I had a dream last night where I was being followed by a lion who kept trying to bite my hands. It was a familiar lion and I couldn’t understand why he would do this. His continued aggressiveness meant I had to find a way to cover my hands for protection. I could even feel his bites in the dream. All I could think about was how to keep myself safe from his reach.
We know the Lion of Judah is our Defender and King. We also know it is He who has “trained our hands for war and our fingers for battle” (Ps 144:1) so that we can do exploits for the Kingdom! But, what if there is an imposter on the loose? What if there is a counterfeit lion following us, pretending to be our Defender, when in fact he is a Familiar Spirit trying to distract us and keep us from warring in the spirit?
“Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.” (1 Peter 5:8-10 ESV)
I believe the Lord is revealing that this counterfeit lion is actually a Familiar Spirit that we have let into our lives out of fear. Masking himself as a “good thing” his aim is to handicap us and nullify our spiritual authority through fear.
A Familiar Spirit is an ungodly belief that rules our thoughts and has become such a part of our lives, we embrace it like a part of our “family.” When I asked the Lord what KIND of Familiar Spirit we were dealing with, He said, “SELF-PROTECTION.” Both personally, and even as a nation, we have become so focused on protecting ourselves and preserving our individual rights, we have let the enemy come in and twist those beliefs into something ungodly and even dangerous.
The Lord has promised that HE would be our Shield and Defense. When we trust in Him as our source of safety and peace, we can be assured of victory. But, the devil wants us to focus on PROTECTING OURSELVES. He wants us to get our eyes off of Jesus and wrapped up in fear, preoccupied with ways to keep ourselves safe.
“You are my refuge and my shield; I have put my hope in your word.” (Psalms 119:114 NIV)
We cannot get caught in the trap of self-protection to the degree it robs us of our ability to lift up the sword of the Lord and the shield of FAITH. The enemy wants to immobilize the saints and we must rebuke his presence and build up our faith. Yes, we must use wisdom and demonstrate compassion in following safety protocols and health guidelines out of mutual concern for one another. But, if we still walk in fear and are preoccupied with all the “what if’s,” I can assure you, you’ve been bitten by a counterfeit lion.
Let’s pray for one another and strengthen ourselves in the Lord. Let’s be sure to take our stand against the devil’s attacks and raise high the Word of God which is the King’s Guidelines and Protocols, guaranteed to assure our safety, our victory, and our future posterity.
During this time of global upheaval, praying the Word is essential to our survival and our future. There are 12 detailed Prayer Guides at the end of every chapter in my book, “Moving from Sword to Scepter.” Get a copy and share it with others who are serious about praying for our communities and nation!
PRAYER GUIDES from “Moving From Sword to Scepter”
1. Preparing the Way for Our Nation
2. The Fear of the Lord
3. May God’s Government Be Established on the Earth
4. Establishing God’s People in Heaven’s Authority
5. For Pastoral Leadership in the Nation
6. Oneness of Heart and Mind in the Church
7. Establishing Prayer in the City
8. Securing Our Inheritance with the Scepter
9. Shifting the Spiritual Authority Over Cities
10. Preparing Your City for Transformation
11. Guard, Keep, and Occupy Your City
12. Building a Legacy
7 Responses
As I read your revelation today, I was stronly impressed that this is also backlash from the Word you gave yesterday about the rats and the President. That Word was so significant , millions began to seriously consider the Spiritual forces behind what is happening. Thus, forced to their knees in repentance which infuriated the devil.
I was aware once again this morning of the systematic infusion of “what if” that just keeps this pot boiling. Time to take that pot off. Its overcooked and inedible!!
Thanks Wanda. Had dream couple nights ago and was looking at a field and there were lions scattered around but they weren’t being aggressive but felt that if I wondered among them them they might attack. Didn’t feel fear, just apprehension. Also had another dream with human size rats moving in and out of sewers. Very stealth. I believe there are lots of believers connected to Gods frequency 🙏🏻
Wanda, thanks for sharing your messages from the Holy Spirit.
A couple of years ago, the Lord showed me that the root cause of many of the terrible things that have happened to our nation in recent decades (e.g. thousands of lives lost in long hopeless wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan, 9/11 attacks, LGBTQ agenda victories etc.) is abortion. Our nation’s approval of abortion and the 60 million lives sacrificed have brought a curse upon our nation. May God forgive us.
Note that many states have recently banned elective abortions due to the corona virus. It has taken a pandemic to begin to stop the slaughter of the innocents in our land!
The very last verse of the Old Testament (Mal 4:6) admonishes parents to turn their hearts to their children, lest the Lord smite the earth with a curse. We need to pray for a change of heart across America against abortion. We must protect the lives of the innocent babies still in the womb. When we see respect for the sanctity of life, our nation will no longer be under a curse, but under the blessing of our Father. We will see the end of long fruitless wars and devastating plagues.
Thank you for your word it is the 2nd answer to my prayer to my prayer from last night 3/30/20 the 1rst one I received at lunch time that actually came from a televangelist and pastor Karen Wheaton. I had prayed for a sign because of the flashbacks from my child sexual abuse was coming in a very strange way and not spiritually (Bible) sound as far as I was concerned and I have had this before, I would pray it would go away then come back but I also know that God does things in an unconventional ways. So I had enough and that’s why I prayed.
The first part said that my help is coming or on it’s way, it was based from Psalm 121 and I received it and claimed it then yours Wanda and I know that there is one more part to this and I will wait patiently for the Lord and I know that he will not disappoint.
After reading this I certainly agree with a counterfeit but what is so strange to me is that I have no fear over the COVID-19 virus at all but this one thing with the flashbacks is very familiar but not at all would I say that I was ever comfortable with it.
GOD BLESS and stay safe and healthy!
With all my love!
Markette Bayliss
Markette – You might want to read another blog I wrote a few years back on getting free of familiar spirits. If you do a word search here on my site using the word “familiar”, several more articles will pop up:-). Sounds like that’s what you’re dealing with. Blessings!
I so love you and your higher righteous truths.
I’m growing and eating your words like its chocolate.
Thank you!
You are one Pastor I could absolutely get under.
Hi Wanda, I’m kind of new on your site. I’ve signed up before to receive new blogs, and have not received them. I’ll try signing up again. I so love the way you teach…
I have heard a lion roar in my ear before while being asleep. I was undergoing a very dark spiritual attack. My spirit was pulled out of my body and I was spinning around in the room. I was having one of the darkest nightmares I had ever had. Admittedly, this happened when I got too physical with my fiancĂ© at the time,…I believe the night before this happened. The devil (demons) do actually roar and sound just like a lion when they conquer their prey…