Numerous nationally recognized prophets have felt compelled to retract their prophesies concerning President Trump being reelected. I personally believe many of their initial revelations were correct. What’s being missed – by many of us – is the TIMING. It’s not just the dream, vision, or revelation that has to be weighed, but the interpretation and then the application. This is where we’ve been all over the map. We don’t tell time very well:-).

I still stand on the mounds of evidence that have been revealed to intercessors and unsuspecting believers around the world about His plans – for months and even years – and the evidence is overwhelming in what God is doing globally. He has not brought us through these past four years of advancement for Kingdom causes only to be totally erased in a single day (and that’s exactly what would happen). He’s not that cruel.

This is not about proving a few prophets “right.” It’s about the body of Christ properly discerning the Spirit’s work in this hour and standing in faith for Him to accomplish it. As I’ve shared before, the dates are not the priority. God is not bound to our timetables. But He IS bound to His word – and that’s what we need to stand on.

As one who has trained and mentored five-fold leaders for years, I can tell you that not every prophet is called to the same assignment. Just because someone has been commissioned as a prophet doesn’t mean they will have a definitive word about every issue (who wants that responsibility?!) I appeal to anyone who wants to cast stones – please don’t criticize any legitimate prophet of God who has a proven track record in years of ministry – just because of this one prophecy. This isn’t easy for ANY of us. We need to extend some grace. When it’s all said and done, all of us will be in shock and realize we each only saw IN PART.

As posted in my last video, I believe we must stay in the place of focused prayer for our president and those who are on the side of truth, righteousness, and liberty for this nation. Until January 20, ANYTHING can still happen!

One of my trusted prophetic intercessors, Deborah Perkins, shared this strategic word with me earlier this week (“REST, TRUST, AND PROPHESY HOPE”). She senses the 14 days between January 6 to January 20 are critical. The Lord led her to the story of Paul’s shipwreck in Acts 27-28. She states, “I believe this passage corresponds exactly to what will happen from January 6 – 20th, 2020. Paul’s ship to Italy was battered by storms for 14 days. The sailors were praying and fasting for survival, even after having fasted for the Day of Atonement.”

She describes the subsequent shipwreck (which I believe alludes to the man-made systems of greed and power that have been steering this nation off-course). She goes on to say, “…On the 14th night, the sailors took a sounding and found they were at 120 feet deep (a nod to the upper room story in Acts 1:15). The ship was approaching land and Paul prophesied again that none of them would lose a hair from their heads. They threw all man-made provisions overboard (a picture of a shift from relying on man to relying only on God). …All the men jumped overboard, USING THE PLANKS AND DEBRIS FROM THE BROKEN SHIP ITSELF to safely reach the shore. This passage is a clear picture of what is happening nationally. Just as Paul was rescued from prison by an angel, so our nation must rely on God’s strength, not man’s, for supernatural deliverance in this tumultuous time.”

Deborah and I believe this is a call to pray in this critical window of time before January 20. There are things happening in both the natural and in the spirit that we have no idea about. Many suggest military action is coming, and I personally wouldn’t be surprised if it does. Regardless of what takes place, I do believe God is coming with a vengeance BECAUSE of the prayers and actions of the millions of believers around the world who have faithfully stood their ground for truth and righteousness and refused to give up – even as the ship seems to be going down. Just as in my dream about this “unfolding drama,” the final curtain may seem to be falling, but there’s more to the story.

For those who have been feeling the “agony of defeat,” we have to face the uncomfortable truth that pain is a part of this process. Spiritual growth and comfort can never coexist. Let’s embrace the grieving, the mourning, and the heartache of misplaced expectations. Tears may endure for the night, but joy always comes in the morning! Hopes may seem to have died, but resurrection is coming, and God is ALWAYS ON TIME!

Be sure to share and subscribe to my new YOUTUBE CHANNEL!


