In watching the Impeachment Trial, I am amazed at the relentless nature of the House managers’ accusations and threats against Trump’s defense team. Just like our spiritual adversary, they speak the same lies over and over again, hoping that at some point, the defense will simply give up and assume the lies must be true. Fueled by their hatred for the Commander in Chief, the managers make sweeping generalities that seek to negatively characterize the president, while the defense team sticks to the law and the facts, addressing specific charges with specific evidence that clears every charge. Regardless of how many times the managers go for the jugular, the defense bounces back with targeted truth that dislodges every bullet.

(At the end of this article is a free preview of Chapter Three from my new book….read on!)

We are seeing the realities of spiritual warfare and the necessity of our persistence when dealing with an enemy attack. We need to know God’s Word and be prepared for the battle. Jesus warned us that we would face opposition. We should expect it. The more that Kingdom purposes are being accomplished, the more the devil will fight it.

“But the wicked are like the tossing sea; for it cannot be quiet, and its waters toss up mire and dirt. ‘There is no peace,’ says my God, ‘for the wicked’.” (Is 57:20-21 ESV)

This is why the Lord told King David to rule in the midst of his enemies (Ps 110:2). Rather than waiting for the opposition to back down, the Lord basically says “…step it up! Your enemies aren’t leaving, so take your rightful place and demonstrate the true authority of the Kingdom right in their own backyard!”

The enemy will never be satisfied as long as God’s team is winning. We must be even more persistent than he is. It is the zeal of the Lord that will fuel us as we stand together on the truth. Reckoning day is coming, but until then…God’s people must not back down, not give up, and never stop asserting God’s laws and their rightful place in the nations of the earth.

Want to learn more about what it means to rule in the midst of our enemies? Below is a free preview of Chapter 3. Read it and share it with others over the weekend!

The book (and corresponding video series) goes on sale next MONDAY, FEBRUARY 10. Get more details HERE.

Click on book for the FREE PREVIEW of Chapter Three!

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


One Response

  1. “God’s people must not back down, not give up, and never stop asserting God’s laws and their rightful place in the nations of the earth”. A directive from the Holy Spirit! Step into the Full Armor of GOD!

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