In worship this past Sunday we were singing the song The Lion and the Lamb (by Leeland) and I could sense a rising agitation in my spirit. In a vision I saw a lion and it was pacing back and forth. It was restless, unsettled, and troubled, looking out to some distant objective. Lions get this way when they feel trapped and caged, knowing they belong in the wild.

That’s when I knew – The Lion of Judah is pacing.
He is pacing back and forth, continually looking out to that which He knows must be challenged. Religion has caged Him and the Church has tried to domesticate Him. But they cannot contain Him for the Lion roars, “I AM NOT A TAME GOD!”

As the day of His vengeance draws closer, the call of His creation pulls Him to crash through the gates that have barred Him to challenge those who dare usurp His reign.

Lest you think our God is some idle observer during enemy occupation, know that His passion cannot be subdued. His retribution is fierce and He cannot be tethered. It’s only a matter of time before The King’s roar will sound, the gates will fall, and hell will have to answer for its insurrection against the throne.


The posture of our hearts and the words from our mouths determine the atmosphere in a place. The power of our praises and our prayers can shift atmospheres in a room, a building, a neighborhood, and even an entire city. This is the amazing result of believers coming together in agreement and lifting up incense to heaven through their unified proclamations and worship. It permeates the spirit and displaces any demonic activity, making way for heaven to come down and God’s presence to be made known.

And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. (Acts 4:33)

In the early Church, the unity among believers was so strong that “great grace” was released in the city. This grace opened spiritual doors to miracles, signs, and wonders, along with salvations on a daily basis. Earlier in this same chapter, it speaks of their daily fellowship and breaking of bread. Because of their corporate agreement and unified vision for the Kingdom, God’s grace empowered them to do far beyond what they could have done in the natural. This should be our desire as we come together as watchmen in prayer over our cities and nation. We can pray in such agreement with heaven that the atmosphere over the city begins to be permeated with the grace and favor of the Lord.

Thus says the Lord: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool; what is the house that you would build for me, and what is the place of my rest?” (Isaiah 66:1)

Our spiritual adversary will continually find ways to spread fear, chaos, turmoil, and hopelessness over the land. It is OUR responsibility to displace those demonic spirits by keeping our corporate prayer altars ablaze. We must use our authority in Christ to displace rulers in high places and declare the work of the cross and the power of Christ’s resurrection.  It is the Body of Christ that has been given governing authority in the spirit to establish the preeminence of His blood over every threat, curse, and demonic scheme that seeks a home within our communities. Let’s agree together to speak life instead of death, order instead of chaos, and faith instead of fear. 

To establish the Lordship of Christ and God’s peace on your community, pray for:

Cleansing of any idolatry or double-mindedness: Lord, forgive us for the idols in our land. We confess we have looked to fleshly attractions and entertainment, people of title and fame, and the accumulation of worldly goods instead of You*. Cleanse us for being divided in our hearts and minds and give us an undivided heart that we might serve you wholly and without reserve. Wash us with your Word and give us a new spirit that would cause us to walk in your ways (1 John 2:16; James 1:8; Ezekiel 36:26-27). *Repent of any specific place, person, or thing that has become an idol.

The fear of the Lord to be upon the cityWe choose to live in the fear of the Lord and not the fear of man. We pledge, O God, to fear your name above all others and to look to You as the only source of life, liberty, and every good thing. Lord, give us a singleness of heart and action so that we will always fear the Lord for our own good and the good of our children. May the fear of the Lord rest upon our families, our churches, our businesses and schools, our government and every sector of our city so that it may go well with us and that your covenant will stand secure (James 1:17, Proverbs 14:26, Jeremiah 32:38-41, Psalm 25:12-14)

The angelic host to accomplish their assignments: Father, we thank you for the angels that you have sent to aid and assist us in this battle. We ask for and acknowledge their presence in our city to guard, keep, and protect every citizen from harm. We bless their assignments to war against any enemy of the kingdom and to push back the forces of evil on our behalf.  We thank you that this battle is not ours, but Yours. (Psalm 34:7, Psalm 91:11, Hebrews 12:22)