For those who are dealing with fear and anxiety in this time of unknowns, I want to reference my PDF study and prayer guide, OVERCOMING THE FEAR FACTOR. It’s a scripture-based study and worksheet to help uncover the roots of your fears and bring a greater level of freedom in your life. It’s a downloadable link that you can copy and share with others.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7vc9FsevcA[/embedyt]

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


37 Responses

  1. Allow me to share something THE LORD GOD spoke to me several days ago, let me preface it with this, for years we have mumbled, complained and questioned THE LORDS timing, and many times l have heard that HE always moves in the eleventh hour, HE has heard all of this and chuckles…anyway, the following is what HE spoke to me, after HE reminded me about “the eleventh hour”, ” Daughter, one minute before midnight is still within the eleventh hour” and HE SMILED. HIS timing is always perfect BECAUSE HE KNOWS WHAT HE IS DOING AND ACCOMPLISHING BEFORE HE REVEALS HIMSELF IN ALL OF HIS GLORY….

  2. All I have been hearing is “having done all, stand.” Even as I read your email this was echoing through my heart and mind. We must know in Whom we trust.

  3. I keep hearing the Lord tell me He has heard our prayers!! Now, stand and see the salvation of God Exodus 14:1-18!! We must believe, not keep asking as if He hasn’t heard, or as if we haven’t believed… He is able, nothing is too difficult, and never too late with God. Shadrack, Meshack and Abednego got thrown into the fire (was it too late for them) it seemed as though it was, but God was with them. BELIEVE AND SEE THE SALVATION OF GOD!!

  4. Watched a video today someone took from DC. Large presence of military with weapons positioned everywhere. Thank you so much for your continued encouragement. The scripture I would like to share is Isaiah 5:20, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! God bless!

    1. I have been given information that there will be an overturn and Trump will retain his office. But be watchful what you wish for. It is all just a set up so that he can usher in Nesara and gesara. It is the light side of the beast. The Book of revelation will come to pass and the mark will be given by way of vax. Currency will go digital. We must stand as others have said but it will be standing against the new government. I voted for him but I believe he will allow his flesh to rule and reject Yeshua. I hope I am wrong.

  5. As someone chosen by THE LORD GOD as a Prophet to the Nations many years ago in my native country (I am now in the US), I felt I would explode within even if I thought that “b” person would be a “p”
    I was checking with THE LORD saying that I was willing to ….couldn’t even say it, cannot even …
    I sense THE LORD’S HEART and when I felt like I wanted to puke, and it wasn’t physical, THE LORD TOLD ME I was feeling His Heart about a person who was lukewarm (In Rev. He tells us He will vomit out/puke out the lukewarm).
    Please don’t feed the evil trees – ditch facebook and twitter. Why should we participate?

  6. We must take our eyes off of the calendar date of Jan 20th. That is mans date/time. God has a timeline and His ancient enemy trying to usurp it with a parallel timeline, to even disrupt end times, that we must come out of agreement with. Have patience and “stand and see the salvation of the Lord” 🙏🏻

  7. “HOLD THE LINE, HOLD THE LINE, HOLD THE LINE!!!” This is what I’m hearing in my spirit. We must believe and have faith that God is doing a deep work in our Nation. God loves our Nation and the Nations of the world! God is saving our Nation, look only to Him, knowing, believing and having faith that He is not man, that He can tell a lie! What may look to us as defeat, He will prove Himself to be Almighty God, so “hold the line,” don’t give up, stand and watch for the defeat of the enemy in our Nation! Watch as the waters begin to pile up and the path becomes clear to the other side of God’s perfect plan for this “One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for ALL!!” Praise God, HE WINS!! 😄

  8. I don’t generally comment on any site that is moderated because there can be a reply but let the people learn. When they face the enemy away from moderation they will know how to respond.
    Anyway, I wanted to add that months ago when I heard “prophets” say – IF you pray, or IF you vote then you will get this result, I knew they were FALSE. The Bible tells us to avoid all appearance of evil and a so called “prophesy” with an exit excuse route is false.
    I am from a background of eastern religions and spiritism and I know how demons can accurately give information which can include future events. So if THE WORD OF THE LORD GOD is violated the person is fake EVEN IF THEY HAVE A RECORD OF “ACCURATE” prophesies.
    Derrick Prince with his many years of experience got caught to a demon who told him some details of his past and he fell for it. I was educated!

