As we take a stand for this nation and for our inheritance as sons and daughters, we must be assured of the victory if our prayers are to be effective. As believers, we are to be seated with Christ in heavenly realms where all authority resides (see Ephesians 2:6). We are not in a power struggle because the enemy has already been defeated. Rather, we are exercising our authority in Christ to rule over all His enemies until His Kingdom is fully manifest (see Psalm 110:1-2)

The three different places in the spirit that I often find myself in prayer is the throne room, the battle ground, or the court room. Since writing my book, MOVING FROM SWORD TO SCEPTER, I’ve seen how these three places differ and how to determine which place I need to be for the best outcome. Here’s a simple approach I’ve taken when determining how to pray.

I ALWAYS START IN THE THRONE ROOM! This is where we are to be positioned as sons and daughters of the King. He is our Heavenly Father who has already decreed His will and purposes for those in His Kingdom. He has given us His scepter, thereby granting us the same authority that He has in order to render just decisions to secure our inheritance. We have been dressed in robes of righteousness and stand in the place of victory and praise! As we stand secure in what He has already spoken, no enemy will have the right to override His Word. This is where we were created to exist and where we should spend most of our time!

However, there are times when the enemy crosses the line. I can sense something shift as things happen, events occur, or circumstances changes that allow the enemy to encroach into the King’s domain. It is THEN that I GO TO BATTLE with His sword in hand. My purpose is not to “fight” as much as to REMIND the enemy of what the King has already decreed. I wield His Word knowing the authority it has to push back the enemy at the gate and render his entrance null and void. If my declarations are on target, I should expect to see a shift in the battle and the atmosphere begin to change. This is the place where I pray in the spirit and worship unto the Lord, knowing the great power they have to immobilize enemy forces. Once it is understood that I have the authority and the right to be here, the enemy has to flee (see James 4:7)!

It is often on the battle ground that I may have to deal with some legal issues in the spirit and go to the COURTROOMS OF HEAVEN (See Isaiah 43:25-26, Revelation 12:10-12). If I find no breakthrough coming or sense a roadblock in the spirit, I will ask the Lord if the enemy has any legal right to be here. He may often give me clues through dreams or visions, or simply speak to my heart if there is a need for repentance in a certain area. It may be a generational stronghold, an unfit word spoken, or even curses spoken against me that have caused agreement with the enemy’s plans and given him access. It is here that I must reclaim my proper authority in Christ by dealing with any sin issue that has opened a door to enemy forces.  Once I deal with those issues through repentance and applying the blood of Jesus, my covenant authority is reestablished, and the enemy has no more legal recourse except to retreat. Once any issues are dealt with and peace in my spirit has been restored, I go back to the throne room in full confidence of the victory to come.

I have also found it very helpful to ask several questions before engaging in any battle.

  1. Is this battle mine to pick up? Has He called me to battle, or is He simply showing me what is merely passing by? Some battles are distractions and traps from the dark side. Choose your battles wisely!
  2. Is this battle in my field of authority or part of my unique assignment? Do I have the specific grace and confidence to confront the enemy with God-given authority? (I address this in more detail in chapter 4 of MOVING FROM SWORD TO SCEPTER.)
  3. Am I fully convinced of the King’s decrees? Can I engage with the enemy in full assurance of what God’s Word has already stated, thus making the battle extremely short!?

It is critical in these days that we are absolutely convinced of what the King has said and have fully embraced the Words He has spoken. The serpent continues to whisper doubts in our ears and tempts us to lose our confidence and hope. We must stay fully aligned with God’s Word, His decrees, and His prophetic promises if we are to stand secure and see His enemies crushed beneath our feet.

“I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil. The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.” (Romans 16:19-20)

Regardless of the enemy’s schemes, we have been given everything necessary to secure this nation for God’s Kingdom purposes. We hold the scepter of righteousness and stand far above any other principality or power that may seek control. I encourage you to stand with a heart at rest and a mind at peace. As an heir of the King, you have everything to hope for and nothing to fear. The government is on His shoulders, His Kingdom is ever increasing, and NOTHING can stop His advance!

Watch my latest video (16 min) in sharing more about these three different positions in prayer

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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


7 Responses

  1. Thank you! Wonderful message! My struggles as an intercessor has been quieted by this message. Thanks for the clarity & encouragement. Your love for the Body of Christ shows through!

  2. Thank you ma’am for your teaching and encouragement. It is applied and very much appreciated.
    Sincerely, Loretta Oakes

  3. Can you please explain your usage of the terms “religion” and “governmental,” please? You used them when you were discussing your identity. I truly appreciate the wisdom you impart, Wanda. Thank you and many blessings for you and yours.

  4. Why aren’t you caring about what’s happening in Texas? You only offer prayers if it serves you politically.

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