It is clear that we are in a long-term battle for the survival of this nation, as well as for the commission of the Church. Heaven is using our current circumstances to stir up a righteous standard and fill us with a zeal of the Lord to accomplish His purposes. He is calling us to not only demonstrate a different spirit, but present an entirely different worldview and vision for good government and Kingdom values. This is requiring us to unify our voice and multiply our presence in order to displace the opposing forces, both in the natural and in the spirit.
Our prayers for, and influence within, our culture will have exponential impact and authority when we walk in relational unity and oneness of heart. The call of the watchman is not only individual, it is also corporate. As our nation begins to come out of lock-down and believers start gathering together again, I want to exhort believers in the power of meeting in small groups and establishing watch groups throughout your community. I describe this in my book, “Moving from Sword to Scepter”:
“Though the call of the watchman in the Old Testament was to individuals, I believe it is also a corporate call. In the New Testament, whenever Jesus instructed His disciples to watch and pray, He spoke to them as a group (see Matthew 25:13; Mark 13:34; Luke 21:34). I believe our effectiveness as watchmen is greatly enhanced when we stand watch together. Our combined perceptions, gifts of discernment, and interpretation are expanded and enriched when we can inquire together and respond corporately to the Lord’s instructions.
I believe the Lord is calling many watch groups in cities across the nation to secure our communities from spiritual attack and intrusion from enemy forces, both in the natural and the spiritual. As anti-Christ legislation increases at the community level, we need to take seriously this call to watch and pray together. We cannot stay silent any longer. We must coordinate strategically, discern correctly, and speak boldly concerning that which threatens our own borders.”
Are you in a small group that studies the Word and prays together? Are you watching over your own city with others in the community with similar Kingdom values? Is your church or fellowship empowered to walk through our current crisis with Kingdom authority and integrity? If not, now is the time to start! It’s time to “reason together” and become history makers instead of national observers.
To encourage and motivate believers in this, I am making a very special offer.
I am making my book available for only $10 each when you order my 5+1 PACK. This includes 5 books PLUS a DVD of the 12-part VIDEO SERIES for only $25 (regular $39.95). This is a savings of $40 from the regular price!
This is a perfect resource for small groups who want to GROW and DO something about the crises we face. We must seize the opportunity before us to pray together AND upgrade our strategies and initiatives if we are to overcome opposing forces and demonstrate Kingdom authority. The 12 chapters cover biblical government, godly leadership, spiritual warfare tactics, and how local congregations and church leaders can take their place in this critical time. A detailed prayer guide at the end of every chapter will empower your corporate intercession and allow Holy Spirit to reveal even more of His unique plans for YOUR community.
THIS 5+1 PACK offer is probably one of the best deals you’ll get – and you won’t find it on Amazon or anywhere else!
Please consider taking advantage of this great resource for your small group that will encourage your faith, empower your prayers, and give you fresh prophetic perspective and wisdom concerning God’s plan for the Ekklesia in this next decade. If you don’t have a small group – START ONE! What a great way to bring fellow believers, leaders, and intercessors together for a powerful time of study and advancement in God’s plan for the Church in this Kingdom age! CLICK HERE FOR ALL THE DETAILS.
Here are just a few of the reviews from those who have read the book:
Moving from Sword to Scepter is not for beginners alone; it is a Scripture-packed, meaty manual for warriors who are serious about praying powerfully and effectively. Don’t miss this book! It is a beautiful “gem,” refined by fire, from someone who is herself a treasure in today’s prayer movement!
I found it to be one of the best and most practical books I’ve ever read on prayer. It reminds me of Dutch Sheets classic, Intercessory Prayer.
I believe this is truly a book for this hour of history. I feel the anointing on it! Holy Spirit uses it to lead me into prayer…God is teaching us as church to reach deeper levels of revelation about prayer and therefore we can go to higher places of breakthrough and authority! We need this type of revelation and prayer in Germany and Europe!
Excellent book. I believe God will use this book to unite and educate intercessors on how to pray and be effective…for too long we have been only putting out brush fires and the enemy comes right back in and starts more…we are taking our place; ruling and reigning ….not by might, not by power but by the Spirit of God…enforcing the victory already won by Jesus. Moving from the battlefield to the throne room.
