*This post includes several new resources, videos, and updates which are very strategic for this time. Please scroll all the way through so you can access and SHARE some vital information!

I had a dream on February 22 that had no context at the time. Now it does. In the dream, I had a huge storehouse of goods and several people broke in to find what they needed. It was evident that things were bad on the outside and people were looking for help. One was a black man who was looking for some power tools to finish a project. I could tell he was innovative and simply needed a specific tool to accomplish his task. The other was a young mother of three children looking for food. Interestingly, she was holding an old power cord that didn’t even work anymore. Even in the dream, my heart went out to these people who were desperate for help.

I believe this dream points to the Church as a primary STOREHOUSE of both PROVISION and POWER in the days ahead. Regardless of the source of this pandemic, the Church has a huge opportunity and I believe heaven is watching for our response. Not only can we reach our communities through practical helps and compassionate service; we are the only agency on the earth that has the legitimate POWER to CHANGE THINGS.

We are being stripped of our comforts and conveniences. We are dealing with an invisible enemy that is operating without restraint. Everyone – from the President on down – is being faced with our human limitations and I believe we will eventually come to the end of our own help. Even though I believe this pandemic is going to end sooner than later, our greater threat has been the perception that has been created. It’s the perfect time to walk in a level of power and faith that attracts attention and causes the world to notice.

But alas, the enemy knows the POWER of FAITH and BELIEF. This unseen enemy is feeding on our fears, but more importantly, our UNBELIEF. The spiritual fog that has permeated our nation for the last number of years has caused many to laugh at God and mock His ways. The manipulation of facts and deceptive propaganda has been feeding people’s minds with unbelief as to the power of God and the authority of His Word. It has been slowly draining us of our courage as well as our power. As the Lord told my husband several weeks ago, “You can hear my voice, but where’s the power?!”

I know your works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut. I know that you have but little power, and yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name…Because you have kept my word about patient endurance, I will keep you from the hour of trial that is coming on the whole world, to try those who dwell on the earth.  I am coming soon. Hold fast what you have, so that no one may seize your crown (the Latin word for crown is “corona”). (Revelation 3:8-11 ESV)

I released a word last week concerning the “violent faith” that must rise up within believers to combat this pandemic. The zeal of the Lord can only operate when there is a RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION burning in our hearts against the works of the devil. I challenge believers to cut off any unbelief in our thinking and allow Holy Spirit to burn in our hearts a compassion for others and a zeal for righteousness. I pray the Body of Christ can demonstrate servant leadership while operating in a supernatural power that defies logic and unbelief.

In my dream, the storehouse was huge. Though it did contain some food and practical provisions, it was stacked to the ceiling with tools and power equipment. I believe the Church has been given MUCH through the years and has unused potential stored within. Though the government has its role and purpose in times of crisis, it’s WE, the Ekklesia, that possess the largest storehouse of faith, provision, and legitimate power that can turn the tide.

The world is looking for solutions. Let’s give them something to watch.

Watch this 35-minute Facebook Live video I did this week, talking about our need to secure our own communities in prayer by establishing a SPIRITUAL PERIMETER in both prayer and action. I also share some thoughts on the President, the economy, and what the next few months might look like…


In the preceding video, I highlight two additional books to check out concerning COMMUNITY PRAYER. The first is Prayer Altars: A Strategy That is Changing Nations. It is available on Kindle and will stir you to faith and action within your own city. The second is another book of mine just released this week on Amazon, both as a paperback and Kindle eBook: Making Room for His Presence: A 21-Day Community Devotional. (By next week, I will offer this paperback on my own website at a reduced price.) Consider these as powerful tools to build your faith and establish more effective prayer in your own territory!

We recently had Robert Henderson at our church for a powerful weekend of teaching on our Identity, our Authority, and our Assignment as believers and intercessors. You can watch all of his teachings on our church YouTube sight here: YouTube Channel for Crossroads Community Church, Winchester, Virginia. Watch this 50-minute Q&A session I did with Robert, talking about the nation, the President, and what the Church must do to become a legitimate House of Prayer:


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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


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