  9. Wanda, Just found you today and said I was let by the Holy Spirit. Have you heard of Tom Zimmer and his prophecy in the 1980’s about Donald Trump bringing America back to God. Also would love to send you a copy of my book about getting my wife’s family out of Cuba in 1980. A miraculous event I wrote about and published a few years ago. If you google Bill Kirksey author it should come up. My email: bkcarlsbad@msn.com and phone number 760-729-3773. Hope we can connect soon. Just send me your mailing address and I will get a copy of the book off soon.
    Bill Kirksey

  10. Dear Sister in Christ,
    I would like to comment on a couple of things. First, as a believer we need to stand with each other and not criticize one another. Loving our neighbor or loving one another is what Jesus truly wants us to do. So be kind and encouraging. We all need prayer. We are all grieving! Where is your faith? Let’s lift each other up in prayer!
    Yes, our God is the God of the 11th hour. As my sister before me has said so eloquently! And it is His timing, not ours. I feel as Jesus has said at this time we are to have patience and endurance!
    Take a deep breath and just breathe. The Father has everything under His control.
    Wanda, thank you for being so courageous! May the peace of our Lord Jesus be with you and all the Saints!

  11. I am not a prophet but I know the Lord spoke this to me one day when I was in pray with IFA/Dave Kubal:
    I AM NEVER TOO EARLY, I AM NEVER TOO LATE, I AM ALWAYS ON TIME! SO DO NOT CAST WAY YOUR FEARLESS CONFIDENCE, YOUR FEARLESS CONFIDENCE YOUR FEARLESS CONFIDENCE, FOR IT HAS A GREAT RECOMPENSE OF REWARD!! I truly believe HE is about to show up and show off on behalf of His precious intercessors and prophetic voices. Its not over till He says its over.
    Watch for something to turn upside down 3/20/21. To God be the Glory and HE WILL HAVE THE FINAL WORD AND HE WILL HAVE THE GLORY, IN JESUS NAME!

    1. Dear Hunter,
      First, if Biden is in for 8 years. I would still get up and fix my husband breakfast, still go to the grocery store, continue to do what I can for as long as I can do it.
      Second, still talk to people about Jesus!
      Third, I have faith enough to know that God in the midst even if I can’t see. I believe His word to be absolute truth!
      Fourth, what can man do, threaten us with heaven.
      Be patient my friend, God’ got this!

  12. In year 2018 the Lord allow me to cross stitch a work changing God bless America into America Bless God! I did it as is about time for us to do so and not given orders to Our Lord!!! We are standing still praying and attending Church plus Wednesday and Friday praying for our President Trump! Let’s wait unto Him only and rejoicing to see the prophetic word is real and sent by God! Tk You and all together AMERICA BLESS GOD! Tk You!!!!

  13. To everyone. Yes, we all must stand together and thru prayer and supplications STAND. Philippians 4:6.
    I’ve had the pleasure to complete a Revelation Bible Study. My quiet times seem to bring this scripture back to me, so I’ll share those. First is the United States and Sin.
    Revelation 2:6:7
    6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaitanes, which I also hate.
    7 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.
    Define the Nicolaitans. a sect mentioned in ( Revelation 2:6 Revelation 2:15) whose deeds were strongly condemned.They may have been identical with those who held the doctrine of Balaam. They seem to have held that it was lawful to eat things sacrificed to idols, and to commit fornication, in opposition to the decree of the Church rendered in ( Acts 15:20 Acts 15:29).
    Revelation 2:20 Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
    This scripture does speak for itself and very loudly to the churches today of how the government and laws that a evil. Marriage and LGBTQ that are not ordained by God.
    I also prayed in quiet time today and would like to add the church people who are filled with the Spirit of some of up are prophets.
    Amos 3:7 and Jeremiah 26:5 are fitting scripture. Please, test the spirits through prayer and scripture. 1 John 4.
    God Bless everyone, Keep prayer and Stand up for what you believe is the Truth. Truth is revealed by scripture.

  14. Having done all STAND. Thank you Wanda. The victory already won in heaven is coming into the physical as we speak!

  15. Parler has a letter from gop chairman of Nevada!! Says Trump will be inaugurated on the 20th!! There is much to do in the next 10 days. I can share the letter here or anyone interested can go to Parler and read the info, also President Trump will be addressing the Nation at 9pm EST, it is suggested to watch on Newsmax, Right Side Broadcasting, One American News Network, America’s Voice News. Keep believing Saints!! PTL!!

  16. Also: urgent prayer request for President Trump and family. “They’ve had serious threats and President Trump is not feeling well. It is believed all the stress has affected him We were asked to pray and asked for intercessors to pray.”

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