CONFESSIONS OF A KILLER: In a dream last night I saw a person who had done major harm to someone else standing before the authorities. It wasn’t about fraud or corruption because I saw a snipers scope and knew someone had been killed. As the gravity of their situation sank in, they could take it no longer. Even as they were drug away for sentencing, they began to cry out about the ones who held the gun to their head and threatened them if they didn’t comply. They knew their own actions were punishable, but the anguish they now felt caused them to give up the ones who forced their hand.
There’s no doubt there are men and women in high positions of power who have done terrible things because they’ve been blackmailed and threatened. I believe this dream is an indication that some will turn and give up those behind their actions when reality hits. We’ve been praying that whistleblowers would come forth concerning criminal activities in this nation and beyond. But I believe the Lord is going after the heavy hitters. Not just the criminals on the lower rungs, but those who pulls the strings. I believe the prayers of the saints are working as judgments against the perpetrators are drawing closer. In the dream I could feel the swirl of dread and fear – the anxiousness of those who now feel trapped in their complicity.
Let’s pray that the fear of the Lord and the weight of their sins would compel these truth-tellers to come forth. Pray that the anguish of their own soul would outweigh any threats or intimidation from their handlers. Pray that as criminal activity is exposed, it pulls the cover off the puppet masters behind the scenes and their strings would be cut.
“Who rises up for me against the wicked? Who stands up for me against evildoers? If the LORD had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence.” (Psalms 94:16-17)
VISION OF THE BODY BUILDER: In corporate worship this past Sunday we were singing about standing on the Rock and praising the One who holds all things together. I immediately saw a vision of Christ holding the entire earth on the back of His shoulders. I thought of Isaiah 9:6 which says the government is on His shoulders. Just as He is often seen in pictures carrying the cross with arms outstretched and head hanging down, this time I saw Him carrying the world on His shoulders. His love was sure and His resolve was absolute as I recognized His unseen presence carrying the weight of the world.
But then as we continued to lift up His name in worship, I saw the vision change. I now saw Atlas, the mythological body-builder, often recognized by the iconic statue that shows him holding the world on his shoulders. But in my vision, this was no Atlas – it was God Almighty. He was no longer the suffering Shepherd, but a chiseled Body Builder with rippling muscles of immense strength. His power emanated from His entire being as He held up the world on His massive shoulders.
As we continued to lift up His name in worship, this Body Builder began to lift His head. No longer simply carrying the weight of the world, He now took hold of it with both hands and began to lift it up. Just as a weight lifter raises his weights above his head to demonstrate the full measure of his strength, so was this Body Builder lifting up those He was carrying. Even as a portion of the earth was still bound to the lower realms, those who were joined with Him were now being separated and lifted up for all to see. This Body Builder from the upper realms was unflinching in exhibiting the full extent of His power as well as His domination over all other contenders. Even as I took in this unfamiliar image of the Lord, I knew that THIS is how God wanted us to see Him right now.
Man-made systems are crumbling and only those who stand on the Living Word will pass the strength test. Through the shakings, our God will reveal Himself as a formidable foe. He is building a Body that will surpass all others and stand when others fall. Our adversaries may think Him to be a mild and meek Savior, but they are about to see this Titan of Creation demonstrate His preeminent authority on the earth. No one can match Him and He fully intends on taking first place.
6 Responses
Dear Wanda, Thank you again and shared on my blog with this intro:
“How very appropriate, like pieces in God’s Invisible Jigsaw – or else ends of the spiritual ‘Bridge o’er the Pond’ – after Neil’s in Winchester, Hampshire, comes this just in from Wanda in Winchester, Virginia! And once again, part of her message resonates with my very own musings; this time, in view of governmental shakings here and in America, on Isaiah’s prophecy that “the government will be upon His shoulders” – when Lord? Make it very soon!”
Whistleblower (in “A Case for Mercy” 01 Dec 20): When I went to other churches for help, I was accused of “church shopping,” and then of not forgiving. But that wasn’t it at all. I was sent on a mission by God, but they couldn’t stop long enough to listen to the issue in order to reconcile. They turned it into a character smear. For some reason they felt threatened and projected their anger and fear onto me. Then they started locking arms with other churches, prophets and rabbis to make a fortress out of their brotherhood to protect their religious empire. The louder and clearer I got, the more severe the lockdown became. Ultimately, that was made manifest in the earth with the COVID lockdown. This was a bizarre inversion of “on earth as it is in heaven.” But this was the ‘second heaven’ war zone and not the bliss that we normally associate with Heaven.
By some divine co-incidence I was channel surfing on the internet and came across your blog and you are an answer to prayer and it really resonated with me. Thank you so much I live in Australia the land down under as it is called but there are many who are rising up not in church but in deep prayer for your nation. Just thought you ought to know although many miles separate us prayers are the same and powerful no matter where we are on the globe.
Good to “meet” you Tyler! Yes – I have numerous friends in Australia:-). One of the few open visions I had numerous years ago showed this next wave of God originating in Australia and coming across the entire globe. Blessings to you as we take this stand together!
Yea, Tyler Ann, I’m with you! I live just north of Brisbane and have been passionately praying for the USA and the current situation concerning the election outcome. I believe we in Australia need to come together in this hour and see the promise of the outpouring Wanda mentions which is a confirmation of many prophetic calls. God bless you wherever you are.
I wonder if you saw who the whistle blower would be……Do you possibly think it could be Kamala Harris? I love your resolve and unwavering stance on the knowing that our president will be our president for four more years! I believe it too! Very short dream I had in September, I was walking by two women and they were talking to each other and one said,
“Can you believe Donald Trump is not going to be president?” As I passed them I responded, “Huh, that’s not going to happen!” I woke up and could not figure out why I would dream such a thing since I was & am still convinced that he will be president. Now I know why I dreamed that. I did know why the dream was so short though, sadly my prayer life is VERY short, not how it used to be. I am glad that God counted me in when he was showing people what was to come. TRUMP 2020!