Does the Church of your city have a unified voice that stands for Kingdom values in the public square? Is your congregation or community ready to not only take a stand against the rising rebellion and lawlessness in our city streets, but take the lead in establishing something better? If the Church is supposed to be the Spirit-filled life-giving force that brings purpose and order into our chaotic world, how are we doing? 

You may have seen that I’m getting ready to launch my latest book on Tuesday, February 18 of this year: Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God

This book is a compilation of truths, insights, and practical wisdom we need as the body of Christ to not only “take back” the ground we’ve been given, but actually guard, keep, and OCCUPY until Jesus returns. We are supposed to be a glorious Bride, a victorious Church, and powerful change agents in our culture. And yet, there is division among the ranks, distrust in our leadership, and a lack of clear vision for our future. 

I want to equip and empower believers all across this nation to rise up as the “Ekklesia of God.” I want to share key principles and practices that can shore up our foundations as the Church and repair the breaches in our leadership. We need to be more than just watchmen. We need to take our place as champions of transformation and models of reconciliation.  

To inspire your vision for this, I want you to see the list of contents in this book. It is not only for personal growth, but has been written with small groups in mind for training and equipping; preparing the Church to rise up as one. I pray your spirit is stirred as you read through this Table of Contents and consider not only reading it for yourself, but sharing it with your friends, fellow intercessors, or a small group.

Ruling Through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God

Using the sword may destroy your enemies, but the scepter will secure your inheritance!

Foreword by Robert Henderson, best-selling author of Courts of Heaven books
Introduction by Dave Kubal, President and CEO of Intercessors for America


Chapter 1 – The Church Revealed (The Unexpected Trump Phenomenon)
Divided in Discernment
Mercy Versus Truth
The 2012 Wake-Up Call
We Need a Legacy
Prayer Guide: Preparing the Way for Our Nation

Chapter 2 – Ruling in the Midst of Our Enemies (The Fear and Terror of the Lord)
The Mountain of the Lord
The Fear and Terror of the Lord
A Charge for Those Establishing This Mountain
Prayer Guides: The Fear of the Lord; Declarations Over Our Leaders 

Chapter 3 – The Rising Ekklesia and Kingdom Authority (What Is God’s Government?)
Government Was God’s Idea
On Earth as it Is in Heaven
Church Government Versus Secular Government
Church Leadership Versus Secular Leadership
Taking Dominion Where It Counts
Executing Justice on the Earth
Prayer Guide: May God’s Government Be Established on the Earth

Chapter 4 – Are We Qualified to Rule? (Not All Authority Is Equal)
On Whose Authority?
The Power of Divine Order
It Starts with Personal Submission
Alignment with Authority Brings Alignment in Prayer
Not All Authority Is Equal
Qualified Authority Brings Tangible Results
Prayer Guide: Establishing God’s People in Heaven’s Authority

Chapter 5 – Righteous Rule Must Be Modeled (A Charge to Pastors)
Heaven Weeps for Pastors and Cries out for Fathers
New Testament Leadership Roles
Prophetic Charge to Pastors
Pastors and Politics
Prayer Guide: For Pastoral Leadership in the Nation

Chapter 6 – The Word and the Spirit Coming Together (Apostolic Authority and Prophetic Power)
Our Corporate Identity
Apostolic Authority and Prophetic Power
The Foundation of the Word and Gifts of the Spirit
We Come Together or Not at All
Bridging the Gaps
Prayer Guide: Oneness of Heart and Mind in the Church


Chapter 7 – Watchmen to Their Posts (Establishing Prayer Altars)
The Call of Watchmen
Spiritual Air Supremacy
Shifting the Atmosphere
Establishing Prayer Altars
Prayer Guide: Establishing Prayer in the City 

Chapter 8 – Moving from Sword to Scepter (From Warriors to Rulers)
From Warriors to Rulers
The Purpose of the Sword
The Purpose of the Scepter
Positioned as a Ruler in Prayer
Prayer Guide: Securing Our Inheritance with the Scepter

Chapter 9 – Warfare That Works (Practices from the Early Church)
Confronting the Ring of Power
Principalities and Territorial Spirits
Practices from the Early Church
Prayer Guide: Shifting the Spiritual Authority Over Cities

Chapter 10 – From Reformation to Transformation (From Vision to Reality)
From Corruption to Supernatural Transformation
God is Speaking to Cities!
Prayer Guide: Preparing Your City for Transformation

Chapter 11 – The Mordecai Mandate (Securing Your City)
Principles for Engagement in the Public Square
Prayer Guide: Guard, Keep, and Occupy Your City 

Chapter 12 – The Call to Disciple Nations (A Legacy to Fight For)
Contending for Our Legacy
The Faith of Abraham and Birthing of Nations
Patriarchs and Matriarchs and Discipling Nations
Prayer Guide: Building a Legacy

As you can see, this is more than a book, it’s a TRAINING MANUAL!

Not only are there chapters covering a huge range of topics, there are detailed Prayer Guides following each chapter for you to ENGAGE and ACTIVATE these principles through prayer.



Not only have I written this book with intercessors and leaders in mind, I’ve produced a 12-part VIDEO SERIES to go along with this book for either personal or small group study. Each session is between 15-20 minutes long and can be used in small group settings to go through the book together. This series will be available both online for ON DEMAND viewing in High Definition, or as a DVD set in Standard Definition. (DVD sets will only be shipped within the Domestic U.S.).

Are you part of a prayer group that needs further equipping in prayer this year? Consider using this series as a way to inspire and empower one another in prayer and grow in your understanding of what Kingdom government really looks like. (CLICK ON LINK BELOW FOR MORE DETAILS) 

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


8 Responses

  1. I am so ready for this book. It will change the face of Christainty and Churches as they active the power of God in this book

  2. Yes. Wanda. I can’t wait. Count me in as one of the first 100. I am ready to order today. Janice Jiles. President Stevensville Aglow Lighthouse

    1. Hello Janice! I’m thrilled you want a copy! To be sure you get your copy, just order on February 10. I’m not taking any reservations – simply letting everyone know when you can start ordering through the online store:-). Blessings!

  3. I am so ready for this book and the video teaching..thank you Wanda for your faithfulness to the Lord ..I know many will read this and have their eyes and ears opened spiritually to what we need in this hour..blessings Joyce

  4. These are the very areas that I wanted more insight and study into. It is incredible that this is being released in Feb 2020 – such a perfect timing. I’m looking forward to reading this and seeing how this challenges & equips the body of Christ.

  5. Exactly what is needed! Can’t wait to read this! I will be ordering on February 10th! Thank you, Wanda, for making this available to us earlier! blessings to you! 🙂

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