A word from the Lord to the Church of America:

To the Church of America, I would say, do you know the choice before you? Do you know the significance of that which you align with? For I tell you that you are choosing between a curse and a blessing, a promise of hope or a sentence of death. My righteousness shall not be mocked, nor My holiness profaned. That which is being weighed among men is being measured by heaven and your choice will determine whether heaven or hell rules over your nation.

What is it that you fear? What is it that you dread? Do you fear sickness and disease? Do you fear poverty and loss? Do you fear lack and deprivation? Do you fear man’s reprisal? Or do you FEAR ME? Do you truly know the depth of My love or the extent of My power to free you from despots and criminals and those who are treacherous of heart? Do you doubt My ability to deal with those who oppose Me? Are you denying My authority over spirits of infirmity and even demons of death? How I long to manifest the fullness of who I AM if you but choose rightly in this hour and let heaven have its way!

There is a curse on your land, America! Life is in the blood and there has been innocent blood not only spilled, but taken and drunk by demented souls who have blasphemed and corrupted everything that is holy. Do you not understand the legal rights that have been handed to the adversary because of these crimes of polluted passion and perverted power?  Do you understand the abominations that have been committed behind closed doors that have given hell access to your inheritance? This curse alone has put your nation under a blanket of blindness and a fog of futility. Until this curse is lifted, heaven cannot – WILL NOT – pour out My Spirit from the bowls of intercession that have been collected. THIS is what you must align with and agree upon so that the promise can be secured, and your inheritance granted.

You think you have discerned this president’s heart as compromised and ungodly? By whose standards? You think you have determined My priorities through your political alliances and religious reasonings? FOOLS! You cannot discern spiritual realities when you walk in the fear of man. Nor can you judge what is true when you have logs in your eyes and bitterness in your soul. Have you not read that I have am a stone of offense and a rock of stumbling to those who do not fear Me above all else? I do this for your own good, to purify your senses and sanctify your convictions. When you truly FEAR ME above all else, NOTHING will have power over you, and your heart will discern rightly from wisdom that is not of the flesh.

This land cannot breathe because it is drowning in the blood of innocents. This nation cannot live until the sentence of slaughter is repealed. The gates of heaven are about to release the floodwaters of My Spirit to cleanse, renew, and restore that which as been defiled, but you must choose that which is of My Spirit and not of man. All other fears must bow, and all other idols must yield. When the gavel of heaven’s justice bears down to shake the earth, a tsunami of My Presence will result. The contamination of sin collected through generations of compromise, IN ONE DAY, will be washed clean and made new.

“For behold, the day is coming, burning like an oven, when all the arrogant and all evildoers will be stubble. The day that is coming shall set them ablaze, says the LORD of hosts, so that it will leave them neither root nor branch. BUT FOR YOU WHO FEAR MY NAME, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall. And you shall tread down the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet, on the day when I act, says the LORD of hosts.” (Malachi 4:1-3 ESV)


My publisher, Destiny Image, recently connected me with The Jim Bakker Show where I was interviewed by Lori Bakker. This was an unexpected opportunity and a God-appointed interview that will reach literally millions of viewers with the messages God has given me. Check out the episode by clicking HERE.

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


5 Responses

  1. Yes the blood is crying out to God, and
    it is not just the blood of aborted babies that’s crying out. It is the blood shed by America of innocent people in many nations. It is the blood of black and brown bodies slain for years and years and years at the hands of corrupt police. It is the blood from the suicides of native americans mangled by the atrocity of injustice. It is the blood of brown children separated by this government from their parents. It is the blood of black lives still hanging from trees, as recently as this year! It is the blood of black men unjustly thrown in the prison system since 1891. And the list goes on and on. God has heard the cry of innocent blood, America. And the time is now. There is no hiding place, only repentance.

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