As we pray for the this nation’s upcoming election, we can also pray for our own territory to turn towards Kingdom priorities. Prepare the way for citizens in your city and county to discern wisely and vote rightly with these strategic prayer points of repentance and sanctification. (Prayer Guide from Chapter 9 of MOVING FROM SWORD TO SCEPTER)

Cleansing of any idolatry or double-mindedness: (1 John 2:16; James 1:8; Ezekiel 36:26-27)

  • Lord, forgive us for the idols in our land. We confess we have looked to fleshly attractions and entertainment, people of title and fame, and the accumulation of worldly goods instead of You. (Repent of any specific place, person, or thing that has become an idol.)
  • Cleanse us for being divided in our hearts and minds and give us an undivided heart that we might serve You wholly and without reserve. Wash us with Your Word and give us a new spirit that would cause us to walk in Your ways.

The Fear of the Lord to be upon the city: (James 1:17; Proverbs 14:26; Jeremiah 32:38-41; Psalm 25:12-14).

  • We choose to live in the Fear of the Lord and not the fear of man. We pledge, O God, to fear Your name above all others and to look to You as the only Source of life, liberty, and every good thing.
  • Lord, give us a singleness of heart and action so that we will always Fear the Lord for our own good and the good of our children.
  • May the Fear of the Lord rest upon our families, our churches, our businesses and schools, our government, and every sector of our city so that it may go well with us and that Your covenant will stand secure.

The angelic host to accomplish their assignments: (Psalm 34:7; Psalm 91:11; Hebrews 12:22)

  • Father, we thank You for the angels that You have sent to aid and assist us in this battle. We ask for and acknowledge their presence in our city to guard, keep, and protect every citizen from harm.
  • We bless their assignments to war against any enemy of the Kingdom and to push back the forces of evil on our behalf. We thank You that this battle is not ours, but Yours.

The altar of His presence to be established: (Ezekiel 37:26-28; Isaiah 66:1; Psalm 27:8)

  • Lord, establish our city as a dwelling place of Your presence, a light in the darkness, and a refuge for the lost.
  • Raise up prayer and worship altars across our region that will continually offer sacrifices of praise and thanksgiving to welcome Your rule and reign on this land.
  • Expose and remove any and every idolatrous place of worship that attracts the darkness and render their altars ineffective and powerless.
  • We dedicate ourselves to daily seek Your face and know Your heart for the sake of Your Kingdom.

The peace of the Lord to overshadow the land: (Mark 4:39; Exodus 33:14; Psalm 91:1; Isaiah 9:6)

  • We speak peace to every storm the enemy tries to stir up and we speak peace to every heart that is troubled.
  • We declare our community to be a city of peace and rest and reject and resist any spirit of agitation, fear, or violence that seeks entry.
  • We declare the goodness of God and the rule of heaven to overshadow and displace every work of darkness that seeks to steal, kill, and destroy our faith in God. Greater is He who is in us than he that is in the world.
  • We decree the Prince of Peace as ruler of our land and that the government will rest on His shoulders of which there will be no end.

The establishment of godly leadership: (Exodus 18:21; Proverbs 16:7; Hebrews 13:7; 2 Timothy 2:15).

  • Father, we ask for godly leadership to be firmly established in our community and for every counterfeit, rebel, and traitor to be removed. We ask that those who have been called and appointed for leadership in this hour to be revealed, acknowledged, and affirmed, rightly positioned and placed in the fields You have assigned them.
  • We speak blessing on every shepherd in our city whose heart is fully yielded to You and ask for an increase of grace and favor in their lives.
  • May every sector in our community be influenced and guided by leaders who are fully aligned with Your heart and purposes.

The wisdom and knowledge of the Lord to be revealed: (Daniel 2:21-22; 1 Corinthians 2:7-10)

  • Lord, give us Your wisdom, knowledge, and understanding to reveal and expose the hidden things of darkness to bring them into the light. By Your Spirit, teach us Your ways to rightly discern between good and evil that we might walk in truth and integrity.
  • Mature us as Your sons and daughters to be ambassadors of Your Kingdom and representatives of heaven. May we operate in increased wisdom and discernment that would attract nonbelievers and demonstrate the power and authority of Your Kingdom.

Father, we declare our community to be under the lordship of Christ and under the rule of heaven that You might be known and that every knee will bow and every tongue confess that You, alone, are God. In Jesus’ name. Amen.


Get all 12 Prayer Guides from MOVING FROM SWORD TO SCEPTER in this downloadable PDF. Use these detailed prayer points loaded with scripture references for personal or small group intercession.

Watch this video clip from our Sword to Scepter conference: HOW CAN THE CHURCH PREPARE FOR WHAT’S AHEAD?


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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


One Response

  1. On 10-2, I had a dream I called “Impending War”. I looked out the front window at the sky and clouds in the evening in someone’s home at a very rural area. I felt that China was getting ready to attack us. The next morning, I walked outside to see military troops that were Not our own. They were our ALLIES…I have a suspicion they were Angels.
    I believe there are Angels setting up garrisons and blockades in homes and in neighborhoods in the most remote locations for the most vulnerable people. They are preparing for battle. Be assured they “know their stuff” and are unafraid of their enemy. It is rather routine to them…I believe, the more we pray, the more they will be dispatched. I don’t know what’s coming…but it may seem overwhelming…We are defenseless without God’s help…We need to pray, repent, seek God…

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