice that bursts onto the scene, dispelling the darkness and silencing our accusers. It is this roar that will fuel our boldness and give us the courage to say what others fear and the enemy dreads.
Jesus demonstrated this zeal when He tore through the temple and removed the idol worshipers that had set up shop (see John 2:13-17). That which would have been considered treasonous and even violent, became an act of holy intervention that awakened the masses and stirred His disciples. The zeal for His Father’s house consumed Him with a passion for holiness and a fierce love for His people.

For zeal for your house has consumed me, and the reproaches of those who reproach you have fallen on me. (Psalms 69:9)

This bold roar does not come without cost nor can it be summoned at will. It can only come by being in the presence of the Holy One. If we are to raise this roar over our households, our communities, and our nation, it will require us to get before the throne of grace and gaze upon His holiness. It will require a readiness to be branded by the Spirit and forever seared by His presence. If you have fully surrendered to His Kingdom purposes and sold out to radical obedience, the Lion will speak through you if you let Him. Do not disqualify yourself from the ring because of seeming weaknesses in your personality or lack of any skill set. The zeal of the Lord is not of this realm. YOU are not of this realm. We serve a higher Kingdom and a greater King.

Therefore, let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, and thus let us offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe, for our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrews 12:28-29)

You do not have to try and be bold. Boldness will come as a result of being in the holy place. It will be the fruit of a love so intense and a calling so sure, nothing will stop it.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


5 Responses

  1. Thank you so much, Wanda! This is the Holy Boldness i so need as we begin the three day Esther fast that has been called starting today….may the Lord bless you for your boldness in speaking up and encouraging us!

  2. Your writing resonates within.
    I feel I’m one who has been asleep since I don’t recall issues so blatantly ungodly as those we are dealing with in this country. Yet we are called to Interceed for those facing undeniable grief for following our Lord.
    A blip yesterday said the Baker and his wife were referred for sensitivity training. This in Colorado not mainland China.
    A couple in Oregon finally lost their business and will pay interest on the $135,000 they owe for court costs until it’s paid in full.
    Tony Perkins, Family Research, reminds us that every single vote counts. Major offices like Governor have been won with less than 100 votes. 100? That’s my ‘hood!
    We have lost more than we dreamed possible and gained what none told us was possible.
    I saw the Lord on his white horse this morning with a field of warriors following. But the Priests and musicians were leading the way. A small boy was bowed down as they passed. But Jesus reached down and placed him on His horse behind him. The child was overwhelmed that the King was honoring him. Years dreamed down his face.

  3. Wanda, thank you for raising your voice even when it is uncomfortable (I am similar in my personality where I am not normally the one who speaks up — UNLESS truly compelled because the love of truth is so strongly ingrained in me). 🙂

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