I had a dream two nights ago where I woke up weeping deeply after attending a wake for my mother. The wake was just ending, and I was picking up crumbs from the tables. I saw my youngest son, Joshua, to the side with his wife and they were simply watching and waiting. I was feeling the intense pain that I would never see her again and I realized I could never “go back.” I woke up still weeping.

In the natural, my mother passed away several years ago after battling Alzheimer’s for almost fifteen years. My own grieving process happened years earlier when she lost her memory of us as her family. By the time she physically passed, it was a joyous homegoing and our family was at peace. Personally, I couldn’t relate to this kind of grief in the dream and knew the Lord was showing me a pain that was going to touch many in the body of Christ in this coming time of transition of Holy Spirit upgrades.

We are about to enter a time from which we can never come back. The fact is, we won’t really want to as it will be a manifestation of Kingdom realities that we have long been praying and hoping for. Even so, that which has been familiar and even brought us levels of security is going to drastically change, and we must allow a grieving process as we cross over into the new. As wonderful as the new will be, what we have always known and felt was “home” – will never be the same.

The dream also showed that many of the systems our generation has grown up with have been man-made systems designed to put us in bondage (video with the additional details is below). Our systems of government, finance, health, education, and others, have been infiltrated with demonic agendas and communist overtones. We have been born and bred within a culture that has put our lives in chains – and we haven’t even realized it. We are now at our own “wake” and trying to salvage the crumbs of what we once celebrated.

The reality is that the generation behind us (my son in the dream, Joshua, means “Jesus saves”) is watching and waiting for us to leave these things behind so we can move forward together. Even as we allow the Lord to steer this transition and turn our hearts, we must also allow for the impact these changes will have on our soul and spirit. We are not just waiting for a government to be fixed, a President to be put back in office, or laws to change. Every system in our culture is about to experience a massive shift. The old wineskins are passing away and new wineskins are being formed. We are in a time of pressing and shaking, but we must persevere and not allow our frustrations or grief to sidetrack us from the journey ahead.

Those who are sensitive to the spirit are feeling the pressing from unseen realms and the stress of the unknown. Some are feeling caught in a vice with no sign of relief and made to believe we are losing the fight. And yet – the Lord wants to remind us – it is not our spiritual adversaries putting the pressure on us or the enemies of God that are squeezing us out – NO! It is actually the opposite. It is the Kingdom of our Lord and Savior that is pressing down on the enemies of the King! It’s the weight of the King’s presence and divine authority that is bearing down on the earth and we are feeling the devil’s consternation and contention. His minions have fallen into the trap and there is no way out as deliverance is soon at hand. The prayers and praises of the saints have been at work and heaven’s army is responding.

Know that this pressing is only for a time and the sorrows that come from these major transitions are only temporal. The wine of the Spirit about to be poured out upon the earth has been saved for this time and this hour. It has come at a high cost, but it will carry the fragrance of healing and the aroma of salvation. It will have the power to heal and deliver, to save and to set free. All that has been sacrificed in this season will soon be seen in the light of a greater glory for all to drink from. Prophetic promises will be fulfilled, and long-held dreams will come true as oppression is lifted, and supernatural healing of all kinds breaks out. The greater will outshine the lesser and the joy of heaven’s wine will flow without measure.

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” (2 Corinthians 4:7-9)


In the (30 min) video below I share my prophetic dream alerting us to the transition from the old to the new; the familiar to the unknown.

For more information on Familiar Spirits, click on these links to previous articles:


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Picture of Wanda Alger

Wanda Alger

Wanda has been in ministry for over 35 years as a worship leader, teacher, author, deliverance counselor, and speaker.


12 Responses

  1. Amen Wanda! We’ve gone to the same church for more than 20 years and though I love everyone like a family there, I wasn’t getting my spiritual needs met and through the Covid mess we decided to go to a different church, I wanted to go to a church that practiced spiritual gifts and I want to get more involved in reaching and helping others.
    I have some very close friends from the other church that I miss so much and it hurts a lot sometimes and it makes me sad. My best friend won’t even go to church because of covid, she’s so afraid. But I have to do what’s best for my walk with God, but some days it’s harder than others.
    I’m excited though for the future and what God’s going to do.
    Thank you for your insights and how you’re ministering to me and others.

