I have posted previously about the need for God’s power to be demonstrated among believers. As good as it is to hear His voice clearly, we should also be expecting for His power to be at work in and through us as we put our faith into action. Now, I have a practical application of this principle and a call to prayer.

I received a message from a believer who is former CIA and ICIG officer with a burden for justice. In his own words, he described some inside realities and appealed to those who are elected to not only TALK about the need for truth, but to actually DO something about it while in office:

“The biggest problem is not a lack of righteous and Godly men and women in positions of power, but a lack of these righteous men and women in power acting – as in doing – rather than talking. Many talk a good talk. i.e. almost all Republican senators and senior administration members like Secretary Pompeo and VP Pence. But, they do nothing to combat the Deep State. They do nothing to avenge the righteous ones persecuted.”

“You can count the number of political leaders on the right who have done anything to combat the Deep State. Only two have been ardent and fierce against the Deep State: Devin Nunes and Rand Paul. Apart from them two, a lot of talk. Perhaps Jim Jordan and Grassley also to same high level, but they do nothing. Letters without action do nothing. Should the Republicans regain the House, they should stop all funding to DOJ, FBI, and IC members until they get all the documents, answers, and accountability done. The DOJ and IC simply stonewalls waiting out Trump’s departure in 2021 or 2025.”

“Having Godly people in power is not enough. Many Godly in power need to be booted out for those Godly ones who are willing to put action to words and quit engaging in political theater, showmanship, and grandstanding. The worst thing we have is not ungodly liberals and bureaucrats in power, but the coward righteous ones who are empty suits more concerned for their power, reputation, clout, and post-service earning power.” (Pedro Israel Orta, Former CIA, Dept of State, and ICIG officer with extensive experience on IC whistleblower standards, policies, and procedures. Follow him on Twitter.)

Let’s pray that those who claim to be Christians while in office would be gripped by the zeal of the Lord and put their faith into action. May they have a revelation of what’s at stake and may their hearts burn for a cause greater than their own.

But someone will say, “You have faith and I have works.” Show me your faith apart from your works, and I will show you my faith by my works. You believe that God is one; you do well. Even the demons believe—and shudder! (James 2:18-19 ESV)

I’ve never felt comfortable in asking for financial donations, but due to numerous requests in the last few months, I have now created a DONATE page available for those desiring to support Wanda Alger Resources with a financial gift. Hosting a website and online bookstore such as this requires administrative expertise as well as financial resourcing to assure everything is managed well. As this ministry continues to grow, so do my opportunities to travel to communities across this nation and beyond to share what the Lord is speaking to the Church. Your contribution helps me to accomplish these goals in addition to creating even more books, videos, and teaching tools to equip the Body of Christ. If you feel led to contribute, CLICK HERE to go to the DONATE PAGE. THANK YOU for your ongoing support and prayers – they are so appreciated! (Wanda)

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


11 Responses

  1. Is this person accusing Mile Pompeo and VP Pence of wrongdoing? not being willing to step up and say or do something? I find that bothersome.

    1. I understand your concern, Charlotte. Pedro did tell me more about Pompeo and some specific things he knew that concerned him, but he did not say anything more about Pence. Obviously, we know our Vice President is a prayer warrior and firm believer. I trust he is doing his part. Even so, the call to prayer is still valid for those in office who are more concerned with their reputation than with confronting the corruption.

  2. Lord I pray for Yours, who You have set in the seat of authority. I pray Lord, as You have commanded in Isaiah 51:7 That these will Listen to You. For they know righteousness. Your Word is in their heart. I pray that they will not fear anything man can do, but will walk in fear of You alone with the knowledge of Your holiness, then will they be directed by You, and their work be blessed by You. And Your peace will reign.

  3. It was a prayer issue since i didn’t see how public servants- whether being ostracised for not wanting to issue a license or tackling the DOJ, could retain enough support to stay in office long enough to complete that which was needed.
    The Lord showed me the sculpture of the Pieta Rome. It takes the breath away. I found it awesome to hear the Lord say, Michelangelo just chipped away until the image that he wanted appeared.”
    Chip away

  4. Thank you Wanda for making us aware of specific targeted prayers for JUSTICE! I too believe Republicans need to start showing real action on this front. Praying!!

  5. Scapegoats in the Church also find themselves in a type of Deep State. This is examined in “Purim” [https://wordpress.com/post/truthinus.wordpress.com/1536] and is a cry of prayer for action.

  6. This has a slanderous tone to it. I believe a call for prayer to action is all that was needed. Naming folks only breeds speculation, insult, slander, gossip, fear and the like. Let’s get a quote from those named then, and give them a chance to defend their “claim” to their faith in action. I only see division and strife in this man’s words and post.

    1. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Marie. Though I understand your concern, I personally don’t take it the same way. This is someone who has worked inside the system for years and has first-hand information. It does not remove my responsibility for verifying the testimonies or using good judgment, but it does serve to look beyond someone’s claim to faith and look for the proof of those claims. The reality is that we are the ones who vote for these individuals and we need to be sure we are basing our choices on the truth and not just presumption. Blessings!

    2. I am sorry but Pedro Orta created hostile work environments toward women at CIA. He got fired because of his unprofessional and hostile acts toward women. He might be a Minister, but he is the first liar hiding as a Chameleon.

      1. This must be the person who goes by pseudo Mark Masters who hates me and likes to lie about me. Say what you want. You created an account in LinkedIn just to attack me. Blessings to you.

  7. It has been 18 plus months since I spoke to Wanda and provided my observations as an insider. What did we see in these past 18 months? Our biggest problem is not the wickedness of the wicked, but the cowardice of so called righteous. What did VP pence do on 6 January? What did Pompep do as D/CIA And Secretary of State? Both failed to stop the forces of wickedness because they did not have the courage to act. We have many in positions of power who talk a great talk, but are devoid of works when the pressure is on to combat darkness. We need a new generation of righteous political leaders. Thus, why I am backing Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer to replace RINO James Lankford.

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