This past weekend the intensity of prophetic worship was off the charts at the As One Rally in Washington, DC. Being outside in the open air, I was especially sensitive to the atmosphere and the spiritual battles raging. In my spirit I could see Jezebel frantically scrambling from all directions as doors were being shut in her face and her options for control were diminishing. Truly, the prayers and praises of the saints over these past few weeks has shifted things as her demonic rule is coming down.
Even so, I have felt her retaliation in my own spirit as I’ve been hit with emotional turmoil and frustration. Feelings of jealousy, bitterness, loss, rejection, etc. At first I just thought it was just me and confessed my struggles to the Lord. In seeking the Lord further this morning, I now believe this is Jezebel’s way of distracting many believers by PROVOKING OUR EMOTIONS and getting us frustrated and bitter towards others. Perhaps you have felt similar negative emotional reactions?
The immediate instruction I received from the Lord was to humble ourselves and confess these toxic emotions to one another. This is the exact opposite of what Jezebel wants as she seeks to hide her faults and justify her outbursts. Our humble confessions to one another are critical if we want to be free of her grip. In her attempt to sidetrack our mission and nullify our prayers, this demonic spirit will try and woo us into self-protection, self-promotion, and self-defense. We must walk in the opposite spirit and confess any unsanctified emotion or attitude.
What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? … Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:1, 6-7)
Finger-pointing and blame-shifting is swirling in the atmosphere and will increase in the days to come. Don’t get caught up in it! DON’T ASSUME THAT EVERY EMOTION YOU FEEL IS TRUE! Determine to keep your heart free and your conscience clear. Share your struggles with others and pray for a pure heart that is at rest with God’s plans, purposes, and methods of bringing us through. Determine to be led of your spirit and not your flesh. Our prayers will continue to have effect as long as our hearts and attitudes stay pure before the Lord.
Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (James 5:16)
Confession is not only good for the soul, it is a necessary weapon in bringing down demons and displacing principalities. Pride goes before a fall but humility exalts the Lord. The soul of this nation is depending on it.
“Our lack of corporate agreement and unwillingness to commit to one another in a covenant community also benefits the enemy’s playbook. Where witches join covens in order to form their circles of power, believers avoid belonging to any church for fear of being controlled. As a result, we are left without protection, void of unity, and open prey for the dark side. If only believers understood the power of covenant as much as witches do.” (from MOVING FROM SWORD TO SCEPTER, Chapter 9, “Warfare that Works”)

7 Responses
What a very powerful blog! I am very much in agreement with what you have shared. The battle was raging in my community this past werkend on a higher level. I could feel the tension very strongly and some repercussions because of…. Jezebel may be scrambling, but it’s still fighting and has not given up. We must continue to do the same with the weapons for warfare that He has given us to fight with. Thank you Wanda for your hunble heart, it is very evident that what you do is in no way about you, it is all about Him!
I was hoping that you may have been one of the speakers at the ‘As One Rally’. You have a lot of good insightful things to share.
Get yourself invited for the next one sister!
Thank you, Wanda! You explained exactly what was happening with me the last two days and I was so upset with myself for being so agitated and upset with everyone (not that they knew it) when I should be focused on praying and what is happening right now. So the Lord just righted my spirit through your writing and I can see the Jezebel spirit’s manipulation! Battle ready now for tomorrow! Thank you so much! So thankful for all the Lord speaks through you about in these crucial days! blessings and prayers to you! <3
Hello Mighty Woman of God, this is so on point, I’ve witnessed this in full force yesterday in church. The spirit of Jezebel manifest, through the emotional connection of others to accomplish her destructive plans. But I’m faithful to my call from God until He releases me. Marching on in His Light! Hallelujah
Thank you for powerful insight and bold teachings.
Blessings in abundance
Elizabeth Roddam-Schearf
Right onn
Wow ! You just explained why I became so aggressive this afternoon all of a sudden. My husband ask me what has happened to you. Especially since i had had a good day up until
late afternoon. Thank you.
reading this post and all went away — know I was reading truth some of what God had already showed me but more insight — found it again and reread prayed took notes and etc discerning the jezebel spirit then what to do about it and what to share with others over the years – as I was praying reading the Word and etc last night preparing my heart for today — wow felt this spirit BIG time more than I ever remember before but knowing what it was – then this morning seeing the connection of that spirit in so many areas of this election and those with so much hate — thank you for sharing this timely insight