Crazy times call for some crazy faith. Impossible odds call for divine intervention. For those who are still contending for our president to serve another four years and for miraculous intervention in overturning the enemy’s plans for our nation, our hopes seem to diminish more and more by the day. Yesterday, as I was contending in prayer, the Lord whispered in my ear, “IT’S TIME FOR SOME CRAZY FAITH!”
Noah was CRAZY when he built the ark, telling the people of the coming flood. The fact was – it had never even rained before! Not only was this guy a nut job for building a boat, the suggestion of a so-called flood was…. CRAZY!
Moses was CRAZY to raise his rod above the waters. The people had obviously forgotten all the miracles just performed in Egypt. Now they were trapped at the sea’s edge with their lives on the line, and their lunatic leader was holding up his staff, expecting for dry ground to appear! CRAZY!
Abraham was CRAZY to cling to the hope of a son when his body was beyond human ability to do so. Not only was this physically impossible, even his wife said to “Give it up, already!” And yet he refused to give up hope. CRAZY!
God seems to have this habit of suggesting crazy things that have never happened before. And we seem to have the habit of quickly reducing Him to our previous experience and human logic. O, how quickly we dismiss anything beyond our current understanding and probability of success. As “believers,” I think we’ve forgotten what that even means. Do we actually believe He’s a supernatural being who can do anything He wants?
In spite of all the gloom and doom reports, the clock that’s clicking ever closer to our demise as a free nation, and people of faith dropping like flies – I still cling to a crazy faith. Why? Because I CANNOT DENY everything He’s already spoken and already promised through supernatural means. If we would take a minute to review all the dreams, visions, and words that have been collected for months, and even years, concerning this point in history, we would see a MOUND OF EVIDENCE of what God has CONSISTENTLY spoken about His promise of victory.
Just last night, I read through more emails sent to me by random folks all around the globe. Many of them contained dreams, visions, impressions, and words they had “unexpectedly” received from the Lord. Many of them have never had a dream or vision before. Some aren’t even Americans. And YET – they all say THE SAME THING. The breakthrough for this nation, the inauguration of President Trump to another 4 years, and the enemies of God being defeated – consistently revealed by His Spirit. How do we explain it with our natural mind? It’s CRAZY.
Folks, we have never been this way before. We are most definitely out of our league! And yet, if you are one who chooses to be crazy enough – welcome to Gideon’s Army of 300. It seems we are being whittled down to but a handful of crazy people of faith who refuse to quit or give up hope. God seems to have another habit of reducing numbers to make a point. He’s determined to make the odds of victory so stacked against us that we have no other option but to trust a miraculous – and supernatural – outcome.
It’ time for a crazy faith. Do you dare?
Only hold fast what you have until I come. The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father. (Revelation 2:25-27)
60 Responses
Amen!! I couldn’t have said it better myself!😊 My family thinks I’ve lost my mind, but I’m still standing and “holding the line!” There’s still quite a few of us out there who are believing along with you, praise the Lord, His mercy and loving kindness endure forever!!
Standing Strong and will always!!! Nothing will stop my Faith for it is in the LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIS WILL!!!
I’m hanging in there! Glad I have company.
Oh, I do dare!!! In Jesus Name, I dare!!!
YES!!!! I Believe!!!! We shall see the promises of God and the words of the prophets and dreams/visions of his people to come to pass. Watch and see the salvation of the Lord
Wanda, thank you for your faith filled words of encouragement! I am so thankful the Lord has connected us! You said that doing this is a lot of work. Sometimes we don’t realize the effort and sacrifice others make for us, I am so very thankful for yours! My faith has grown through your writings and videos. May the Lord richly bless you! Sheila
Amen!!!! I love every word of this! I have said out loud many times am I crazy to believe? This was such confirmation I am right where God wants me! I am so grateful for your posts!
Thank you so very much Wanda. What a timely word. YES YES YES I chose Crazy Faith. Praise God. May He bless and keep you always. Agape Jackie
I’m believing for Trumps inauguration! Nothing is impossible with God. I was watching a video about Moses and his Red Sea moment the other day, my phone rang and my friends name appeared on my screen, Moses! I got to share my beliefs with him about Trump and Jesus, though he thought I was crazy, I said just wait until January 20. Maybe will open a door for Moses to come to believe in Jesus, and participate in the great Revival to come.
Amen sister! Amen!! I just heard the Spirit say…”Hold on! Hold on!”
Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believed, you would see the glory of God?”
John 11:40
Thank you, Wanda, for this needed confirmation! You have just written and spoken what my heart believes. While so many are fretting, I want to jump and shout at the expectation I have in my God. My faith is not about Pres Trump, but knowing the goodness, faithfulness and character of my God.
The Lord gave me the word, “stand” for this year. I continue to stand in faith and prayer for the word of the prophets to be fulfilled. Our God Reigns and His will be done!!!
Thanks for sharing this word. We know when we hear from the Lord and we must stand when we have done all! Please do not listen to the distracting voices of the enemy. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing among the sheep. We listen to the Good Shepard and know His voice. There will always be those who wish to divide. Stand Strong in the power of our God and know that He will be shown to be victorious. Never, Never Give Up! We are praying for you and your family.
Hi Wanda, I am new to your blog and utube. I am enjoying listening to you but heard just today form a minister in California on utube that says there are no prophets that the Bible is the only truth and that Jesus said in the end things are going to get worse not better. Can you help me understand?
Hey Darlene, Im not Wanda, but i’ll chime in for a moment…God gave every believer with a set of gifts. It’s up to us to ask God what they are and ask him to help us develop them. One of those gifts is the gift of prophecy. This gift can take a long time to develop though. We have to mature in it and learn to have good character to use it. God wants to speak through his people to help others, warn others, pray for a future event to go well. Im not sure of my gift, but I may get a dream for someone so that I can change an outcome through prayer. I believe my sisters life was saved because of a dream I had, then prayed for a better outcome. They all say she had a real miracle. But another time I dreamt of going to my fathers funeral. It was a done deal, couldn’t be changed. But I then felt the opportunity to spend more time with him and we finally bonded in a much better way. Yes he died just as details in the dream dictated…Now I just had a dream that I believe I saw my sis in heaven. I also got to see part of her mansion. (Have to say I was a bit jealous not realizing where I was and how she inherited) it. Days later she said they found a dark spot on her lung. I am going to try to pray for years of delay. But at least God removed the sting of death for my sis and morning her. Because she will be in a real good place! But I will have to focus on making sure she’s going there…God is not boring…he works through willing people. Without hearing from God, my life becomes so dry and boring.
Loved your YouTube video today about having crazy faith Wanda! Looking forward to President Trump’s inauguration next week and also all the wonderful things God will do in this coming year and years to come. KG
Two words have come to my mind. Refining Fire! That is what I believe is going on.
Over the last few years the Lord kept giving me the phrase “on dry ground.” Lately I am seeing it is also for the nation and by extension the world too. It kept me going in my harsh circumstances.
A week or two ago I saw the number 300 several times in one day.
I am seeing almost everyone I know “dropping like flies.” It is disheartening, and I did my best to educate some of my loved ones, and now it is in God’s hands – as He told me to let go and let Him take care of them.
He has proven Himself faithful to me in so many ways over the years there is no way I could question His faithfulness now. I am excited!