I hope you consider getting this resource to SHARE with your family, friends, and fellow believers. I never thought I would experience the things we are now facing as a nation and a Church, but I believe God has given us a blueprint for success – IF we do our part and engage!
One Response
Wanda, your words of guidance and your spiritual discernment is spot on. Heb 4:12
Along with the need for Christians and Christianity itself to unite, is the need now for Christians to unite and work together with President Trump, understanding and knowing that God is working with this man to accomplish His Will.
As the farmer ploughs the field, breaking the soil, (Satan’s hold over the nation) the workers come in behind and sow the fields for the next season’s harvest. President Trump is ‘ploughing the fields’, so that the chains shackling Christians and Americans and God’s children everywhere, can be broken, so that we can all enjoy God’s blessings and bounty.
Therefore we need to realise that within the now wide spectrum and body of Christ, and also beyond just being a ‘Cyrus figure’, Donald Trump is also a Christian, within the core of his being.
Would we say King David and others like him were not Jews or more accurately Israelites/Hebrews, because they had more than one wife, many concubines, spilt a bit more blood than they should have, an coveted another man’s wife.
King David regardless of his flaws had a relationship with God as well as other Old Testament prophets that may well surpass our own relationship with God, even factoring in Jesus. The Psalms do make up a part of the bible that we are all very fond of, as well as the story of David killing Goliath.
At the end of the day, God is looking into our hearts, not the words we say or even the things we do.
1 Samuel 16:7 “But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for the Lord sees not as man sees; man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
Mt 15:8 “This people honours me with their lips, but their heart is far from me; 9 in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the precepts of men”.
Donald Trump is going about his ‘Father’s business’, trying to re-build America, make America strong again to serve not only God but all God’s children, the world, as the good Samaritan and good shepherd, and also work to restore America’s Judeo-Christian heritage in his own unique way. Donald Trump is trying to make a Sanctuary for God’s people, even all people, for whom the sun rises and the rain falls upon.
The Hebrew slaves looked at Moses sideways when he rebuked them for fighting amongst themselves, judging and accusing him for killing the Egyptian taskmaster. Yet Moses went on to be their deliverer, and lead them into the promised land as America should be today, and from there in time the whole world, as the original Garden of Eden, ‘flowing with milk and honey’. Remember, “For God so loved the world…”, not just one country or one people.
As President Trump said, “I want victory for the world”. President Trump. May 9, 2018. This speaks volumes about the heart of this man and how he is aligned with his Heavenly Parent.
“…man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”
Americans of all races, creed and colour, must now unite together behind this man to accomplish God’s Will for America. No more ‘looking sideways’ at this man who is the best friend and President you will ever have at this time on earth.
We must seek first God’s Kingdom and His Righteousness, and then all ‘God’s blessings’ will be added unto us. Not the other way around.
The walls of Jericho must come down, and likewise the swamp in Washington drained. God is calling his people to rally now, to come together and defeat the enemy in our midst, as David killed Goliath and the Philistine army was routed by Israels’ army.
God always needs a champion, He needs his hands and feet in this physical world to accomplish His Will. That is each one of us if we choose to be so.
No more sympathy for the devil, “Let us gird our loins, put on the breastplate of righteousness”, and go out and put the ‘devil to the sword’.
Christian leaders must come together and work together for God’s Kingdom, as a house divided can not stand.
This was Jesus’ prayer in John 17:20-23:
“I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; 21 that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me. 22 And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: 23 I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me”.
Pentecost is approaching as was Jesus’ trial, crucifixion, and his resurrection, shortly after he made this prayer.
If we are to receive Jesus this Pentecost season, then we must receive and honour his words though this, his almost dying prayer and commandment to his followers, then and for the future.
Jn 14:23 “If a man loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him. 24 He who does not love me does not keep my words; and the word which you hear is not mine but the Father’s who sent me”.
The Pentecost ‘ignited’ because Jesus’ disciples and other believers were grieving and repenting for not being united in heart with their Saviour.
On that foundation of repentance and a longing heart for Jesus to be with them, God and Jesus could come and make their home with them, in a very ‘dramatic way’.
That is why both John and Jesus said, “Repent, the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand”.
It is repentance that moves God’s heart so that God’s Holy Spirit can move in the hearts of the faithful and penitent. That is the meaning of rebirth.