  2. I’ve tried to comment before but can never get through. Have been following you since I found you in early January. Each time you post it is so meaningful to me. This one is stunning. Thank you!

  3. Good morning! Thank you for this word today. Spoke so strongly to my heart as much of the time I feel so frustrated and despondent. BUT GOD! I know we have this Sure hope in JESUS. I will continue to stand with faith and patience and inherit the promise of the good and perfect plan HE has for us. Wanda, many blessings to you and yours.

  4. Your dream reminded me of a dream I had 7 yrs. ago during a (painful) season when the Father led me to lay down all 3 ministries I was involved in. I dreamed my pastor’s mom died after a protracted illness or weakness. We went to see her, she was out front of a special place built for peace & serenity. My pastor is painting a picture of her moment of glory—bright colors, gold. We get in an elevator to go up to see her—there is sadness & loss but joy she’s at peace. I can share that the result of my painful season of laying all down resulted in greater intimacy & peace with the Father. We can comfort others with that hope as they leave behind the old to enter the new. Being outside ministry has helped me see areas of dead works and has given me a hunger to see the real, life-giving power of God manifested among us!

  5. I was just sharing with my husband last night that I just feel this pressure… just a heaviness I couldn’t explain. It’s not at all fear that God or His team is losing – quite the opposite – just a strong desire to see deliverance from the evil that surrounds us. Take it down Lord! and an ushering in of the promised glory of God upon our world. Enter into our realm like never before! The unsettledness within me is probably impatience on my part, no doubt.
    Thank you for sharing these thoughts as I do believe we are entering a time no one can even imagine! For the past few years God has lead me through this pruning, letting go, leaving the familiar in my own life path. And I have long believed that somehow I’m “blazing the trail” for others… go through it myself so I can help others come through when it’s time.
    I’m excited too for the future generations. God gave me blessings for my kids years ago and I’m excited to see how they grow into these destinies – especially in a place of God’s amazing glory among us and working through us (and them). They are currently ages 8, 10, 13 and I know God has amazing things planned for them. And the time is coming for them – the anointing into those destinies.
    Even myself – my mother has long not understood my deep connection to “women warriors.” But I believe God has created me for such a time as this – to contend – to push through these dark times to help usher in God’s newness for us. He’s taught me to be an “elegant warrior.” Like a ballroom dancer – she commands attention by her elegance, her flow, and her poise.
    Thanks for all your words of wisdom Wanda.

  6. i feel like i am changing by leaps and bounds! i ordered two of your books ‘Sword/Scepter’ and ‘Making Room…’ S/S i haven’t begun yet but ‘Making Room for His Presence’; i’m only on Day 2 and the Lord has really been dealing with me! WOW! WOW! WOW! Thank you!

  7. This is one of the most deep and insightful videos of yours I’ve seen to date. I determined that I must be dull in spiritual things and stopped feeling guilty about it after many years (decades) of condemnation, etc. I ‘only’ hear God when reading/studying the word as the Holy Spirit imparts insight and understanding to what I’m reading. Apart from this activity, all I hear are crickets and nothing more. So, not sure how I’ll fair during and after the transition but since I have no choice in the matter, there’s no point worrying about it now.

  8. I had my first angelic encounter at age 3 or 4. My parents were teenagers in the ’60’s and had 4 kids before 21-yrs old! They didn’t take care of us at all. I used to lie in bed fearing my bed was surrounded by rats and I felt trapped. One night an angel appeared and flew me around the house and hovering over my parents told me ‘always love them but don’t trust them’. I did both. But above all of this is that my love for God was born that night and despite living a godless and secular existence He lived in me and directed my path. Also born in my spirit that night is the gift of discernment.
    No prophetic dreams or any of that cool stuff!
    Mine is the gift that always receives! As my faith grows so does the gift, to the point where I am now more or less isolated from the ‘world’ and not as overwhelmed by this new age.
    What I see, what I hear and what God wants us to know is that there are still many ‘apples’ out there for all of us to bite, and bite we have! The poison of a sin-sick world is in us and we must allow God to heal us by showing us where the ‘apples’ grow in us and in our world.

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