The altar of His presence to be establishedLord, establish our city as a dwelling place of your presence, a light in the darkness, and a refuge for the lost. Raise up prayer and worship altars across our region that will continually offer sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to welcome your rule and reign on this land. Expose and remove any and every idolatrous place of worship that attracts the darkness and render their altars ineffective and powerless. We dedicate ourselves to daily seek Your face and know your heart for the sake of your kingdom (Ezekiel 37:26-28, Isaiah 66:1, Psalm 27:8).

The peace of the Lord to overshadow the landWe speak PEACE to every storm the enemy tries to stir up and we speak PEACE to every heart that is troubled. We declare our community to be a city of peace and rest and reject and resist any spirit of agitation, fear, or violence that seeks entry. We declare the goodness of God and the rule of heaven to overshadow and displace every work of darkness that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy our faith in God. Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world. We decree the Prince of Peace as ruler of our land and that the government will rest on His shoulders of which there will be no end (Mark 4:39, Exodus 33:14, Psalm 91:1, Isaiah 9:6)

The establishment of godly leadershipFather, we ask for godly leadership to be firmly established in our community and for every counterfeit, rebel, and traitor to be removed. We ask that those who have been called and appointed for leadership in this hour to be revealed, acknowledged, and affirmed, rightly positioned and placed in the fields you have assigned them. We speak blessing on every shepherd in our city whose heart is fully yielded to You and ask for an increase of grace and favor in their lives. May every sector in our community be influenced and guided by leaders who are fully aligned with your heart and purposes (Exodus 18:21, Proverbs 16:7, Hebrews 13:7, 2 Timothy 2:15).

The wisdom and knowledge of the Lord to be revealedLord, give us your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to reveal and expose the hidden things of darkness to bring them into the light. By Your Spirit, teach us your ways to rightly discern between good and evil that we might walk in truth and integrity. Grow us as your sons and daughters to be ambassadors of your kingdom and representatives of heaven. May we operate in increased wisdom and discernment that would attract nonbelievers and demonstrate the power and authority of your kingdom (Daniel 2:21-22, 1 Corinthians 2:7-10).

Father, we declare our community to be under the Lordship of Christ and under the rule of heaven that you might be known and that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that you, alone, are God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


3 Responses

  1. Hi Wanda,
    I had been having this vision of the Lion pacing and shared it with my aunt, who is subscribed to you posts. She shared this with me and I was overcome with emotions and then just peace. But now I am having a second vision of the throne room and in it I see God just shift his foot from the upper step to a lower one, at first I thought he was making a move and now I realized that nothing about His body shifted and hear him say that He was putting his foot down and that I was to mimic this position. I was overcome once again as I listened just now to a word you shared on taking authority.
    I just wanted to reach out and unload myself…

  2. Hi Wanda, Thank you so much for these prayers! I am a firm believer in prayer and. God’s word says that His house is a house of prayer, but our churches spend the least amount of time in prayer. It is time for the Body of Christ to exercise our most important spiritual weapon collectively with pure hearts through fasting and praying and allowing God to refine us so that we can be the effectual fervent men and women whose prayers avail much. The Lord has been exposing to me the Jezebel spirit, the Saul spirit, Religious spirit, and separation between races in my study through Prayer Portions by Sylvia Gunter. You are the only other person that I have heard or read that mentions the Jezebel spirit. The first one I have heard say anything on the Leviathan spirit. I am praying for the Body of Christ to be unified and awakened, purified prayer warriors. I have been asking the Lord to reveal specific demonic spirits to rebuke the name of Jesus that are attacking our nation. I know the Lord has used quarantine from COVID to help me prioritize and refine me and hope He’s doing this throughout the whole body of believers. Thank you for all that you do for the Lord! I will be listening to your video.

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