But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. (1 Corinthians 1:27-29)
Spirit-filled believers have, for years, been preaching about the realities of the Holy Spirit and how we need to break free from religious spirits and traditional mindsets in order to embrace things of a higher realm. We have spent years trying to build faith for signs, wonders, and miracles in addition to championing dreams and visions about heavenly realities beyond our own.
And yet, now at a time when we are faced with seemingly impossible odds in the natural, we waiver in doubt and debate the veracity of those who have received supernatural information concerning our future. Those who have had heavenly visitations, words of knowledge within dreams and visions, and even been transported by the Spirit into the future, are now questioned and criticized for their witness. Those who dare to believe that our last election is still in play and that our legally elected president may still return, are now ostracized, ridiculed, and even condemned for their spiritual intel. Despite the overwhelming prophetic confirmations from thousands of believers across the world, dreams and visions which all speak of these miraculous outcomes are quickly dismissed – simply because things don’t line up in the NATURAL.
Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual. The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are folly to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:12-14)
Since when did our faith rest on what we see and understand in the natural? Since when do we ignore spiritual information by supernatural means simply because our calendars are fixed, our mainstream news is compromised, and public opinion speaks loudest? Are we people of the Spirit or not?
The majority of spiritually hungry believers have been predicting a soon-and-coming spiritual outpouring that will cover the entire earth. This Great Awakening and move of the Spirit has been preached for decades. If this is still true, isn’t it conceivable that God would begin to give us a taste of this before the entire world actually experienced it? Should we be surprised that God would begin doing things outside of natural possibilities? If all that we have prophesied about this supernatural outpouring of the Spirit is actually going to happen, shouldn’t we expect our human understanding to be inferior and the natural realm to seem limited?
In a desperate attempt to have integrity by man’s standards, several prominent Charismatic leaders continue to call for prophetic voices and hopeful believers to deny our dreams and visions and renounce our faith for the impossible. Those who still cling to a miraculous breakthrough to come are now being called foolish, fake, or worse yet, totally false. Is this how the Church is preparing for this worldwide miracle of supernatural outpouring?
Each of us need to take responsibility for how we are led by the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Our flesh will always tend to lean on our own understanding instead of the Spirit within. We can’t become so earthly minded that we’re no heavenly good. If we really want this awakening to the Spirit and prepare for an outpouring, we can start by getting our eyes off of what we see in the natural and start to believe what heaven is revealing. Let’s stop determining our future by what the world keeps telling us and start listening to what the Spirit has already said.
Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. (Colossians 3:2)
Lest anyone think I am merely standing for an election turnaround or a legitimate president to take office, let me clarify what I’m standing for:
I am standing for BELIEVERS to FACE OPPOSITION without compromise.
I am standing for CITIZENS to CLAIM THEIR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS and responsibilities.
I am standing for LEADERS who WON’T BACK DOWN because of peer pressure or popular opinion.
I am standing for JUSTICE that goes beyond rhetoric and actually FULFILLS THE REQUIREMENTS of the law.
I am standing for FAITH TO ARISE in a people led by fear.
I am standing for MORALITY to BE CELEBRATED and debauchery condemned.
I am standing for KINGDOM AUTHORITY to MANIFEST in governmental structures.
I am standing for the OVERTHROW OF DEMONIC PRINCIPALITIES and the displacement of wicked rulers.
I am standing for the LION’S ROAR to DROWN OUT the seducing voices of false shepherds and counterfeit leaders.
I am standing for an OUTPOURING OF THE SPIRIT to eradicate all fear of man and every false god of this age.
What I am contending for reaches far beyond our present circumstances because it determines our future and our very existence as We the People of God. I will not yield God’s promises to an illegal strongman or forfeit my inheritance to an illegitimate heir.
It’s time for the Kingdom of God to be demonstrated with power and authority and every other kingdom to fall. This is what I’m standing for. What about you?
19 Responses
Amen! Suspended from FB so I can longer see your posts thankfully I signed up for e-mail before the “Christian Nationalist” purge. Standing!!
Thank you so much for this word. It does get hard sometimes when you are vilified over the belief in GOD, HIS SON and HIS SPIRIT. We are told of prophecies, visions and dreams in the later days. Thank you again for the encouragement. Keep standing. We are put here believing and standing with you all.
Just wanted you to know that you are making a difference! Thanks from Yuma Arizona.
Love your posts and videos. Always right on the mark. You are such an encouragement to keep moving forward in faith. God is on the move and I don’t plan to miss it. Thanks.
There are tares around and, personally, I have never been asked by Holy Spirit to engage them beyond “a Word” in their hearing. That is always strategic in nature. Most of the time, He has me interact with His choices for planting, watering or harvest. I’ve learned that any level of correction offered is dependent on how many others have been sent to speak. Even then, I never took it personally. Sometimes it takes us a while to get our stances lined up with God, and yet, He died for us. Pray without ceasing. There’s more to this but this is pretty straightforward. Personally, I’ve got my ticket for the Glory Train of His visitation & the restoration of all things. \o/
Amen! Standing in agreement!
Thank you!
Your perspective is always helpful and encouraging.
I pray everyday for you and all of God’s prophets; for blessings and encouragement, that you will continue to boldly proclaim the words the Lord is giving you for such a time as this. We need your voices, there are more of us than them, they just have a bigger megaphone. God’s timing is always perfect and His Word always is victorious. The day of truth is coming.
Thank you, Wanda, for your encouragement. Feel alone right now. My dear hubby would “like to see something happen” and one son open but has a lot on his personal plate. Cannot speak to my other son about politics. Both sons no doubt are believers in the Gospel. Another family member can’t deal with it all even before the election, as it takes away from his personal peace, gets agitated, and just needs to focus on Abba. Appears other family members same. Ok. Get it. Co-workers clueless. It is a time to be brave.
Wanda thank you for this post and video. I so agree! What you are saying is so VERY important! I shared on Twitter and will share a mention of it at my blog. God bless you!
Wanda: You do continue to amaze me with the breadth of the spirit who display.
2 Thessalonians 1:11
Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power, 12that the name of our Lord Jesus Christ may be glorified in you, and you in Him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your faith, courage, and steadfast resolve. You keep me going.
WANDA, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: You are tried and true. I have Great Confidence in you and your messages. This is a Power House message for all of us, and it is THE WORD OF THE LORD. BLESS HIS HOLY NAME. Amen
It is very sad when we get a little or a lot of persecution that we don’t stand for Jesus and faith in Him.
Life is not about us but about Him and what He wants to do in the world.
This is a test to see who will stand and who won’t. We need to wake up and realize the kingdom is within us and we carry the power, the blood and the hope fir the world.
Yes! Thank you for standing and leading with encouragement and the word.
I stand with you, wanda. Breakthrough is coming on all fronts.
Wanda, you speak truth beautifully. I stand in faith for these same things and with what the true prophets have spoken. Not every item prophesied is visible, but I believe they are true. God will make their fulfillment visible IN HIS TIMEFRAME. We need to give Him thanks, pray, surrender our will to His will, and worship Jesus and our Father with our minds and spirit. Remember words of the song, “He makes all things beautiful in His time!”
Hallelujah! Glory to His name!
Thank you Wanda for your right-on words of faith and encouragement. I discovered you on IFA and found agreement with your messages. Then I discovered you had your own platform and now receive your emails. I forward them to others who thank me for doing so. You are a great BLESSING! I listen to your videos too.