We are dealing with major principalities in this nation and across the earth. Religious and political spirits are clogging up the system and binding up the Church with endless rules and protocols that are silencing our witness. The Jezebel spirit is manifesting through politicians and tyrannical leaders given to greed and power, and their witchcraft is fueling increased lawlessness and anarchy. Leviathan is overwhelming our senses with futility, confusion, and a fear of impending doom. These demonic strongholds must come down and displaced by those who carry legitimate authority from heaven.
The challenge is that many believers are being oppressed and harassed by these spirits and it is limiting our corporate authority in prayer. Through my own deliverance from these spirits several years ago, I learned just how easy it is for even Spirit-filled believers to get hooked by these ungodly mindsets due to negative experiences and offenses. Once delivered and set free, I saw an immediate upgrade in my intercession and an increase of authority against these powers and principalities.
If we want to see the Religious spirit defeated, we have to give up our own sacred cows and methods of ministry. Our revelations from yesterday may need to be adjusted to make room for Holy Spirit to give us an upgrade for today. We must cut the unhealthy soul ties with our past and clear the way for a transforming future.

If we want to see Jezebel defeated, we have to repent of the ways we have rebelled against our leaders, especially in the Church. The spirit of rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and as long as believers hold on to offenses against leaders who have done them wrong, we will never have legitimate authority to displace wicked rulers or demonic hordes.
If we want to be free of Leviathan’s grip that suffocates our witness, confuses our clarity, and robs us of faith, we have to renounce our fears and our need to understand everything. Our trust cannot be in the systems of men or our own human reasoning. Only God reigns supreme and His Kingdom ways are much higher than ours.
Yes, we must bind and loose, rebuke and renounce, and take a righteous stand. But, we must also clear out our own closets. We have been given spiritual authority over the works of darkness, but it’s up to us to remove any roadblocks that prevent us from using it.
I’ve been waiting over fifteen years to share my own story of deliverance from these demonic strongholds, and now is the time. I have created a 5-part Video Series for GETTING FREE FROM RELIGIOUS, JEZEBEL, AND LEVIATHAN SPIRITS. I want to lead you to freedom by sharing the same biblical truths, revelatory insights, and prayer process the Lord took me through in my own deliverance. A PDF workbook is provided with all my notes and references for easy access. Going through this process will not only free your mind, will, and emotions from demonic influence – it will revolutionize your understanding of authority in the Spirit and just how powerful you really are!
In the 16-minute Introductory Video below, I share my own testimony and introduce this new resource for your consideration. It’s time for the Ekklesia to start using the authority that heaven always intended. If you are wondering why you’re stuck, not seeing results, or feeling extreme resistance, it may be time to expose the intruders and evict them, once and for all.
2 Responses
Thank you for sharing this. It is so powerful. I am excited to hear your testimony & see what God has for me. I have been stuck since my husbands passing. You are a blessing. God bless you.
Miss you
Thank you. My materialistic, dysfunctional family pushed me to life in Jesus Christ yet I know there are strongholds on my heart and my mind I need gone.